The door of the castle tower suddenly opened, and a very cute little figure with a green body appeared there.

Tianyun also sniffed gently, and looked at the food that had been placed on the table, and his appetite was also aroused.

"Are you eating!

How about I count as one?"

Before he finished speaking, a purple electric light suddenly flashed in front of Tianyun, leaving a deep burn mark in front of him.

This sudden scene made Tianyun stunned.

When Tianyun raised his head, he found that Lei Shenying was looking at him with dangerous eyes, and his body came to the front of the table, as if protecting the food.

Tianyun was a little amused after seeing this scene. He took two steps back and quickly explained to ease the embarrassment.

"You eat, you eat. I won't snatch it from you!

Fortunately, I prepared my own lunch!"

The Yae God Child beside him couldn't help but slapped his hand on his face after seeing this. He was speechless and embarrassed, and apologized to Tianyun with a smile.

"I'm so sorry, I made you laugh.

Our general may be a little...

protective of food!

You know, even I don't dare to snatch her food."

"Haha, it's okay...

Since you haven't eaten, why don't you two come to my place to eat?"

Tianyun smiled slightly, and the ring on his hand also lit up, and a table was taken out by Tianyun.

The Yae God Child looked at the Thunder God Shadow who was eating, and looked at her eating very sweetly, and she was also a little greedy.

The Yae God Child looked at Tianyun in the distance again, and after a little hesitation, she chose to walk to Tianyun.

Because Tianyun had already taken out a plate, and the plate was filled with fried tofu.

Xiangling and Guoba did not refuse, and the three people and a bear sat around the table.

Lei Shenying felt that the people around him had left, and just looked up, then continued to concentrate on eating the food in front of him.

Tianyun kept taking out various dishes, some from Liyue, some from Mondstadt, and some from Inazuma.

This time there were also some dishes from Xumi.

Tianyun took out various delicacies, and the Eightfold God Son looked at the table full of food, and his eyes were shining.

As more and more food came, the tempting aroma also drifted to Lei Shenying's side, looking at the various kinds of food on the table.

He looked at the dishes in front of him again, and suddenly felt that they were not fragrant.

Lei Shenying frowned slightly, looking at Tianyun's table eagerly, but there was no expression on his face, and he still sat there.

After seeing this scene, Tianyun felt a little funny in his heart. He was still arrogant at this time.

Then Tianyun slowly pushed the table in front of him towards Lei Shengying's table, and the two tables merged together.

Tianyun looked at Lei Shenying and smiled

"Then let's eat together, just like a party, everyone contributes a little food, right!"

Lei Shenying looked indifferent, glanced at the petite figure in front of him and said indifferently

"Since you volunteer to offer these foods, I will accept it!"

Lei Shen raised his eyebrows slightly, with a generous expression on his face.

The scene fell into silence in an instant, and an awkward atmosphere filled the scene.

Seeing that something was wrong, Yae Shenzi coughed twice to ease the atmosphere

"Ahem! Let's eat!"

After saying this, Yae Shenzi instantly picked up the fried tofu and ate it with a look of enjoyment.

After Yae Shenzi finished eating one, he fed another to Lei Shenying's mouth.

Lei Shenying didn't bother to be polite to Yae Shenzi, and ate it directly in one bite, but there was still no expression on his face.

Tianyun slowly closed his eyes and let the little grass god Nashida come out to enjoy lunch.

Anyway, the two of them shared a body, and the happiness that the little grass god Nashida felt when eating was something that Tianyun didn't have.

For Tianyun, it was just to satisfy the appetite, but for the little grass god Nashida, it was to enjoy the food.

Tianyun naturally chose the latter, and seeing the little grass god eating happily, Tianyun was also happy in his heart.

After the little grass god Nashida took control of the body, she scooped up the mapo tofu with a spoon and took a bite.

The whole face of the little grass god Nashida almost melted, and a satisfied expression was also on her face.

A fresh and spicy feeling burst out from the taste buds, and the tofu melted in the mouth, giving people a smooth and wonderful taste.

A burst of freshness exploded from the mouth,

The pure taste of tofu also bloomed in the mouth.

The sweetness and mellow fragrance of tofu were also fully reflected at this moment.

When the little grass god Nashida felt this incomparable delicacy.

She couldn't help but open her mouth and exhaled a breath of hot air.

The little grass god Nashida's face was full of satisfaction. She burned another spoonful and put it into her mouth with an expression of enjoyment on her face.

It's so delicious!

The little grass god Nashida used a fork to pick up a piece of beef and put it in her mouth.


The aroma of beef filled her mouth. After being braised, the beef was more delicious and more delicious.

This aroma made the little grass god Nashida feel the mellow aroma of the beef, which was bursting in her taste buds.

Then the little grass god Nashida picked up a chicken leg of sweet flower stuffed chicken and ate it directly.

When the tender and fragrant chicken meat entered her mouth, a sweet and fresh taste filled her taste buds.

The eyes of the grass goddess Nashida suddenly lit up. This smell...

It suits the taste of the grass goddess Nashida very well.

The fragrance of the sweet flower was completely integrated into the chicken after being slowly cooked.

The chicken was also slowly cooked, so that various seasonings penetrated into the meat.

The meat quality was sublimated and the taste was explosively improved.

The pure chicken aroma wafted out from the sweet flower stuffed chicken, which was fresh and fragrant with a little sweetness.

It was simply a delicacy on earth!


The grass goddess Nashida ate it in her mouth and said vaguely.

After seeing this scene, Xiangling also showed a satisfied smile on her face, with her hands on her waist and a proud expression on her face.


Sweet flower stuffed chicken is my best cooking skill.

Using the most common ingredients to make the most delicious taste is what I have always pursued!"

The Yae God and Thunder God Shadow beside him also nodded slightly to Xiangling, recognizing her cooking skills.

Tianyun felt the emotions and feelings coming from the little grass god Nashida in his heart, and he was very satisfied.

If Tianyun were to eat it himself, he would definitely not be able to taste such emotions and feelings.

But I have to admit that Xiangling's cooking skills are indeed unique!

No wonder Thunder God Shadow didn't protect his food when he ate with them before.

But after Xiangling came here, she started to protect her food soon.

In a sense, Xiangling is also a strong man who changed the will of Thunder God!

(Preview of the next issue

Chapter 104 Grass God borrows the heart of Thunder God, Yae God's advice

Chapter 105 Grass God takes Xiangling away, Wan Ye's Grass God Adventure 3

Chapter 106 Wan Ye, who is more priestly than the priest, Coral Palace Xinhai, who has bold ideas about Grass God

Chapter 107 What a real priest is like, Anna's experience of serving Grass God

Chapter 108 Grass God without money, Yae God's dark history of cooking

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