The two of them did not get caught up in brainstorming on this issue.

The three chose to take practical action.

Throwing away the soil, they finally got a yellowed letter.

The content of the letter reads:

<If... we are separated in this war, wait for me in Konda Village, where we must have a stable home. >

At the same time.

Players found that a CG was naturally played in the game.

In the video.

The girl leaned in Teshima's arms, and asked with hope for tomorrow on her face: "Do you think we will always be together like this?"

"Of course!"

"What if there is any difficulty that wants to separate us?"

"Then I will do my best to overcome it!"

The young Teshima answered without hesitation.

But the girl just shook her head gently: "If there really comes such a day, I would rather you forget me and not suffer more because of me."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I will forget everything but you!" Teshima tapped the girl's head gently with his fingers.

Soon, several years passed.

The girl and Teshima also had their own little home.

Teshima was running around outside, relying on completing commissions to support his family's livelihood.

The girl took care of the chores at home, as well as washing and cooking.

Sometimes she would help the villagers mend old clothes to supplement the family's income, and she could often be seen busy late at night.

Although there was no great wealth.

But because the two of them had always supported each other, their lives were still sweet.

Until I don't know when, Teshima started to come home later and later.

The girl began to suffer criticism from the neighbors.

Because of the daily fatigue and the lack of confidence in her aging face.

Finally, one day she had a big quarrel with Teshima.

"We promised to be together forever, did you lie to me?"

But facing the girl's question, Teshima did not refute immediately.

Instead, he took out a wreath woven from the grass from behind and put it on the girl's head.


"You said that your favorite flower is the grass growing under thunder."

"Because it symbolizes that ordinary people still have the courage to face the power of thunder."

"I have always remembered this sentence."

"This is a wreath woven from ninety-nine grass growing under the thunderstorm of Tianyun Pass. It is perfect for your birthday gift."

"Look, how beautiful it is."

The girl, who was still angry, was instantly deflated when she saw this and stared at Teshima blankly.

"So these days, you have been..."

As if she thought of something, the girl quickly pulled out Teshima's hands and took a look.

As expected, they were covered with dense and tiny scars.

Obviously, they were cut by sharp leaves when picking the song grass.

Suddenly, the hand holding Teshima trembled, and her eyes became more sour.

"Silly, I was just talking casually, why... why do you work so hard and take such a big risk..."

Teshima touched his head and smiled: "There are so many whys."

"You deserve it, you like it, so I will do it."

The girl was silent after hearing this.

She walked forward and slowly hugged Teshima.

She expressed her emotional changes at the moment with actions.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't lose my temper with you, I shouldn't be so willful, if I had known earlier."

"Promise me, don't do this again next time, I just want you to be safe."

Teshima smiled and touched the girl's head in his arms.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

In the silent and cold night, the two people hugged each other, feeling each other's warmth and telling each other's secrets.

This happy time should have continued forever.

But the good times didn't last long.

Without any warning, the war broke out soon.

The village where Teshima and his friends lived could not escape the engulfment of the war.

As far as the eye can see, there are ruins and corpses of villagers everywhere.

The air is full of the smell of blood.

Even the stream was dyed red.

They were separated by this cruel war and fled to two different roads.

In the last moment, he only heard the girl shouting with all her might, asking him to wait for her in Konda Village.

Then there was no news of the girl.

So, the long wait began.

Teshima settled down in Konda Village.


Tian helped the villagers resist the monsters.

At night, he took the amulet representing the token of love and came to the shrine to pray.

Sometimes he would hold the amulet and look into the distance, expecting the person in his memory to appear.

Sometimes the loneliness of the night would break his psychological defenses, holding the amulet while crying and wiping his tears.

Sometimes he would get drunk and fall asleep in front of the shrine, calling the girl's name in his dreams.

But no matter the seasons change, the weather is cloudy or sunny.

For thirty years, Teshima still came to the shrine to pray every day.

Even if his black hair turned white, he did not forget the promise with the girl.

And he planned to wait like this.

Until the logo of the Eye Hunting Order flashed on the screen.

Everything changed.

The old Teshima felt that the memories in his mind, whether bad or good, were all moving away from him.

The time and images he had spent with the girl were like bubbles, shattering one after another.

"Please... don't take my memory away!"

He stretched out his hand to grab something, but he couldn't grab anything.

He begged, but the god ignored his struggle.

The girl's face became more and more blurred in his memory.

Those beautiful memories about her, her smile, her joy, are gradually fading away.

Slowly and completely disappeared in his memory.


When he came to the shrine again.

Teshima's eyes had lost their light, and he became distraught.

Looking at the amulet that fell in front of the shrine, he did not choose to pick it up again.

Instead, he kept muttering.

"What am I doing here?"

"Whose amulet is this?"

"Am I waiting for someone, but why... I can't remember what she looks like..."

"Why, I can't remember anything..."

When Teshima was holding his head in pain and recalling his past memories, the CG animation ended.

However, the players' faces began to look a little strange.

[Damn, why did you let me see this CG? I was in a bad mood today, and now it's even worse (sad)]

[You're doing this, aren't you? It's painful enough for Teshima to lose his lover, and now he has lost his memory. Are you a human being, screenwriter? (Subway old man's mobile phone.jpg)]

[Bear it, I'll bear it again. I will temporarily believe that there is no knife behind it. ]

"Huh? So Mr. Teshima is actually waiting for someone here?"

"But it's been thirty years, and you still haven't waited..."

After reading this letter, Paimon was a little depressed.

"Anyway, let's return these things to Mr. Teshima first."

Jiang Ning adjusted the atmosphere on the scene and said.

I was also touched by the perseverance of waiting for thirty years.

When they came back to the wooden house, they handed the envelope to Teshima.

"Yes, this diary is indeed written by me, and the amulet and letter... should also be my things."

"Although I have forgotten what is written on it."

"But I should have waited for someone here for thirty years."

After reading the letter, Teshima nodded and said.

Then, it seemed that the content of the envelope evoked some memories that had become very faint.

There was a little more light in his eyes.

"During this period, I recorded interesting things every day, so that when we meet again in the future, I can tell her about these thirty years one by one."

"A lot of things happened during this period... Time passed so quickly, so long in a blink of an eye."

As he said this, there was a trace of sadness on his face, but it seemed to be a confused expression.

"But why would I forget such an important thing?"

"Think about it carefully. After the Eye of God was taken away, I felt as if I was drained of my life."

"Whether it's love or regret, everything related to her has disappeared..."

At this time, Paimon suddenly asked again: "Will you be sad?"

Immediately, Jiang Ning and Ying rolled their eyes again.

Paimon, if you can't speak, just don't say it.

But Teshima shook his head.

"It seems, not that sad."

"After all, I have forgotten who she is. I can't remember her appearance, her voice, and the things she and I have experienced."

"It's as if she has never appeared by my if these years are just a vague dream."

After speaking, he looked at Jiang Ning and Ying again.


Thank you for helping me find a reason to stay here."

"I've been waiting for most of my life, so I'll keep waiting."

"But if I wait for her but can't even call her name, will she feel sad?"

Template:Contact:Contact:Contact:Teshima put his hand on his chest and felt the pain coming from there: "Once I think of this, my heart is really sad."

The players were almost unable to hold back when they saw this.

But they still chose to suppress their emotions.

But after Teshima's voice fell, the game screen went black.

Another woman's voice sounded.

"I have been waiting for someone here, and I can't count how long it has been."

"If I wait, can I wait? Or not?"

"I don't know the answer either."

"But I believe that he has been waiting for me."

"Thinking of this, it seems that the long wait is not so hard to endure. ”

“But, when we meet again, we will both be old men and women with white hair, right?”

“By then, will we still remember each other’s original appearance…?”

“And why do passers-by seem to be unable to see my existence and hear what I say?”

“Could Teshima be the same as them?”

This sudden appearance of the tail knife broke through the players’ defenses in an instant.

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