Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 539 It’s fake, it must be fake!

For a moment, Zhang Gangchuan was very embarrassed. The words "Kunlun Type II" were strong proof of "stealing other people's achievements".

He felt his face was burning, and he was afraid to look at Zhao Yi. He could only explain with a wry smile, "It's not that I want to use this name. It was decided by the leader. I refused at first, but there was nothing I could do."

This explanation seems very pale, and everything is pushed to the leadership.

Zhao Yi nodded in understanding. On his way here, he heard that senior leaders talked about the manufacturing problems of War Eagle-1. The best option was to sell related low-end products to make up for the high cost.

The WZ-A2 engine is indeed suitable for export. Compared with the WZ-A1 engine, the performance of the WZ-A2 is much worse, but it has abandoned most of the bold designs, and the interior is still mainly traditional.

Even if the design and technology are completely cracked, it’s not a big deal at all.

The WZ-A1 engine is the core and key. With the WZ-A1 engine, the WZ-A2 engine becomes very useless.

If the WZ-A2 model can be used as the main export force, mass production will definitely reduce manufacturing costs and allow the manufacturing technology to mature quickly. Because it has many similarities with the WZ-A1 model, there are still many benefits.

The most direct benefit, of course, is in terms of income. The profits of aero engines, especially military aero engines, are so good. In the international market, high-end aero engines can be said to be "highly priced" because only a few can be manufactured. country.

In terms of the performance of the WZ-A2 engine, there are very few competitors in the world.

Even country E cannot be called an opponent, because the most high-end aero engines exported by country E to the international market cannot keep up with the performance of WZ-A2, unless they are willing to export the most high-end engines, but for national security considerations, this is obviously impossible. .

Of course, the most important thing is the seller’s needs.

If you only assemble low-end fighter jets, such as third-generation and third-generation fighter jets, you won't need WZ-A2 at all. However, this does not need to be considered. Military aero engines are not civilian products and require a large number of buyers. Mass sales, and perhaps a suitable buyer, are enough to support mass production of WZ-A2.

For orders, a few are enough.

Zhao Yi nodded thoughtfully, his face full of understanding of Zhang Gangchuan and the Kunlun Group. He also saw that Zhang Gangchuan seemed a little embarrassed, and felt that he should express his approval and approval, and hurriedly said, "Mr. Zhang's design, I really didn't expect it, 2 The engine can already be exported, which is awesome!”

"Your work efficiency is so high, really, from the heart..."

Zhao Yi said and gave a thumbs up.

Zhang Gangchuan was suddenly embarrassed again, because WZ-A2 had not reached the point of being exportable at all. They had only completed the test flight, and there were still many problems to be corrected.

This time it is much more powerful than the Kunlun engine, but it is conservatively estimated that it will take at least two years to reach regular production.

Taking the WZ-A2 engine to participate in the air show now is just a request from his superiors. He needs to show that the WZ-A2 engine can be mass-produced. He must first get the order. As long as there is an order, he can add more. With large R\u0026D manpower and funds, it doesn’t matter if the delivery time is delayed.

In short, with a confirmed order, everything else is easy to solve.

Zhang Gangchuan did not give a detailed explanation. After all, the matter was considered confidential and could not be spread.

Zhao Yi found that Zhang Gangchuan's expression was very strange. He just stood there and said nothing, and he didn't know whether he was laughing or something.

He saw the parameters posted next to the prototype and felt that he should praise it again. He said, "The performance parameters are also very good! It is enough to support more than four and a half generations of fighters. It is more than enough! At this air show, Type 2 should be on board. Bar?"


Zhang Gangchuan opened his mouth in an exaggerated manner, shaking his head in embarrassment, "No..."


Zhang Gangchuan suddenly nodded and said, "No, yes~~"


This time it was Zhao Yileng's turn.

Zhang Gangchuan took a deep breath, and the embarrassment in his body almost turned into anger. He simply turned around and walked back, saying, "Academician Zhao, I have something to do. Please leave for a while and you can watch as you like."

"What's wrong? It's weird!"

Zhao Yi shook his head in confusion.

At this time, Liu Jiankun happened to come over and immediately greeted Zhao Yi and said, "Academician Zhao, here you go! Take a look at Type 2, it's pretty good! After this air show, I tell you, we must provide guidance on the work of Type 2 Guidance." He pulled Zhao Yi and whispered secretly, "You should know, right? The second type is not perfect yet, and it will take a while. Now it is displayed in advance, hoping to attract international orders."

"Not perfect yet?"

Zhao Yi was immediately surprised. He glanced in the direction of Zhang Gangchuan and found that the other party was also looking over. He immediately turned his head in embarrassment. He looked at Liu Jiankun again and asked in a low voice, "It's not perfect... but that's no problem. But didn’t you get on the plane?”

If the engine is not put on the machine and there is no on-site performance testing, its performance cannot be verified, and it will be too difficult to attract orders.

"Going on board!"

Liu Jiankun affirmed, "Of course there is. Whether it's perfect or not is on the one hand and it's our business. There will definitely be some problems on the machine."

"It's not perfect, how can I get on the machine?" Zhao Yi was even more puzzled.


"J-40?" Zhao Yi opened his mouth in surprise. For the first time, he found that his thinking could not keep up.

It turns out that the appearance of the J-40 has this meaning. It did not say anything about the appearance. Others will definitely think that it is using the WZ-A2 on display, which is the Kunlun II engine.

Then...the order is there?


Zhao Yi gave a thumbs up, full of pure admiration.

The next day, the air show officially started.

Zhao Yi did not go to the air show. Instead, he went to a nearby military airport with senior leaders and saw the Warhawk-1 aircraft inside the airport.

This is still the War Eagle-1 that was tested, but some parts have been revised and improved, and a high-tech layer has been painted on the surface, which probably has the effect of invisibility.

Le Donglin, the technical director of the military, came over to introduce the leaders and Zhao Yi and his party, and explained the arrangements for the exhibition.

War Eagle-1, also known as J-40, will take off from the airport, fly around the exhibition for two minutes, and then accelerate to supersonic speeds to complete two highly technical and difficult actions: high-altitude dive and vertical lift.

After that it was over.

After speaking, Le Donglin also explained, "We have gone through many tests and the performance of the War Eagle is very superior. It is not a problem at all for it to dive at high altitudes and pull up vertically."

After introducing the mission of War Eagle-1, Le Donglin talked about the performance issues of War Eagle-1.

First of all, the performance parameters in terms of flight indicators have reached the most advanced international level, completely surpassing the F-35 of China. At the same time, the weight is lighter than the F-35.

At the same time, the aircraft is equipped with various advanced equipment, including the most advanced radar equipment, signal jamming technology, and basic stealth devices.

In addition, they are also considering the bombs of the Warhawk-1, and will conduct live-fire tests in the future.

Le Donglin also talked about future plans. For example, they are discussing the issue of landing gear.

Now this Warhawk-1 is the benchmark, and subsequent fighter jets will use it as a reference. Everything must be considered carefully.

The main thing Le Donglin said is that if it may be applied on an aircraft carrier, the take-off and landing device will need to be modified. Maybe five or ten years later, it will need to adapt to the aircraft carrier's ejection device.

Whether it is steam ejection or electromagnetic ejection, the take-off and landing device of the carrier-based aircraft must be reserved or modified.

The senior leaders nodded as they listened, feeling that the responsible technical team had considered it thoroughly.

Zhao Yi said, "Don't think too much about takeoff and landing for the time being, right? Maybe it won't be used on aircraft carriers in the future." He said and looked at the senior leaders.

The senior leaders were stunned for a moment, then nodded after thinking, "In this regard, you guys! You still have to listen to Academician Zhao!"

"Oh, of course!"

Le Donglin didn't understand very much, but he nodded immediately and wrote down a note in his notebook.

Zhao Yi was thinking of the Sky Fortress.

The core technology of the Sky Fortress is already available, and there have been breakthroughs in nuclear power control reactions. At least in an anti-gravity environment, there is no problem in manufacturing high-power, high-abundance nuclear reactors, so there will definitely be rapid technological breakthroughs.

Maybe in one or two years, we can build a high-energy nuclear reactor that meets the requirements.

Once the power plant problem is solved, the sky fortress can be built directly, and the technical difficulties can be said to be gone.

If the time is extended to five or ten years, it will be a question whether to build an aircraft carrier, and the aircraft carrier built may also be equipped with anti-gravity devices. At that time, what will be considered is 'anti-gravity vertical take-off and landing', not steam ejection. , electromagnetic ejection technology.

Therefore, there is no need to think too much about fighter jet takeoff and landing for the time being.

Next, Le Donglin talked about the issue of fighter jet loading equipment. There were some very professional things that were directly related to actual combat.

The current War Eagle-1 is not considered to be directly put into the battlefield, but it must be equipped with the most advanced technology. Because of the superior performance of the War Eagle-1, the military hopes that the War Eagle-1 will become an independent combat unit.

A separate combat unit must have comprehensive combat capabilities.

Then stealth and signal jamming capabilities are very critical.

No matter how superior the flight performance of a fighter jet is, its speed and flexibility cannot exceed that of a missile due to limitations in weight and pilots.

The biggest threats to fighter jets on the battlefield are tracking air-to-air missiles and anti-aircraft missiles. Only when a certain degree of invisibility is achieved, it is not easy to be locked by radar. However, it is very, very difficult to achieve this level technically.

While fighter jets are being tracked by missiles, they can engage in confrontation with jamming bombs, but the effects of various types of jamming bombs are very average.

In addition, signal interference equipment, whether it is to the air or to the ground, can play a certain signal interference role.

After listening to Le Donglin's introduction, Zhao Yi had a new idea. What he thought of was the research problem of spatial isolation.

Spatial isolation can block gravitational waves, but it has no effect on electromagnetic signals.

Gravitational waves and electromagnetic waves can both be said to be a kind of 'rule' in the three-dimensional space of the universe. What is blocked by space isolation is gravitational waves.

What about electromagnetic waves?

Is there some way to completely block electromagnetic waves from a spatial perspective?

"This is a good research direction, but it seems that we need to crack the electronics first? Everything still needs to be studied from the bottom up..."

"However, direct study of electromagnetic interference is also a direction. The relationship between magnetic field and electric field is a direct method, but it is difficult to get results. There are many studies in this area."

Zhao Yi still hopes that the research can be connected with space, rather than cracking electromagnetism through electromagnetism. The latter is meaningless from a theoretical point of view.

at the same time.

The exhibition has already started.

Because of the official announcement of the J-40, the exhibition received a lot of attention.

Many people in the aviation field who participated in the exhibition found surprises on the first day they came. They had not seen the J-40, but they saw the Kunlun II (WZ-A2) engine with some amazing performance parameters.

A large group of media reporters, as well as people in the domestic and foreign aviation fields, gathered around the Kunlun II engine, and many people inquired about the relevant situation.

When they heard that the Kunlun II engine was a model to be exported, everyone became very surprised because the engine's parameter indicators were so attractive that it could be said to have reached the highest level of international export engines.


There are reports about the Kunlun II engine both at home and abroad.

Many of these reports raise questions, because there was no mature engine technology in China before, and the Kunlun engine has also been reported. There is a gap between the parameter performance and international standards. Many top domestic fighter jets still rely on imported engines. How come Suddenly a very high-end aviation engine appears, and it is positioned as an 'export model'?

"This is impossible!"

"It must be a scam. They can't possibly produce such a high-end aircraft engine!"

"It's fake, it must be fake!"

Most of the foreign reports are in disbelief. It is simply unimaginable that China can produce such a high-end engine.

All kinds of conspiracy theories were floated.

There were not so many questions at the air show. Many people still watched and asked questions about technology and parameters.

In this regard, Zhang Gangchuan came forward.

Zhang Gangchuan is ostensibly the technical person in charge of the Kunlun II (WZ-A2) aeroengine. He talked about the performance parameters in detail and claimed that the Kunlun II engine has the most high-end technology. He was also responsible for on-site explanations of the engine prototype.

When asked about "flying on the plane", Zhang Gangchuan always did not answer directly, but showed a very mysterious smile.

at the same time.

Many media also began to report on it, and Zhang Gangchuan suddenly became the most important figure in the first two days of the exhibition. He is the person in charge of the most advanced domestic aerospace engines, and is even considered the 'designer' of the Type 2 engine.

At the same time, foreign countries also noticed Zhang Gangchuan.

Domestic air shows will definitely attract foreign attention, not to mention that many countries have participated in the air show and seen the Kunlun II engine on site.

They all knew about Zhang Gangchuan.

Zhang Gangchuan immediately became a person of great concern at home and abroad. Everyone felt that it would be best to poach him so that he could learn about advanced aero-engine technology.

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