Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 564: An academic report watched by hundreds of millions of people!

Money is very important.

The premise for the basic theory of anti-gravity technology to be announced to the outside world is that the required high-tech products and materials can be purchased.

At the same time, the research and development of anti-gravity technology also consumes a lot of funds, and the funds must be earned back.

The research and development funds for anti-gravity technology are not high, because it does not involve large-scale experiments. Most of the main materials are only high-energy beams. Two weeks of experimental preparation are enough. In addition, the research and development time is only about one year, and the research and development funds invested are not very high. high.

However, knowledge is also money.

Zhao Yi believes that his knowledge is priceless, and the aviation group, the military, etc. also believe that it is necessary to double the research and development funds back.

How many times?

At the anti-gravity technology conference, the representative asked for $100 billion.

Just listen to the numbers and you'll know it's impossible. The figures in national-level scientific research funding and annual reports can easily reach hundreds of billions of dollars.

Actually, not so.

In the past two years, domestic scientific research funding announced has been roughly around 200 billion US dollars, of which corporate R\u0026D funding accounts for about 80%.

In other words, R\u0026D funds directly allocated by higher-level departments are roughly around 40 billion US dollars. The largest recipients of funds are the Academy of Sciences, the Department of Science and Technology, and the National Natural Science Foundation. The three together account for more than 50%.

Then only $20 billion is left.

The two tens of billions of US dollars must be allocated to more than 60 directly affiliated scientific research departments, and a portion must be earmarked for special scientific research expenditures.

Of course.

Some of the research on anti-gravity may be funded by aviation groups, but a figure of 100 billion US dollars is absolutely impossible. Most participants at the meeting estimated that 10 billion US dollars would be astonishing.

In fact, it is.

Some huge investment in scientific research must be demonstrated repeatedly. For example, the construction of the largest particle collider is still in the "demonstration stage" because too much money has been invested. Such a huge amount of money has been set aside. It is necessary to reduce investment in other aspects of scientific research, which will consume too much money and even affect the overall economy.

The particle collider is a project totaling no more than 10 billion US dollars.

Hundreds of billions of dollars?

Such a huge mobilization of funds will definitely cause some turmoil, and some news will come out. It is impossible for them to know about anti-gravity technology after seeing the 'photo of the mysterious device'.

Of course.

There is no point in questioning the representatives attending the meeting. The disclosure of anti-gravity technology is already the final bottom line. It is natural to earn back scientific research funds. It is impossible to invest a large amount of funds and then share the results with the world for free.

That's not greatness, that's just abnormal thinking.

Now the aviation group is preparing to use the technology of public anti-gravity technology to create a wave of technology monopoly to generate revenue. They provide basic anti-gravity technology and label it as "patent authorization".

This news is indeed very attractive, especially for large companies in need.

However, the first person to consult with sincerity was not a large company that really did scientific research, but the famous Mickey Mouse Company. They built Mickey Mouse Paradise and sold cartoon products at hand as their main means of revenue.

Mickey Mouse Company came to inquire about anti-gravity technology. If you think about it carefully, you will know the reason. They must want to rely on anti-gravity technology to build an "anti-gravity" experience center.

This is indeed a good idea.

The aviation group did not respond immediately, but stated that there would be an announcement later and would invite large companies in need to visit the anti-gravity device and strive to finalize some cooperation agreements in the anti-gravity field.

Follow-up, refers to the end of the anti-gravity report.

The anti-gravity technical report meeting being prepared by the Mathematics Center of Yanhua University is nominally organized by the Aviation Group, but the main participant and person in charge is Zhao Yi himself.

The basic theory of photon antigravity is still very complicated. It is a challenge for top mathematicians and physicists to fully understand the principles based on published paper reports.

The difficulty can be compared with Wiles's 'Fermat Conjecture' argument.

After Wiles made his proof report, few people fully understood the published paper. It was even said that no one could fully understand it.

Of course.

Probably because the proof process itself is not attractive, and top mathematicians don't want to spend so long studying the complex proof process itself, which is a complete waste of time.

The basic theory of photon antigravity is about twice as difficult as Wiles's paper, but it has been studied seriously by a large number of mathematicians and physicists.

This is a matter of attraction.

Anti-gravity technology is a completely different concept. It seems to open a new chapter in science. Any top mathematician or physicist will not miss understanding its principles, but if you want to understand them all, you will skip many processes. It takes too long to do research on a paper that is generally just a simple overview.

Even Edward Witten, who has relevant foundation and is also the top mathematician, found it very difficult. It took two weeks and there were some small details that he didn't understand well.

Not to mention the others.

Therefore, the report on photon anti-gravity technology is not to be missed. Many mathematicians and physicists are trying to get tickets in various ways, but only those scholars who are truly considered top-notch can get tickets. .

Those mathematicians and physicists who did not get tickets feel very sorry, but they can still watch the photon anti-gravity technology report on TV.

This can be said to be the largest academic report in human history, with the largest audience and the most influential academic report.

Although there are only more than 500 people who have received tickets to participate in the report, media from dozens of countries will broadcast it live, and it will last for five days.

Before the photon antigravity technology report began, many media had already declared, “This will become a mathematical physics feast that will go down in history.”

"More than 300 million people around the world are expected to watch the report immediately, and the number of people watching is comparable to that of the opening ceremonies of the previous Olympic Games."

“That’s the appeal of science!”

"As the core figure of the report, the world's top mathematician, physicist, Fields and Wolf Medal winner, young Zhao Yi, will explain in front of an audience of hundreds of millions how to guide science in the future. The explosive development of anti-gravity technology..."

This sentence is shocking to say.

In fact, it's just a matter of imagination. Academic reports are not sports competitions. Without a certain foundation, you can't understand them at all, let alone obscure particle mathematics, which also involves a certain amount of 'unknown mathematics' content. Ordinary Scholars at the university professor level cannot fully keep up with the ideas.

This kind of difficulty can only be faced by a few people.

Because there is a lot of public opinion, and there are live broadcasts by the media in dozens of countries, the photon anti-gravity technology report conference will definitely have a lot of people watching at the beginning, but normally speaking, the number of people will drop exponentially soon, maybe by the second On the third day, there were only a million, or even hundreds of thousands, left.

Hundreds of thousands of people is already a very good number, and there must be some of them who cannot understand it at all and just want to turn on the TV and receive some "advanced mathematics" influence.

The report meeting is approaching.

The Mathematics Center of Yanhua University has gathered many mathematicians and physicists from all over the world, and they are also the top ones.

Because there is a group of very important scholars participating in the photon anti-gravity technology report, the two hundred meters surrounding the mathematics center are heavily guarded. All unrelated people are blocked from the periphery. Only the organizers, invited scholars and others are allowed to enter. Only reporters who interview can enter the mathematics center.

Everyone who comes knows how big the report meeting is.

They were all discussing excitedly.

"This is truly the top academic stage! Zhao Yi, the number one mathematician, is worthy of his name!"

"Actually, when I first learned about the anti-gravity device, I knew it must have something to do with Zhao Yi. That is, only Zhao Yi can develop technology that transcends the times!"

"Photons and anti-gravity are unimaginable! When I was on the plane, I was thinking, if photons can produce anti-gravity effects, will there be errors in the mass of stars we calculate? Because there are many, many photons inside the sun. There must be some photons that will produce an anti-gravity effect, thereby hindering gravity to a certain extent..."

This statement caused a lot of discussion.

Many people talked together and expressed their opinions.

When they thought deeply, they found that the problem was indeed worthy of study, but the result was certain——

The number of photons in a star is uncountable. There must be some photons that coincidentally achieve anti-gravity properties, but they will certainly not affect the total mass of the star.

But why?

Many people argued and argued, but no one could convince anyone.

Finally, Zhao Yi appeared in the venue, and a group of people immediately gathered around him, "Zhao Yi, the report will only start tomorrow. Today, you will talk about this issue. Photons can have anti-gravity properties. Why is the mass of the sun not affected?" "

"Of course it's not affected!"

Zhao Yi smiled when he heard the question. He felt very relieved. The photon anti-gravity theory is part of the basis of interception. It only explains the anti-gravity technology, but when it comes to what the 'characteristics of anti-gravity' are, the only explanation is obstruction. Break gravitational waves.

It is precisely because the published theory is only part of the foundation and there are deficiencies in explanation that the question "antigravity causes the star's mass to remain unchanged" arises.

He still gave an explanation, "Because the principle of anti-gravity technology is to block gravitational waves. Here, I will also reveal that the principle of the anti-gravity device we are studying is to block gravitational waves in a tangential manner. Although gravity The wave is blocked, but the section itself does not affect the mass of the object."

"The interior of the sun is not controlled, and the chance of forming a large anti-gravity section is very, very slim. This situation is almost impossible to happen."

After Zhao Yi finished speaking, he added, "This is my understanding, but it may not be correct, because the research on anti-gravity has only just begun. There will definitely be more in-depth research and more in-depth theoretical analysis in the future."

Everyone around them nodded.

Most of the photon antigravity theory is based on mathematical logic, and there are few explanations that reflect reality. Most people do not know that antigravity technology forms a section that intercepts gravitational waves.

Only then did they suddenly realize!

I see!

"It is indeed right to come to the report meeting. Be sure to pay attention to what Zhao Yi said. Maybe a certain sentence can reveal a big secret!"

Many people think about it.

In fact, Zhao Yi also explained in an "excerpt" manner that the external reason is indeed the formation of a section that blocks gravitational waves, but in fact, the most basic principle of anti-gravity is to form a certain range of space obstruction, which is the function of photons and space. Form an area that 'reduces the squeeze of space on mass points'.

Because the principle of anti-gravity is related to space, it naturally has nothing to do with mass and can produce anti-gravity. However, because the earth is too massive and too close, the effect of reducing gravity is obvious.

That's all.

It was impossible for Zhao Yi to tell more in-depth content. He just gave a basic report and explained the mathematical theory of anti-gravity.

Report on the day.

The Mathematics Center was overcrowded early, and everyone who came was considered famous in the world.

The main venue gathered a large number of top figures in mathematics and physics.

There are fourteen Fields winners among them, including Edward Witten, Qiu Chengwen, Andre Okunkov, Wendelin Warner, Elon Lindenstrauss, Manuel - Bhargava, Martin Hare, Maryam Mirzakhani, Peter Schultz, Kocher Bilkar...


At the same time, there are nine Nobel Prize winners in physics, and the others are also world-class experts in mathematics, quantum physics, and high-energy physics.

Many media outlets exclaimed during the live broadcast, "This is the most influential and high-quality academic report in history. Everyone who participated in the conference is famous!"


"The most famous and influential one is Zhao Yi, who is about to take the stage!"

"In the past seven years, Zhao Yi's name has been resounding in the world of mathematical physics. He has solved a series of mathematical problems such as Goldbach's conjecture, Fermat's conjecture, NP problem, hail conjecture, etc., and also created his own boundary theory of particles. , creating his own school of theoretical physics."

"We believe that from today on, particle boundary theory will become the first subject of theoretical physics, because the antigravity technology of several people relies on the study of particle boundary theory."

Actually, not so.

The host's explanation is not completely correct. The photon antigravity theory is based on the experimental research of superconducting antigravity. It only applies some certain mathematical conclusions in the boundary theory of particles and string theory. The rest are all independent mathematical research. .

Of course.

The particle boundary theory is Zhao Yi's name in theoretical physics. The photon antigravity theory will almost certainly be connected with the particle boundary theory, at least ordinary people will think so.

Several people have to participate.

Backstage at the main venue.

Zhao Yi is already making preparations, but he is not preparing to give a report himself, but is encouraging Ruan Wenye, "It's no problem, Brother Ruan, don't be nervous, just treat it as an ordinary report meeting!"

“You only need to explain the basics and there won’t be any problems!”

"Everything is ready."

The explanation of the photon antigravity theory took three days. The result of the discussion was that Zhao Yi and Ruan Wenye were the main lecturers, and seven other experts provided auxiliary explanations and answered some questions that could be answered.

In fact, at first we only wanted Zhao Yi to come forward to explain, but Huang Zhong, Zhang Qican and others were involved in theoretical research on anti-gravity and were not exposed, so there was no need for them to come forward due to confidentiality considerations.

Ruan Wenye is different.

Ruan Wenye is a well-known quantum physics expert. Because he is the leader of the domestic particle collision team, he is well-known internationally.

Even if he is not exposed to participate in the research, due to work transfer, the outside world knows that he is involved in anti-gravity research.

Ruan Wenye was simply pushed out and shared the reporting work with Zhao Yi.

At this time, Ruan Wenye was very nervous.

When he thought that there were many Fields and Nobel laureates sitting in the audience to listen to his explanation, and that there were hundreds of millions of people watching the live broadcast, he became so nervous that his legs were shaking.

Although I thought I could handle the big scene, this scene was still a bit too big.

Ruan Wenye asked Zhao Yi weakly, "Can't you come first? You do it first..."

"It's all planned!"

Zhao Yidao, "The explanation in the afternoon will involve some key points. I'm worried about you..."

He said shaking his head.

Ruan Wenye's understanding of the photon antigravity theory is not as good as Zhang Qican and Huang Zhong. In the process of explaining key points, some content that needs to be kept secret may be revealed.

So the key point can only be Zhao Yilai. He has been studying it from the beginning. He can explain everything clearly and will not reveal any key information.

In the end, Ruan Wenye came to the stage with nervousness. He pretended to be calm and walked onto the stage. He stood on the main podium and took a deep breath and said, "Hello everyone, my name is Ruan Wenye. I am one of the researchers of the photon antigravity theory. What follows? Let me explain the most basic part of the theory."

This sentence was said in one breath, but when faced with a lot of questioning eyes from the audience, Ruan Wenye's heart trembled.

Those eyes seemed to be saying, "Who are you? I've never heard of it. Come on down!"

"Let Zhao Yi come!"

"We want to hear what Zhao Yi has to say!"


Ruan Wenye almost wanted to step off the stage, but he knew that hundreds of millions of people were watching, and he must not make any fool of himself, otherwise it would become a stain on his life.

He still pretended to be calm and began to explain the basics of photon antigravity theory.

November is here, please give me a monthly pass~~

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