The shadow lifted the Eye Hunting Order.

The thunderstorm off the coast of Inazuma disappeared.

The policy of closing the country was also abolished.

And with the deliberate promotion of the shogunate, the news quickly spread through various channels.

When the people of Inazuma heard it, they all cheered.

Some people breathed a sigh of relief because they no longer had to avoid being caught by the Eye Hunting Order.

Others were happy because the closing country order was abolished and they could find a new source of income for their families.

But there is no doubt that they all think this is a wise decision.

"It seems that everyone is very happy."

Kamisato Ayaka walked on the dark path with fireflies, and suddenly turned her head to look down the mountain and said.

It seemed to be to celebrate the abolition of the Eye Hunting Order.

At this moment, there were dots of fire rising from the buildings connected together at the foot of the mountain, blooming in the dark night sky, and turning into gorgeous fireworks.

"Has Ayaka rarely seen such a scene?"

After discovering that Kamisato Ayaka had the kind of sigh and longing for beauty on her face, Ying asked curiously.

After the party, everyone left with their own thoughts.

Jiang Ning and Xiao Gong, one said he was going out for a walk, and the other said he was going to set off fireworks.

Paimon was reluctant to leave because he saw so many delicious foods for the first time, and he might still be eating now.

She went out with Kamisato Ayaka.

As for Thomas, um... maybe he is still cleaning the battlefield with Taromaru now?


Kamisato Ayaka nodded gently.

"Before the Eye Hunting Order was abolished, Inazuma had very strict restrictions on the people, especially on flammable and explosive items with considerable power."

"In order to better suppress those who resisted the Eye Hunting Order, the shogunate sometimes even listed them as contraband and arms and arrested the sellers."

"So even for me, it is difficult to see so many people setting off fireworks together."

The colorful fireworks were reflected in Kamisato Ayaka's eyes, which was the curiosity and desire for new things.

So, wouldn't Xiao Gong be...

caught several times?

Such an idea came to Ying's mind.

But before she could say it, Kamisato Ayaka asked her with a hint of embarrassment on her face.

"Ying, actually I brought you here... to hear your story."

Kamisato Ayaka put her hands behind her back, intertwined her fingers, revealing the tension in her master's heart.

"I heard that you defeated the Wind Dragon and saved Mondstadt, and repelled Osel in Liyue."

"Now you have done something unprecedented, which is to make the general abolish the Eye Hunting Order."

"I only heard about these things when I was a child when my mother told stories..."

"Can you..."

"Tell me about it."

As she spoke, Kamisato Ayaka lowered her head with a blush on her face, and her voice became much softer.

She felt a little embarrassed.

To Ying, this must be very strange.

After all, who would inexplicably invite others to the grove.

And then say something like "I want to hear your story".

It's too embarrassing.

But it seems that there is a magic in her heart that drives her to do this.

Perhaps it is because of the influence of Inazuma's policy of isolation from the outside world that she cannot understand the outside world.

Or perhaps it is because she can't imagine why people of the same age as her have such rich experiences.

So she can't help but be curious about Ying.

Eventually it evolved into a motivation.

I couldn't help wanting to get closer to and understand the other person.


But Kamisato Ayaka didn't expect that Ying agreed so readily.

"Huh?!" She was a little surprised.

After all, she believed that there was a distance between hearts.

If they didn't know each other well enough.

A request like mine should have been rejected directly.

How could Ying agree to it without thinking like that?

It seemed that he saw through her inner thoughts.

Ying smiled lightly.

"As a traveler, being able to tell the story of myself and others to a third party may be one of the meanings of my existence... like this moment."

"And one day in the future, I may also spread the story of you and Inazuma to far away places."


Ying showed a trace of embarrassment on her face.

"The story I tell may be a little bit long. If you don't have patience, I'm afraid..."

"It's okay."

However, Kamisato Ayaka tilted her head slightly with a youthful and playful look.

She curled up, closed her eyes and smiled.

"I like to listen to your stories."

The voice was soft, like a budding flower slowly opening its petals.

Perhaps because they walked to an area with few trees, a small piece of moonlight fell on her at this time.

A silver glow appeared on her body, and the whole person became soft and hazy.




Walking on the small path in the White Fox Wilderness.

Jiang Ning kicked the stones under his feet with a somewhat unhappy look.

Hei Ning is really a guy.

He actually refused her request to set off fireworks with the weird reason of catching up on sleep.

Didn't he just let her out to fight? Is she so weak? Tsk!

It's not to mention that Ying was booked in advance by Kamisato Ayaka.

She actually.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

She'll just sleep.

Spend the rest of her life with the bed!

In the end, she'll sleep like a big fool!

Jiang Ning thought angrily.

He kicked the stone in front of him hard.

As a result, he grimaced in pain the next second, and his cute little face twisted.

"Hiss, it hurts, it hurts!"

Jiang Ning jumped a few times on the spot while holding the foot that kicked the stone.

When the pain eased a lot, he sat on the stone curb and checked the injured foot.

When he found that only the skin on the instep turned a little red, and there was nothing else.

Jiang Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he shook his jade-white calf in the air.

"Huh, a mere stone, you still want to hurt me?"

"I dare you next time!"

Jiang Ning said with disdain.

"Huh? What is Xiao Gong doing?"

But suddenly.

Jiang Ning was attracted by the sound of firecrackers nearby and cast his eyes over.

When she saw Xiao Gong and a few children gathered together, she showed some curiosity on her face.

Listened attentively.

"Sister Xiaogong, are you saying that this kind of firecrackers doesn't need to be ignited with fire, but will explode as long as it is thrown on the ground?!"

One of the children asked.

"Yeah, this is the new firecracker developed by sister, it's fun, right?"

Xiaogong said with a smile.

Then she touched the child's head and pointed to the pile of firecrackers not far from Jiang Ning who had his back to her.

"But remember, you can't throw the firecrackers into the pile of firecrackers over there."

"Got it!"

The children said in unison.

Then, Xiaogong played with the firecrackers with them.

And the follow-up was exactly as Jiang Ning expected.

Children just like to 'knowingly go to the trouble'.

The more they are not allowed to do something, the more they have to do it.


With a firecracker thrown out.

Its trajectory just flew towards the pile of firecrackers on the side.

It was about to touch the pile of firecrackers and explode, and then ignite all the firecrackers.

Xiao Gong looked embarrassed.

The children were frightened and their faces turned pale.


But as a human teasing sound was heard, Jiang Ning took action.

He condensed the firecracker into ice and dropped it to the ground.

He prevented himself from being affected.

"Sister, I want to play games with you, too, can I?"

Jiang Ning said with his head down.

He moved his hands in the pile of firecrackers, not knowing what he was doing.

"So cool!"

"Big sister, do you want to play with us too? Great!"

The children cheered.

They didn't notice anything unusual, they just felt that they had an extra playmate.

But Xiao Gong.

She was about to say hello to Jiang Ning, but her words were stuck in her throat.

Then, as if she had seen something extremely scary, she swallowed her saliva, and a drop of sweat slid down her cheek.

Only the next second.

Jiang Ning raised his hands, and the gaps between his ten fingers were full of cannons.

He raised his head and showed a sunny and cheerful smile and said, "Then start counting down."

"Ten, nine, eight..."

For naughty children.

There is nothing better than educating them with practical actions.

Seeing this, Xiao Gong and the children's faces changed drastically, and they turned around and ran away.

In comparison, they just seemed to be playing a turn-based rifle.

You blow it up, I blow it up.

Pure primitive people.

And Jiang Ning's current firepower

is equivalent to the Nanmo Gatling machine gun!

If you don't run, you're an idiot.

"It's almost time!"


(The main story of Liyue and Inazuma ends here.

But the next special chapter will continue to write about these two countries and things related to Mondstadt.

The special chapter mainly talks about resurrecting dead creatures with powerful strength to expand power.

And some side or legendary tasks, you can look forward to it)

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