The seasickness was so severe that the sea was still a mystery.

Wendy looked at Zhongli with some curiosity, while Xinhai and Anna from the Coral Palace beside him also looked at Zhongli with great surprise.

You should know that before this, the little grass god Nashida had used many methods but failed to solve the problem of seasickness.

As a grass god, she gets seasick, which has become a black history of the little grass god Nashida.

And this problem that has stumped the little grass god Nashida for a long time has now been solved by a handsome man.

When everyone's eyes were focused on Zhongli, Zhongli explained in a natural and gentle voice.

"The Grass God was originally the purest branch of the World Tree, and was transformed.

As a tree, it will naturally become weak without the moisture of the soil.

And there is no breath of soil to nourish it on the sea, so it will naturally fall into a weak state.

This condition is very similar to seasickness, but it is not seasickness.

So the previous Grass God almost never left Xumi.

I have never seen a Grass God take a boat...

For the Grass God, taking a boat is a tormenting thing.

When I first met you, I was surprised because you came by boat.

You are the first grass god I have ever seen who came to Liyue by boat.

I originally thought that you were not afraid of seasickness and had solved the problem of seasickness.

But I didn't expect that you actually managed to make it. "

Zhongli also looked at the little grass god Nashida with some curiosity and asked softly

"What is it that makes you prefer to take a boat instead of walking on land?"

After hearing Zhongli's words, the little grass god Nashida was stunned.

The original happy expression of the little grass god Nashida also froze on her face.

"Yes! Why don't I walk on land?"

It was not until this time that the little grass god Nashida remembered that every time she took a boat before, it seemed to be a choice made by her own wisdom.

This also made her feel that if she wanted to go to other places, she could only take a boat.

When the little grass god Nashida thought of this, the excitement and happiness that she had originally felt because she didn't get seasick disappeared immediately.

My wisdom...

You are confused!

Tianyun: "..."

Just when the little grass god Nashida was complaining about her own wisdom in her heart.

Wendy next to her waved gently, with a smile on her face, holding the fishing rod in her hand

"Let's go fishing!"

The little grass god Nashida stood there, looking at the Coral Palace Xinhai next to her with some hesitation, and then looked at Anna.

Then she looked at the pair of boots on her feet, and finally got on the boat.

The little grass god Nashida also wanted to experience the boat ride without seasickness.

After the little grass god got on the boat, Anna and Coral Palace Xinhai also got on the boat.

Several people squeezed into a small boat, and Wendy shouted on the side.

"Let's go!"

Several people rowed the boat and gradually rowed towards the far end of the port.

And there were many small boats moored there, and many people were fishing there.

When the boat deviated a certain distance, it stopped.

Everyone started fishing, and Anna on the side held an umbrella to block the sun for the grass god Nashida.

And Coral Palace Xinhai slowly jumped off the boat and sank the whole person into the water.

After Coral Palace Xinhai sank into the water, the noisy sounds outside gradually faded away.

Coral Palace Xinhai quietly enjoyed this moment of peace in the water, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Although the underwater world is not as bright as the land, every time you stay there, your heart will slowly calm down.

Coral Palace Xinhai slowly sank into the water and looked around.

Fish swarmed in the distance, jellyfish danced beside you, and people would unconsciously let go of all their worries.

It's great!

This is wrapped in flowing water, feeling this quiet and peaceful underwater world.

Coral Palace Xinhai slowly closed his eyes and felt the tranquility of the bottom of the water.

At this moment, a fishhook suddenly floated in front of Coral Palace Xinhai, and a candied haws was hooked on the fishhook.

When Coral Palace Xinhai opened his eyes, he suddenly saw a candied haws appeared in front of him, and he stood there in a daze.

This is...

What's going on...

Coral Palace Xinhai slowly raised his head and looked up.

He found that a petite figure was reflected on the edge of the water.


Grass God Nashida was holding a small fishing rod in her hand, looking at the water with expectation.

As time passed, fish were biting the hooks on the side.

Zhongli and Wendy also caught several fish, but the fish bucket of the Grass God was empty.

When everyone started to harvest fish, the Grass God Nashida's fishing rod was still motionless.

Coral Palace Xinhai covered his face with his hands in silence, looking at the candied haws hanging on the hook in front of him.

Listening to the somewhat aggrieved voice of the Grass God Nashida from above

"Why is there no fish biting my hook? Isn't it said that you can catch fish with delicious food?"

"Be patient, maybe you will catch it later?"

Wendy comforted the Grass God Nashida.

But Wendy didn't understand why the Grass God's hook didn't react at all.

Normally, there would be some movement even if it was bitten or unhooked.

However, the fishing rod and float of the Little Grass God Nashida were strangely quiet, without any reaction.

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