Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 504 The end? No! Research has just begun!

capital Airport.

A civilian airliner bound for New York rose smoothly into the sky.

Li Ning is on the plane. He will first arrive at New York's John F. Kennedy Airport and then transfer to Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

This journey is destined to be very hard. Other passengers are taking the time to rest, but Li Ning seems to be in high spirits. He looks from left to right as if he is looking for someone, and he looks like he is flying for the first time.

There was a little white boy sitting across the aisle, pointing at him and saying to his father, "Dad, look at him, is he the same as me? He is naughtier than me, always looking around. You said, this is rude." .”

The white man quickly covered the little boy's mouth and showed an apologetic smile to Li Ning.

Li Ning was immediately embarrassed.

Children can't lie. The little boy directly told the other passengers how they felt about him. When he looked around, he felt that everyone seemed to have disgusted eyes.

He turned his head and said to the white man, "Don't you know me? Don't you know me? It's just... superconducting anti-gravity..."


"Superconducting antigravity?"

"Anti-gravity?" the white man said excitedly, "Is it a science fiction movie? You are a writer, right? I have done a lot of research on Superman and have always wanted to know how Superman flies. What is the story in your work? Explained?"


Li Ning found that discussing superconducting antigravity was a huge mistake.

He became much quieter along the way, because no one knew him at all, and no one knew about the problem of superconducting antigravity.

after one day.

Li Ning finally returned to Alabama and got off the plane in Tuscaloosa.

The journey along the way exhausted all the energy in his body. After leaving the airport, he just wanted to go home and have a good sleep. He no longer had the energy to think about superconducting and anti-gravity.

The next morning, Li Ning got up exhausted and went to the University of Alabama.

He doesn't worry about work at all.

Even though I went to China suddenly, there are completely different treatments between those who have achieved results and those who have not.

If nothing comes from this trip, he is almost destined to be dismissed from the school.

Now the school is welcoming him back. The dean of the School of Physics, the head of the Personnel Office, and several professors are staying in the hall together. When they see him walking in, they directly applaud him.

"Pah, pah, pah!"

The applause was warm.

"Welcome to Professor Li's triumphant return!"

"This is our Nobel laureate, beloved Professor Li Ning! At the same time, he is also our best colleague for decades!"

"Professor Li will be invited to speak next!"

Li Ning was surrounded by a group of people and said with a smile on his face, "I am very happy that my theory has been proven. But this is just the beginning. I believe there will be discoveries in the future. As long as we continue to conduct research in one direction, You will definitely gain something..."

He said a few words briefly.

The people in the hall immediately continued to applaud, as if in recognition of what he said.

After the welcome ceremony of the School of Science was over, Li Ning went to the personnel department to renew his position, and then paid attention to his course issues.

After everything was done, he returned to the office.

At this time, Li Ning was a little depressed to find that it was different from what he imagined. It seemed that nothing had changed.

He is still a full professor of physics at the University of Alabama, and his working environment, salary, etc. have not improved in any way.

Of course, it's normal.

Li Ning is already a full professor in the school, the highest scientific research position, and there is no way for him to continue to advance.

As for how much bonus the school gives...


The University of Alabama where Li Ning works, to be precise, the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, is a public research university.

The University of Alabama is also somewhat famous, but its ranking among national universities is not high, with its comprehensive evaluation ranking just outside the top 100.

The most powerful major at the University of Alabama is public relations management, followed by a medical school that is barely in the top ten, a law school that is ranked in the top fifty, information, media, medical nursing and other fields, all of which are recognized by the outside world.

However, the above has nothing to do with the Faculty of Science.

The School of Physics at the University of Alabama is not ranked at all. There are only a few professors in the school, and some are part-time doctoral students. Li Ning is considered the best among them.

When the college has little scale, talent, and achievements, the funds are naturally very small. They even worry about the maintenance fees of physics laboratory equipment, let alone giving large bonuses to professors.

The School of Physics at the University of Alabama will certainly not ignore an in-service professor who has achieved world-class physics results.

In fact, before Li Ning returned to school, the dean of the School of Science had already discussed it with the person in charge of personnel, and they all agreed on one thing -

Li Ning, I can’t keep him.

Li Ning has achieved the most cutting-edge physics results. If his superconducting anti-gravity theory has been proven, he will definitely win an international physics award.

If you just win a prize, even a Nobel Prize, it may not affect the position of a full professor. The key is that the field in which Li Ning has achieved results is anti-gravity.

The international physics community knows that Stanford University has the most in-depth anti-gravity research. Stanford University invests more than 100 million US dollars in anti-gravity research every year. Almost all scientific researchers who have achieved results in related fields choose Stanford University.

Even if you don't choose Stanford University, you will still get the subsidies from Stanford University.

Li Ning has completed the superconducting anti-gravity theory experiment and proved that he will almost certainly work at Stanford University. This does not mean that he will definitely "change jobs", but because of anti-gravity research, going to Stanford University will provide the best environment.

The University of Alabama has no relevant talents, not even relevant research.

In short, Li Ning will definitely leave.

Therefore, the School of Science and the Human Resources Department gave Li Ning a courtesy welcome instead of directly giving corresponding rewards.

Li Ning was a little depressed when he didn't get the reward, but he soon discovered that his life was not the same as before.

For example, there were several waves of reporters coming to interview.

The first to arrive were two entertainment reporters, also known as gossip reporters.

Li Ning accepted the interview looking forward to it, but the reporter's questions were all, "Zhao Yi did research with you, right? Are you familiar with him? What is he like as a person?"

"How much do you know about Zhao Yi? Can you tell me? What many people are interested in is how he went from a Rubik's Cube expert to a top mathematician?"

"Do you think Zhao Yi..."

Every question asked by gossip reporters is inseparable from Zhao Yi, because Zhao Yi is the focus of the news.

Zhao Yi is also very famous in Country M, but most ordinary people's impression of him is not that of a mathematician, not Goldbach's conjecture, not Fermat's conjecture, and not a three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram, but a 'super genius', ' Rubik's Cube Calculator', 'Top Hacker', etc.

These are the labels that most ordinary people in country M use to evaluate Zhao Yi.

Ordinary people don't care about academic circles, mathematical conjectures, mathematicians, or physicists. What they care about is related to life.

The Rubik's Cube Calculator was Zhao Yi's first label and the one that left the deepest impression. Many people are still using the original version of the Rubik's Cube Calculator.

That version is considered a 'classic'.

Another impression is that he is a super genius and a top hacker, because Zhao Yi pointed out loopholes in Apple mobile phones. Later, there were also some hackers who pointed out loopholes in Apple mobile phones, but compared with the quantity and quality, there is really a big difference. .

Whether it was pointing out loopholes in Apple mobile phones or making a Rubik's Cube calculator, it was all completed when Zhao Yi was in high school.

Therefore, the public thinks, "Zhao Yi gradually became a top mathematician from a master hacker and Rubik's Cube genius."

Of course the gossip media will care about Zhao Yi, because Li Ning doesn't care at all.

If only Li Ning's theory was proven, they wouldn't even come over to interview me. At most, they would just report it.

After the media reporters left, Li Ning's name was all in his mind. He couldn't help but shook his head vigorously and gritted his teeth and said, "I hate the gossip media!"

In the afternoon, professional academic media came to interview, and Li Ning's mood improved. He looked forward to an interview of his own.

However, he was quickly disappointed.

The academic media is very professional. When they first asked about superconducting anti-gravity, Li Ning gave a simple explanation.

Before Li Ning could be happy, he heard a reporter ask, "This is the research you and Zhao Yi did together, right? We read the paper, and you just published the theory, which is basically the same as twenty years ago."

"...That's right."

"So what did you do during the cooperation?"


"We all admit that the theory is yours, but most of the experimental verifications were completed by Zhao Yi, right? Now that the experiment is successful, everyone says it was your success together, but do you think that you are the one who succeeded? Stealing the results that belong to Zhao Yi? Because many people say that Zhao Yi can still succeed even without your theory."


Li Ning was stunned.

He thought about it carefully and found that it was exactly what the reporter said. The underlying mathematical structure was all done by Zhao Yi, and the experimental method was derived by Zhao Yi using the mathematics of the structure.

So, what's his use?

"its not right!"

"The theory of superconducting antigravity is mine. I published it twenty years ago."

"what happened?"

"It seems like everything has nothing to do with me now?"

The academic press is gone.

Li Ning took a long breath. He found that it is not good for the media to be too professional, because they want to create news, and their questions are sometimes very tricky. The key is that they are also very professional and do a lot of homework before the interview.

This is uncomfortable!

Li Ning really calmed down for a long time, and finally slapped the table and gritted his teeth and said depressedly, "I hate professional academic media!"


Li Ning figured it out. He knew the reason why reporters made things difficult for him.


"No matter whether I am from Country M or not, how long I have lived in Country M, or whether I have a Country M passport, they will treat me as a Chinese."

"We are both Chinese, and if I were put together with Zhao Yi, they would definitely make things difficult for me. Because Zhao Yi is more famous and popular, he is even like a Hollywood star!"

"Media reporters can't interview him, and they can't make things difficult for him."

"So they can only make things difficult for me... Is it time to go back to China? Maybe going back is the best choice."

Li Ning was silent.

the other side.

Zhao Yi was not bothered by the interview. He did not care about the results of superconducting anti-gravity because he felt that it did not belong to him.

He only accepted two interviews, talked about the experimental discovery of superconducting antigravity with a few familiar friends in the academic circle, and then closed himself up and concentrated on research.

Many people find it strange.

Because the superconducting anti-gravity experiment has ended, the experiment has maximized the 'anti-gravity' effect, the data has been collected, and relevant papers have been published.

What else are you studying now?

Anyone who is curious can ask Qian Hong. Qian Hong is Zhao Yi's exclusive assistant and has some knowledge of what Zhao Yi does.

This is no secret.

Qian Hong said to someone familiar with him, "Academician Zhao? He is studying anti-gravity issues? It seems to be about constructing mathematics, anti-gravity systems or something. He has explained it, but I can't understand it."

Gao Yihua asked strangely, "Hasn't the research on superconducting anti-gravity been completed? What else can be studied? Unless we build a large-scale anti-gravity experimental device, there will be no gains."

The other professors also nodded.

Among the physics professors in the School of Science, Sun Jiawen is relatively authoritative. He has published top international results in the field of physical experimental research. He has also joined the quantum physics experimental team and participated in the data analysis of the European Particle Collider experiment.

Sun Jiawen stood up and said, "Under normal circumstances, this is indeed the case. Superconducting anti-gravity, there is nothing to do."

"This is like particle collision. Without larger equipment, it is impossible to achieve results by relying on imagination. If you want to make more discoveries, you must build large equipment. But in this direction, what can be explored is very limited, and the cost and cost This is a big problem. If you want to continue research, you must apply and make long-term arguments.”

Gao Yihua asked, "Then what exactly is Zhao Yi doing research?"

Many people are curious.

In fact, not only physics professors or professors from the School of Science, but also researchers from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences are also very curious.

Everyone knew that superconducting antigravity had achieved results, but Zhao Yi seemed to have become even busier. He simply started researching without even visiting his own laboratory.

On this day, Zhao Yi finally went out.

He didn't go to the medical center, the School of Science, or the physics laboratory. Instead, he strolled around the campus and ran two laps on the playground, as if to relax.

Gao Yihua saw Zhao Yi and immediately chased after him and asked, "Zhao Yi, what are you studying recently? Why don't you go out?"

"Anti-gravity problem."

"Anti-gravity problem?" Gao Yihua asked strangely, "Isn't it over?"


Zhao Yi explained, "We only proved that after superconducting electricity is applied, it has the property of blocking the transmission of gravity through cross-sections, but it is only a superconducting material."

"I believe that it is impossible that only the spin of the ion lattice can produce a gravitational blocking effect. There must be other ways to produce similar effects."

"My research is this. First, I need to crack the principle of ion lattice spin blocking gravitational conduction and build a complete anti-gravity mathematical system."

"Then deduced other methods to block the conduction of gravity..."

"I said it on Weibo. In the near future, we will allow humans to float on the earth and experience the feeling of outer space. I must keep my word!"

"It's just a pity that my research has just yielded some results..."

Zhao Yi sighed, his expression looking very disappointed.

Today is the last day of August, please give me a monthly ticket. If you have tickets, don’t waste them. Thank you everyone~~

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