The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Coral Palace Xinhai slowly picked up the little grass god Nashida and slowly put her on the bed.

Then he covered her with a blanket and poured a cup of hot water on the side.

Finally, Coral Palace Xinhai gently kissed the little grass god Nashida on the face, whose face was red because of drunkenness.

"Wish you a good dream, Lord Grass God!"

Coral Palace Xinhai's cheeks also turned slightly red.

Then Coral Palace Xinhai shyly ran out of the door.

In the winter country, snowflakes were floating all over the sky, and the cold wind from the north blew a cold wind.

The pedestrians on the street had already put on thick clothes and started a new day of busyness.

Although the heavy snow was drifting, it still couldn't stop people's enthusiasm.

And in the temple at the highest point, a new round of consul meeting was being held!

The clown slowly stood up and looked at the executives below with a cold face and a serious expression.

"According to the news from the doctor, the God's Heart of Grass God Grass is in big trouble!

The Grass God is willing to hand over her God's Heart, but she has her own conditions.

The Grass God's trading condition is to give her two God's Hearts, and after it is used up, it will be returned together with the God's Heart of Grass God Grass!

Everyone! Tell me what you think!"

"This is impossible!

We worked so hard to collect the God's Heart, and the Grass God asked for two. How can you be sure that she will return it."

It turned out that the first person to speak was Tartaglia!

In Tartaglia's view, she spent so much money every day to support a Rock Prince.

As a result, the Grass God wanted to take back the God's Heart that she had finally obtained with just one sentence.

Tartaglia couldn't accept this kind of thing at all!

The rich man was not as excited as the young master. Instead, he looked slowly and asked the clown

"Why does the Grass God need so many God's Hearts?

We need God's Hearts for that great plan, but what about the Grass God?

Does she want to be the next Heavenly Principle?"

A girl was holding a huge puppet, lying lazily on the table and slowly speaking

"Why bother so much, just grab it directly!"

As soon as the girl finished speaking, the doctor slowly shook his head, still smiling and whispering

"I'm afraid it's difficult!

The God's Heart is not on the Grass God, but on a puppet made by the Grass God!"


Does the Grass God also make puppets?"

The girl came instantly, slowly became interested, sat up straight from the prone position, and looked at the doctor with interest.

The doctor was indeed holding a test tube in his hand, shaking it gently, with a faint smile on his face.

"According to the news from my other slice, this is the case.

And that's not an ordinary person~

That's a puppet with life, but it lacks emotions!"

"A puppet with life!

I didn't expect that the grass god could do this!

Then I really want to go and see it!"

The girl hugged the puppet tightly, with a little expectation in her voice and a sickly smile on her face.

After hearing what the girl said, the doctor laughed softly

"You'd better not go. If you go, I'm afraid you won't be able to come back!"

"What do you mean!

You don't believe in my strength?"

The girl raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at the doctor in front of her.

"No! This has nothing to do with strength!

The grass god used the power of dreams and the heart of God, plus the power of the world tree, and an unknown power.

It formed a huge dream that enveloped the entire world tree. All creatures that entered would fall into an eternal dream.

According to the news from the slice, the dream will reflect the inner world and materialize the world in memory!

Once you sink into it, you will never wake up again!

You should know that even my craziest slice was trapped in it, if it weren't for the study of the dark energy.

My slice couldn't get out of the dream, and even if it got out of the dream, it was still seriously injured!

The puppet made by the grass god is no less than that of Thor, and even stronger!"

After hearing what the doctor said, Tartaglia looked at the doctor with some guilt.

"Is that grass god as strong as you said!

I remember he is not the youngest god?

How can the puppet made be comparable to Thor!"

After hearing what Tartaglia said, the doctor was contemptuous.

He looked at Tartaglia, his eyes flashing with deep light.

"If the Grass God's puppet hits you, even 1,000 of you are no match!

With your personality, once you sink into the dream, I'm afraid you will never get out again!"

Tartaglia instantly wilted, stopped talking, and lay on the table dejectedly.

Obviously Tartaglia also understood that if what the doctor said was true.

Then he was indeed not the opponent of the Grass God's puppet.

After dealing with Tartaglia, the doctor looked at the rich man next to him and slowly answered his question.

"As for the purpose of the Grass God, it should be to save the corrupted World Tree. My experiment failed.

The dark energy did not improve the corruption of the World Tree, but instead increased the speed of corruption!

The World Tree is now seriously corrupted and is completely suppressed by the puppet of the Grass God.

We can't do anything to the puppet, otherwise the World Tree will inevitably fall into more serious corruption.

Then the eyes of justice will most likely be cast down!"

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