The way out.

The girl remembered it very clearly.

It was nothing more than walking the way back.

She was so familiar with it.

But this time.

She walked very slowly.

She felt that her limbs were as heavy as lead and it was difficult to take a step.

The night wind was much colder than usual, and it hurt her cheeks.

In addition, the road got darker with every step she took, and the roar of wild beasts came from the distant mountains and forests.

It was a double torture for the body and the mind.

Every step required great courage.

However, with her own perseverance, the girl finally came to the intersection outside the town.

She broke away from the warm embrace that she was attached to.

But when she took a last look at Hejiazhuang at night and was about to leave.

Two voices came from behind.

He Sanlang and He Wan, who found the girl leaving, chased after her.

"Child, wait a minute!"

"Huh... Take these things..."

He Wan panted and stuffed a package into the girl's arms regardless of whether the girl agreed or not.

It was filled with dry food, clothes, and some money.

"We are sorry for you."

"This book is now handed over to you."

"I don't expect you to save people from now on. As long as you can get a little food and clothing with the medical skills above, I will be at ease."

He Sanlang was no longer as serious as usual.

He handed a medical book to the girl.

And the girl also recognized this medical book.

It is a family heirloom of the He family, and it has always been passed down from male to female.

If she taught it to an outsider privately, she would face punishment from the master's family.

But He Sanlang taught it to her now. This kindness is simply beyond repayment.

"Don't blame you. You have done well enough. It's me... I dragged you down."

The girl kowtowed three times to thank him.

But when He Wan saw this, she quickly pulled her up from the ground, hugged her, and wiped her tears.

"What a good girl, if you were born in our family..."


He Sanlang sighed, and couldn't bear to see this farewell scene, so he turned his body to the other side.

Then he waved his sleeves.

"Let's go, let's go, your way shouldn't stop here."

"While your sister hasn't woken up yet."

As soon as he finished speaking, he coughed a few times, as if he was injured.

He Wan had to let go of the girl and go to take care of her.

"I told you not to come with me, I can come alone, but you refused to listen."

"Don't you know your physical condition? How can you bear the autumn wind?"

"'s a small matter, a small matter."

"She is also half of my apprentice. If I can't see her for the last time...ah cough...I will feel bad..."

"Besides, you also gave the money you saved to buy new clothes to that child...ah travel expenses..."

"Don't talk nonsense, put on your clothes!"

The words from behind made the girl want to turn back countless times, just to stay with them and take care of them in their old age.

Because she couldn't imagine what would happen if she didn't take care of them.

How would this family survive?

Is it relying on the sick old father?

Or the old and frail mother?

Or the three or four-year-old daughter?

But she couldn't turn back, and didn't dare to turn back.

Because she was afraid that if she turned back, she would never want to leave again.

If she stayed, it would only make their family more and more fragmented.

She could only make up her mind and leave.

This was the greatest protection and help she could do for them.



Just like that.

Hejiazhuang became a stop in the girl's life.

And the girl continued her journey.

But from then on, she also had another identity - a doctor who practiced medicine.

She treated rich patients.

She also treated poor patients.

Not for other reasons.

Just because she had received kindness from others and wanted to pass on this kindness to more people.

The girl also thought that her life would be spent like this.

Until one day.

An oracle descended from Sky Island.

The maintainer of order wanted the demons on earth to fight each other, and only seven winners were left to receive rewards.

The war that swept the entire continent was set off again.

Everywhere you look, there are the remains of the dead and the spreading flames of war.


A scene of devastation and grief everywhere.

Even the girl was affected and truly witnessed the cruelty of war.

The kind-hearted girl couldn't bear to see the fresh lives disappearing in front of her, but she was powerless.

So she resolutely threw herself into the war.

Use her medical skills to save those who were in dire straits.

Save them from the disaster.

Eliminate the pain brought by the war.

She traveled around the world.

Spreading good deeds.

She treated all the disabled and weak people she met.

Countless people who were hurt by the war were healed by her in the process, avoiding the destruction of their families.

Her reputation became bigger and bigger, and she was respected as a miracle doctor.

In order to thank the girl, people built temples for her and offered incense.

Everything was developing in a positive cycle.

But when the Demon God War was about to enter the middle stage.

What happened next changed her view of humans.

For more than a hundred years, she was in doubt about whether humans deserved to be loved.

It was a city with a serious imbalance in wealth distribution, extremely unequal status of humans, and obvious class divisions.

The poor were slaves from birth and were divided into which rich people belonged to.

They were enslaved by the rich for their entire lives by the powder of the "dream grass".

Under the control of addictive chronic poisonous grass, the poor could not resist.

They could only work hard to get some powder of the dream grass to eat, so as to reduce the pain when the symptoms occurred.

Then continue to work for the powder of the dream grass the next day.


Until the body was as thin as a skeleton and reached the end of life.

All their lives were just tools to create wealth for the rich.

When the girl passed by this city, she felt that these poor people were too pitiful and wanted to liberate them.

So she used her medical skills to make a batch of drugs that could eliminate the addictive symptoms brought by the dream grass.

Then distribute it to the poor.

The result was as she expected.

The poor who took the medicine were no longer controlled by the dream grass and overthrew the rule of the rich.

This should have been something worth celebrating.

But what the girl didn't expect was.

Those poor people who overthrew the rich did not eliminate the unequal system left by the rich.

Instead, they used them to make themselves the new rich and continued to oppress a new batch of poor people.

As for her, the benefactor who liberated the "poor", she was sent to the gallows by the people she rescued.

The ridicule, accusations, and insults that came from her ears made her love and kindness for this world be worn away bit by bit.

Her passion seemed to turn cold to the bone.

"Originally, my family could barely make ends meet by selling dream grass, and our family was relatively harmonious and happy, but because of your appearance, all of this was ruined!

My wife ran away because I was poor, and my son got seriously ill but I had no money to treat him, so I could only watch his condition worsen.

It's all your fault! It's all your fault! Why don't you just die!"

"Do you think that if you say a few nice words and do a few good things, the world will change, and no one will oppress us?

Although my husband was used as a slave before, at least he won't die, he's still alive!

But because of you, he actually believed the words that resistance would lead to victory, and was finally killed by someone.

Where is the so-called victory? We poor people are still oppressed by the rich, and the world has not changed!

You are the culprit. If it weren't for you, my husband would not have died!"

"My friend, look at your miserable appearance now.

I told you a long time ago not to be a good man. After overthrowing those people, we will become the new rich people. How happy it is!

But you don't listen and insist on blocking everyone's way. I can't do anything about it...

As long as you are alive, there will be another group of poor people who will resist us, and everyone will still suffer.

So in the end, I beg you, the good man, to sacrifice yourself for our happiness!"

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