After dinner, it was completely dark.

Su Ze thought about it and decided to go to the train trio to ask about the situation.

Anyway, they also live here.

Knock, knock, knock——

Strange, are they not here?

Su Ze knocked on the doors of the other two rooms next to each other, but no one responded.

None of them are here?

He couldn't help but wonder, what did they do when they didn't come back at night?

Did they go back to the train?

Su Ze yawned and shook his head sleepily.

He wanted to sleep after eating.

The street outside looked calm, so it didn't seem like a serious matter.

It would be the same if he asked again tomorrow.

He had been busy for so long, and he hadn't had a good night's sleep.

Now Beloberg has settled down and is completely stable.

The rest is just a matter of time.

After returning to the room, Su Ze simply washed up, turned off the lights, covered himself with a blanket, and closed his eyes.

After a while, he fell into a deep sleep.

In a daze, he seemed to hear someone making a series of laughs.

"Hahaha... the interesting little guy woke up."

"Aha, I'm so happy."

Su Ze opened his eyes suddenly, and a strong sense of uneasiness surged in his heart.

He was surprised to find that he was standing in a boundless and endless mysterious space.

The surroundings were filled with thick fog, white, as if a thick veil covered everything, making it impossible to see the surrounding environment.

In this fog, a strange light attracted his attention.

A funny clown mask was quietly suspended in the air.

It was laughing exaggeratedly at him.

"Changle Tianjun, good day."

Su Ze stared at the mask in front of him, his heart full of doubts and vigilance.

Joyful Star God, famous for watching the fun.

The star god who likes to have fun is a headache, arbitrary, unpredictable, and no one can guess what he wants to do.

"The interesting little guy is actually from the territory of Lan, the boring guy."

"It's so funny!"

Aha laughed loudly, circled around Su Ze, and countless small fireworks popped up and scattered all over the ground.

Even Su Ze's clothes and hair were stained with some.


Su Ze was speechless when he heard this.

He is really worthy of being the joyful star god.

His brain circuit is different from others.

He can find fun in everything he sees.

"I wonder if Changle Tianjun entered my dream to give me any instructions?"

Although he is not the star god that Su Ze believes in, he is still a relatively friendly star god. Apart from his love of having fun and making trouble, there is no great danger.

He still maintains basic respect.

"Aha just thinks you're interesting, your identity is interesting, you're interesting, and most importantly, the little thing in your hand is interesting."

Aha swooped in front of Su Ze, his mouth opened and closed, and the smile on his mouth never changed.

"Hunting is boring, all I do is chase the pharmacist and shoot arrows all day long."

"Aha likes you, why don't you follow Aha."

"That must be fun!"

Su Ze was stunned when he heard this.


He couldn't believe what he heard.

No, you're just teasing him, right?

A star god came into someone else's dream just to say: Change the boss, follow me and you'll have a good life?


Aha really does what he wants, and it's hard to figure out.

Although Su Ze also thinks it's fun to poach the hunting people.

But if the person being poached is him, it won't be so fun.

"Changle Tianjun, I am not a hunter, you should know that."

Su Ze looked at the clown mask floating in front of him and answered weakly.

I am just an ordinary Xianzhou person.

I know the hunters, but the hunters don't know me.

The effect that Ah Ha wanted was not achieved at all.

"Aha certainly knows that you are not a hunter, you haven't even started your destiny."

"But don't most of you Xianzhou people believe in hunting? Do you believe in abundance?"

Aha said, with more smiles on his face.

If you believe in the pharmacist, it will be more fun.

It is well known that the hunting and abundance don't get along, and Lan is even more determined to hunt down the pharmacist.

It's so fun to believe in the mortal enemy in your own territory.

"No, absolutely not." Su Ze felt a chill inexplicably, and he quickly denied it.

Just kidding, this is the space opened up by the Star God.

What if Lan is attracted by accident?

He doesn't want to feel the Emperor Bow Siming'sLight arrow.

"I have always firmly supported and believed in Emperor Gong Siming!"

"Are you really not going to change it?"

"Changle Tianjun, please stop joking."

"Aha is so sad and embarrassed that Su Ze rejected me because of that boring guy Lan."

Aha cried and floated in the air, swaying back and forth.


Su Ze was at a loss as to what to say.

Didn't he say he was the God of Fun?

He wouldn't really cry, would he?

It was also his first time meeting the Star God, and he had no idea how to deal with it.

What would happen if he made the Star God cry?

Help, waiting online.

However, it turned out that Su Ze was just thinking too much.

How could he be really sad as the God of Fun?

Aha quickly approached Su Ze and laughed, "I was fooled, I was fooled."

There was no sadness on his face, and he looked like a prank had succeeded.

"I was scared to death." Su Ze secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was fake.

Otherwise, he was really afraid that the star god in front of him would suddenly retaliate.

"Su Ze's anxious look is so funny."

"Aha likes you more."


Aha paused for two seconds and blinked at Su Ze, "I decided to give you a small gift."

Then Su Ze felt a surge of energy in his body.

His destiny was opened, and it was joy.

"Hahaha, Su Ze, do your best! I'm rooting for you!"

With a bang, many small fireworks exploded and scattered.

"Thank you, Changle Tianjun for blessing." Su Ze forced a smile, and he was going crazy in his heart.

It's over. He was spotted by the god of fun and blessed.

With Aha's elusive appearance, his life will definitely become more exciting in the future.

Ah ah ah--why did things turn out like this.

He had been looking forward to starting his hunting life, but now he was forced to have joy.

In fact, joy is not bad, but he really doesn't want to be laughed at.

But obviously the facts are a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed.

He must not be discovered by Aha, otherwise he will be laughed at again.

"Aha is so happy, so he invited an old friend to come and see it together."

Aha happily spun twice, and a huge shadow appeared behind him.

Under the golden light, amber was embedded in the stone, layered up, forming a semi-hollow sphere.

Condensed inside is the strongest stone heart and the most shining amber.

This is the guardian star god - Klipper.

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