Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 232 No room for others at all!

There are countless mathematicians around the world who, like Terence Tao, have devoted themselves to the research of Zhao Yi's thesis, and are also preparing to devote themselves to the work of reducing the number 246.

Not only foreign mathematicians, but also domestic mathematicians.

Mathematicians working in the field of number theory will be interested in the twin prime number conjecture. Mathematicians working in other fields will also take a serious look at the paper as long as they are interested in number theory.

Every mathematician would like to shrink the number 246 and make the proof of the twin prime conjecture one step closer.

This work is quite meaningful.

It can be said that on the basis of 246, every reduction is an achievement enough to be listed in the four top mathematics journals.

Of course.

The first thing they have to do is to thoroughly research Zhao Yi's thesis.

at the same time.

Zhao Yi finally waited for Lin Xiaoqing.

The two hadn't seen each other for more than a month, but they felt happy to see each other. Lin Xiaoqing put her little hands behind her back and stood at the door with her toes raised.

"Is it just you at home?" she asked.

In the past two days, a large number of media reports have been reported on Zhao Yi. She feels that Zhao Yu may have guests at home.

Zhao Yi shook his head and said, "Very few people know where my home is. If anyone knows again, I will move."

"So scary!" Lin Xiaoqing laughed as she walked in.

Zhao Yi sighed, "You don't know. A large group of people are asking you questions. The questions are all the same. I answered them again and again, and my mouth feels numb."

Lin Xiaoqing smiled and listened.

She first walked into the kitchen and took a look, then went into the bedroom, lifted up the quilt and took a look, then walked to the living room and stood in front of the window, not knowing what she was thinking.

Zhao Yi then said in confusion, "Are you conducting an investigation?"


Lin Xiaoqing looked around with her big eyes and explained, "I am observing the affairs in the room to analyze and judge your life."

"What did you see?"

"You haven't lived here for a long time. Look, there's dust here." Lin Xiaoqing touched the window with her hand, stretched out her finger and said.

Zhao Yi rolled his eyes, "Maybe I'm just too lazy to clean."

"But it's like this everywhere except the bedroom, so it's not consistent with common sense. So you cleaned the bedroom today, right?" Lin Xiaoqing stared at Zhao Yi's eyes with her big eyes blinking.


Zhao Yi suddenly felt a little scary, and he quickly asked, "How did you start doing criminal investigation work? Didn't you study law?"

Lin Xiaoqing nodded and said, "But the college I am in is called the College of Criminal Justice, and investigation is also a required course. I hope to develop in the direction of criminal investigation. I will be admitted to the police station and become a criminal police officer like my father."

Zhao Yi suddenly understood, "So, you mainly want to see if any other girls have come to my house recently?"

"Who cares if a girl comes! What does that have to do with me!" Lin Xiaoqing was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and it exploded all of a sudden. Even her expression became nervous, and her cheeks became a little rosy with excitement. .

Zhao Yi quickly hugged her shoulders and whispered in his ear, "Xiaoqing, don't worry, it's enough that my home smells like you."

"What did you say!"

Lin Xiaoqing pushed Zhao Yi away shyly. Perhaps because her mood changed too quickly, her face became even redder.

[Flirting with girls, target: Lin Xiaoqing, learning coins +2. 】


This is not easy!

When I was in Zheng Yang, it had become almost impossible to earn learning coins from Lin Xiaoqing through words.

Now a sweet word can actually increase learning coins, so seizing the opportunity is very important.

The two sat on the sofa for a while. Zhao Yi turned on the TV and tidied the house with Lin Xiaoqing.

During the course, the two also talked about the paper.

Zhao Yi felt helpless, "So recently I have to live at home, otherwise I might not be able to sleep well at night."

"Then you let me come?"

"That's right!" Zhao Yi went over to give her a hug and said against Lin Xiaoqing's back, "Don't leave this weekend. I'll take you to school on Monday morning."

"What a beautiful thought!"

Lin Xiaoqing immediately pushed him away, "I have to go back to the dormitory at night, otherwise I don't know what the people in the dormitory will say. What happened last time, everyone knows that you are my boyfriend."

"So we're officially dating?"

"Who is dating you?"

"That's right!" Zhao Yi suddenly thought of the key issue. They didn't have a ceremony to break the relationship, such as a romantic confession, mainly because he felt it was childish.


Maybe Lin Xiaoqing doesn't think so?

Zhao Yi thought about it and simply shook his head. A very romantic confession ceremony was really not suitable for him. After all, his mentality was no longer that of a teenager.

It was a very warm day.

After the house was tidied up, Zhao Yi and Lin Xiaoqing cooked lunch together. After lunch, the two lay on the sofa, hugged each other and watched TV, and fell asleep unknowingly.

When it was getting dark, Lin Xiaoqing left.

In fact, Zhao Yi wanted to keep Lin Xiaoqing in a very manly way, but he found that Lin Xiaoqing was really stronger than him...

This is embarrassing!


Zhao Yi let out a long sigh and began to prepare for tomorrow's speech.

At 10 a.m. the next day, the largest classroom in the classroom building of the Faculty of Science was overcrowded early in the morning.

Sitting in the front row were school leaders, teachers, researchers, and other heavyweight scholars who came.

There were more than two hundred students sitting behind.

This large classroom, which can accommodate 300 people, was already occupied at half past nine.

Zhao Yi rushed there in a hurry. When he arrived downstairs in the classroom of the School of Science, he saw a familiar figure.


"Zhao Yi..."

Lin Xiaoqing looked embarrassed.

She actually wanted to give Zhao Yi a surprise, so she came over silently, only to find that there was a special inspection at the door of the teaching building of the School of Science, so she couldn't enter at all.

Zhao Yi led Lin Xiaoqing in a little funny.

There are several people beside him: Fan Lei, Meng Zheng, Li Renzhe, Xu Chao, three buddies from the same dormitory, all planning to come over to support him.

Zhao Yi doesn't need support, but his brothers in the same dormitory still have to take care of him.

Xu Chao also came to listen to the lecture. The study of number theory was of little use to him, but he was also very interested in listening.

The teaching building of the Faculty of Science is under martial law today, and others will certainly not be able to enter.

Zhao Yi took a few people in.

On the way, they started discussing quietly, "This is the legendary Lin Xiaoqing!"

"Zhao Yi's girlfriend!"

"Brother Chao, do you know her? I saw you greet her."

"We lived very close to each other when we were in Zhengyang. They were childhood sweethearts..." Xu Chao introduced in a soft voice.

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Yi walked side by side in front, and the embarrassment on their faces turned into shyness.

When she arrived at the classroom, she found hundreds of people watching when she entered the door. She immediately felt even more shy, but she still kept smiling.

Zhao Yi arranged a front-row seat for Lin Xiaoqing, right next to a female teacher from the mathematics department, and next to her was Qian Hong.

Qian Hong looked at Lin Xiaoqing and didn't know what was going on, but felt a little disappointed in his heart.




If she could be ten years younger, she might be able to compete, but time has passed.

Zhao Yi stood on the podium.

When facing the gazes of more than 300 people, he remained very calm, and the tension seemed to be non-existent in him.

"Hello everyone!"

Zhao Yi greeted everyone and went directly to the topic, "Today I will talk about the proof process of bounded intervals of prime numbers. I believe many people have read my paper, but of course many people have not. "

Although the students working here are all ordinary students, except for some special circumstances, the minimum academic qualification is a master's degree, and most of them are from the mathematics department. Otherwise, it is impossible to understand what Zhao Yi is talking about.

He went directly to the topic and wrote a formula on the blackboard, "Suppose there is a finite number N, so that there are countless prime numbers with gaps less than or equal to N."

"First we set a set, LIM, N tends to infinity..."

Zhao Yi's explanation officially began.

In the process of argumentation, he constantly made corrections to the value of N. However, in most of the previous content, he did not confirm that N definitely existed. After correcting it many times in succession and setting the value to 246, he relied on A transformation confirms that N exists, which proves that there are infinite pairs of prime numbers less than or equal to 246.

Zhao Yi's explanation took two hours. Most people listened carefully to the whole process, but I'm sure not many understood it from beginning to end. After all, most of the people present were still students.

Most of the high-level mathematics professors in the front row understood it.

When Zhao Yi put down the chalk, Professor He was the first to stand up and ask a question. The question he asked was very straightforward, "Zhao Yi, you corrected n many times during the proof process. Those corrections should be unnecessary." Bar?"

Zhao Yi explained, "During the proof and derivation process, I hoped to reduce the value of n as much as possible, but in the end I found that it was difficult to reduce it when it reached 246."

"So, without those correction parts, you can also prove that there is a bounded number n, but the value of n is too large. For example, in the first step, the value of N you assumed is 50 million."


Zhao Yi nodded affirmatively.

Professor He took a deep breath and continued to ask, "Isn't your current explanation much more detailed than the paper?"


Zhao Yi still nodded affirmatively. He found that Professor He's level was indeed high. He had already understood all the contents of the paper and what he explained, and he seemed to have grasped any key points?

"I see."

Professor He's reaction was a bit unexpected. He smiled bitterly, shook his head, and made a comment, "You don't leave any room for others at all!"


Zhao Yi didn't understand.

But Professor Zhou Li understood. He smiled bitterly along with Professor He, stood up and said, "I was thinking about reducing the number 246 before. Fortunately, Zhao Yi, after listening to your speech, I knew that if you think about it, Reducing this number is no less difficult than your research.”

"I don't know how many people will..."

Zhou Li shook his head as he spoke.

The speech is over.


Zhao Yi exchanged a few words with Professor He and Zhou Li before finally understanding that many mathematicians hope to shrink the number 246. They have not heard Zhao Yi's speech and do not know how difficult it is.

So what is certain is that they are destined to come up empty-handed!

It's as if the person who pioneered the method of proving Goldbach's conjecture by using the almost prime number sieve method directly completed Chen Jingrun's proof...

What else are others doing? There is absolutely no room left for others!

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