The red gene in Lao Ning's body has awakened? 】

【Okay, okay, that's how you play it, right? Then I can only... sickle and hammer, start! 】

【I've said it before, Jiang Ning is a pure-blooded Liyue person hiding in Inazuma! 】

【Hiss, why does this sound so familiar? 】

【Don't tell me, don't tell me, Jiang Ning is really a Liyue person (covering his face)】

【I'm determined to plant a red flag on every inch of Inazuma's land! 】

【Ahem, since everyone knows which country Liyue and Inazuma correspond to, it's reasonable for me to take the initiative to include Inazuma's territory in Liyue (funny)】

【What do you mean by taking the initiative? This is called the will of the people! (Funny)]

The players joked with each other.

And with Jiang Ning's answer, this conversation about the fight against the Eye Hunting Order came to an end.

"Jiang Ning, although I feel that what you said makes sense, there are too many people with wishes... Who should we start with?"

Paimon spread his palm helplessly at this time.

"Don't worry about this. I got a lot of information about people who lost the Eye of God from Miss Linghua."

"Three of them were most affected after losing the Eye of God, but at the same time, their wishes became more firm, and the resonance would burn out more blazing power."

"We can choose to start with them."

Jiang Ning said.

Shinri Linghua took the opportunity to add: "They are 'the warriors who protect the village', 'the warriors who executed the Eye Hunting Order in the past', and 'the swordsman who once aimed to be the best in the world'."

"Well, just as Miss Linghua said." Jiang Ning nodded.

"Then let's go without further delay!"

Ying suddenly felt full of energy and said decisively.

Jiang Ning seemed to notice something was wrong with her and was a little curious: "Ying, what are you doing..."

"Nothing, I just feel that if I have Jiang Ning by my side, I will have the strength of a hundred people and I am not afraid of anything!"

Ying narrowed her eyes with a smile.

"Ahem, then I wish you all success, and I will definitely hold a celebration banquet for you!"

Kamiri Ayaka interrupted at this time.


After leaving Kamisato House.

Jiang Ning and Ying came to Konda Village, looking for the "warrior who protects the village".

When they came to a wooden house near the stream.

They suddenly found that not far away, there were several villagers surrounding an old man wearing samurai clothes and with white hair and beard.

"What are you doing? After all these years, why are you leaving suddenly?"

"Yes, yes, we were not prepared at all, and we suddenly heard the news..."

"The children are still looking forward to you taking them out to play again... Please, please reconsider it!"

Based on the information given by Kamisato Ayaka, Jiang Ning judged at a glance that the other party was the person he was looking for.

So he walked over with Ying.

"Are you also here to keep Mr. Teshima?"

A villager named Mahiru said when he saw this.

"Hehe, hello, grandma, we just came here and don't know anything. May I ask what happened here?"

Paimon asked back.

"Mr. Teshima, he has been guarding here since he came here thirty years ago."

Mahiru glanced at the samurai surrounded not far away and began to explain.

"He drove away the treasure-stealing group, repelled nearby monsters, and mediated disputes in the village... He has put a lot of effort into this place, and we regard him as the most respected person."

"But now he suddenly wants to leave here. None of us expected this to happen, so we hope to keep Mr. Teshima."

"Is it... did we do something wrong?"

After saying that, Mahiru put one hand on her chest and said sincerely.

"If possible, we are willing to apologize to Mr. Teshima, and only ask Mr. Teshima to continue to stay here..."

The villager named Kenjiro next to him was a little indignant: "If you ask me, this matter may be related to the "Eye Hunting Order."

"Mr. Teshima did nothing wrong, but his "Eye of God" was confiscated."

"Then he was like... a different person."

As Kenjiro spoke, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart: "I can't tell, but it feels like he has lost something important."

"Walking around the village alone

After turning around a few times, he suddenly said he wanted to go out and travel around the world. "

At the end, Kenjiro's eyes became firmer:

"We don't know whether we should keep him, but we always feel that... we can't let him leave like this."

"Mr. Teshima has helped us so many times. This time, it's our turn to help him."

After learning the relevant information from the villagers, Ying said, "It seems that people nearby respect Mr. Teshima very much."

"Well, but this is all we can get from the villagers."

Jiang Ning also nodded.

"If we want to resonate with Mr. Teshima's wishes, we must first know what his wishes are."

"Let's go and ask him what he says."

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