Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 200 This is a play!

Yan Xuelin had long expected that when Zhao Yi wanted to find someone to collaborate with on research, he would encounter a cold shoulder, as if he asked Zhao Yi to be a researcher in order to buy a 'future' instead of a 'now'.

The difference is still huge.

Zhao Yi is a genius in mathematics and computers. His conjecture paper on the pathology of myocarditis proves his talent in medical research. But for now, he is just a rookie, not even a 'rookie'. He lacks basic knowledge. .

Others also hold the same view. They know that Zhao Yi's foundation is very weak. He has never even received an undergraduate degree. How can he design experiments and research projects?

At the same time, many people feel that Zhao Yi's hypothesis on the pathology of myocarditis is quite a matter of chance. He just watched the simple experimental process, imagined the process in his mind, and published it directly.

Although it has been proven that most of them are correct, the element of luck is still very high.

In subjects such as mathematics and physics, inspiration often plays a vital role, but medical research is different. Research still requires continuous experiments and experiments, and relies on data to summarize and analyze. Basic level is more important than inspiration.

Another thing is the system.

The Institute of Biomedical Sciences is a medical research structure within the system, and associate researchers have an "iron rice bowl." When doing research within the system, most people receive dead wages, and their most important pursuit is to "climb up."

Associate researchers want to be promoted to researchers, assistant researchers want to get the iron rice bowl of associate researchers, let alone doctoral students and graduate students, they can only work on projects with their supervisors.

Currently, each associate researcher and assistant researcher has a researcher who regularly leads the team. Unless they are very dissatisfied, it is impossible for them to leave to cooperate with Zhao Yi on research and development projects.

Of course, there are still assistant researchers, that is, 'postdoctoral fellows during the internship period' who want to work with Zhao Yi, the kind who are 'completely impossible to stay'.

The next day, Zhao Yi met Liu Chengjie.

In the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Liu Chengjie is at the bottom. He is not even as good as the doctoral students who are working on projects with their supervisors.

Previously, Liu Chengjie was in Li Hongshan's laboratory. He had very bad luck. As soon as Li Hongshan finished the project at hand and achieved some results, he was sent to Europe for academic exchange. He stayed there for nearly a year.

Others in Li Hongshan's lab could not be so kind as to assign their project to a postdoc who had "little hope of staying" because there were too many similar people.

Among various research institutions, postdocs are the most mobile. More than two-thirds of them work for two years and then leave directly to find a job. Staying here really depends on luck.

This is mainly due to rules. Postdocs who come here need to make achievements in a short period of time before they can be promoted to associate researcher. Otherwise, they have no choice but to leave.

It is not easy for most doctoral graduates to achieve results in a short period of time in a research institute. This is especially true in the field of medical research, which often requires researchers to accompany them.

Therefore, Liu Chengjie is very unlucky. His contract with the institute is still for half a year. If he cannot achieve results, he will definitely leave to find a job.

Now Liu Chengjie is just trying his luck. After he knew that Zhao Yi was recruiting people, he might as well try his luck.

Although everyone else felt that it would be difficult for Zhao Yi to achieve results again, and working with him was almost equivalent to doing things on his own.

But...what if?

Liu Chengjie felt that any hope was better than no hope at all. He nodded firmly and said, "Zhao...Brother Zhao, I'll do it with you. I also know a lot."

He was a little unsure.

Although he had worked at the institute for a year and a half, because he was an outsider and had no one to guide him for a long time, Liu Chengjie was really one of the worst performers in the institute.

"Don't call me brother, I'm not that old, just call me by my name." Zhao Yi felt very relieved. He originally thought there was only one Zhang Wei, but he didn't expect there would be one more.

"Come on!"

"Don't worry, cooperate with me and I guarantee results!"

What Zhao Yi is most gratified about is that the laboratory staff has grown in size. He, an 'intern with researcher's treatment', plus Zhang Wei, an associate researcher, plus an 'assistant researcher', have three levels: upper, middle and lower. .

very good.

Zhao Yi, Zhang Wei and Liu Chengjie, packed up the laboratory, cleared out all unnecessary things, and moved simple experimental equipment to the warehouse.

Then he went to the director's office to look for suitable projects.

Yan Xuelin simply sent him a list, which detailed the projects deposited in the institute, a brief introduction, and the remaining R\u0026D funds.

"If you can complete a certain project, the remaining project funds will be yours." Yan Xuelin said with a smile.

The projects deposited in the institute were those that we applied for funding in the past but could not complete. Some were because they were too difficult, some were due to accidents, etc.

A part of the funds for this kind of project has been spent. If it is reported directly for settlement, it will have an impact on the research. It will simply be delayed without settlement, and it will become a sluggish project.

In fact, it is the same as the police solving cases. Some cases just cannot be solved, so they can only be suppressed and left alone.

If someone else can use the remaining funds, they can complete the project directly. Not only is it beneficial to the institute, but the superiors are also eager to see this happen, because they do not need to repeatedly allocate funds to the same project, and the subsequent funding direction does not need to be reported. .

Of course.

If there is no progress in a sedimentation project and a large amount of money is spent, the research institute can only fill the hole. In fact, the problem is not big. At most, the use of funds is reported, and the remaining funds are reduced again.

Most researchers are reluctant to take on projects that have been deposited. The main reason is that part of the funds will be spent and may not be enough in the middle of the research. Secondly, they will not be able to produce anything, and it will also damage their personal resume.

A researcher has worked on several projects, just like an author has worked on several books.

The character is gone!

When applying for projects again, it will be more difficult to allocate funds.

Zhao Yi didn't care about this. He asked Zhang Wei to pick a project and treat it as his own training. Then he continued to arrange the laboratory, leaving the project work to Zhang Wei first.

Now Zhao Yi doesn't have time to do research, because he is going to Spain soon to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians. When he comes back, he has to go to Zhengyang, and it's almost time to start school again.

During this period of time, Zhang Wei was allowed to get familiar with the project and at least know which direction to think in. When he came back, he could look at the simple experiment and then use the "Law of Contact" to complete it.

Of course.

The premise is that ‘Zhao Yi Laboratory’ cannot collapse, that is, Zhang Wei and Liu Chengjie must be stable.

The day before leaving for Spain, Zhao Yi made a special trip to the research institute and encouraged Liu Chengjie, "Brother Liu, keep working hard, arrange the laboratory, and assist Sister Zhang in her work. When I come back, don't worry, I will definitely do it." If you have results, I will let you publish a few more papers when the time comes."


Liu Chengjie didn't seem to believe it, but he still nodded. He felt that Zhao Yi was unreliable. Fortunately, Zhang Wei was a real associate researcher and had just completed a project. With Zhang Wei leading the project, it was better than before. Some.

Next, Zhao Yi went to stabilize Zhang Wei. He especially played the emotional card, "Sister Zhang, after I leave, it will be up to you here!"


Zhao Yi looked at Zhang Wei with serious eyes, "Actually, I wanted to cooperate with you at first, but I didn't know how to say it because I was afraid of affecting you and delaying you. I really didn't expect you to agree to come and help me."

Zhang Wei's heart jumped a few times when she heard Zhao Yi's words.

Were you looking for me from the beginning? Embarrassed to speak? And... are you afraid of delaying me?

What's the meaning?

"I'll be away for about ten days, half a month at most, and everything depends on you!" Zhao Yiman said seriously.

"Do not worry!"

Zhang Wei is a kind of lady. She usually talks to everyone in a gentle manner. At the same time, she rarely expresses her thoughts. When she is in a bad mood, she always smiles when talking to people.

Zhao Yi didn't know what Zhang Wei was thinking. After saying so much, he walked away.

When I was in the corridor, I suddenly thought of a song and hummed a few words loudly, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, do you know how much I love you, I want to take you to the sky..."

[Flirting with girls, target: Zhang Wei, learning coins +3. 】

Critical hit?

Zhao Yi burst out laughing immediately. While stabilizing the person, he could also earn learning coins. It was really killing two birds with one stone!

The International Congress of Mathematicians is about to begin.

As the top academic conference in the field of mathematics, many people will definitely attend. Professor Zhou Li from the Department of Mathematics of Yanhua University is one of the participants. He will go together with professors from Capital University.

Zhao Yi and Zhou Li were not familiar with each other, let alone the professors at Capital University, so they just asked Professor He.

Professor He was already old and knew that there would be no further breakthroughs in the field of mathematics, so he simply stopped participating.

Zhao Yi finally decided to go with Professor Liu Hemin. He was very familiar with Professor Liu. Being with Professor Liu was equivalent to being with the team of the Academy of Sciences.

That's not bad either.

To a certain extent, the National Academy of Sciences represents the top scientific research and academic standards in the country.

Zhao Yi waited for Professor Liu and his party at the airport. The Academy of Sciences team was relatively large, with about 20 participants, mostly researchers related to computers, physics, and mathematics. Many people were also interested in Zhao Yi. They all said "Zhao Yi may be in the limelight".

Zhao Yi solved the Kakutani conjecture, which is the biggest breakthrough in the field of domestic mathematics research in the past two years. It can also be regarded as one of the top achievements at the International Congress of Mathematicians.

In addition, Zhao Yi also received a special invitation from the conference to give an academic report for more than forty-five minutes, which meant that his achievements were recognized by the conference organizers.

Someone from the Academy of Sciences was also invited, including Chen Ming from the Institute of Mathematics and Systems Science. He was also the only mathematician in the country to be invited besides Zhao Yi.

Facing all the compliments and compliments, Zhao Yi just responded with a smile, acting very low-key and making people like him.

Liu Hemin was concerned about the academic report, "Are you ready?"

"Not even close."

Zhao Yi's answer was unexpected.

Liu Hemin pursed his lips and reminded, "You don't have to do a report on new research. You just need to do a report on three-dimensional tremor waveforms."


Zhao Yi nodded. He prepared two reports. One was about the proof of Charles Fermat's conjecture, and the other was about the three-dimensional tremor waveform. He had not decided which report to make.

At first, he began to expose the problems in proving Wiles' Fermat conjecture, but when he thought about it, he became a little petty and made public academic reports specifically to prove other people's mistakes...

Doesn't it seem good?

Therefore, it is better to submit the paper to a magazine.

The content of the three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram is just the analysis of functions, and there seems to be nothing new.

Of course.

The content of the three-dimensional tremor waveform chart is definitely more than enough to "get past" the academic report.

All the way, tired.

There are no direct flights from the capital to Madrid, and you have to connect in Milan, Italy.

When the plane arrived in Madrid, Spain, everyone felt very tired and no longer excited about arriving in a foreign country. They just wanted to finish the formalities quickly and go to the hotel to have a good sleep.

The next day, Zhao Yi regained his energy and went to the meeting site with Liu Hemin and others.

There were already many people at the meeting site. Looking at the situation outside, we knew that the excitement must have lasted for several days.

On both sides of the road entering the gate, there were many people setting up stalls. Most of them came to put up a poster and write a shocking title. Those who passed by would publish their research on mathematics.

"Why don't they talk about it at the meeting, or simply publish it in a magazine." Zhao Yi asked a little strangely.

Next to him, Chen Ming replied directly, "Not qualified."

"Not qualified?" Zhao Yi continued to ask, "Can I also be in the magazine?"

"It failed to pass the review. Some parts were wrong, or the magazine editor couldn't understand what was written."

"I see!"

Zhao Yi understood a little bit and went to the stall with others to see that many people were doing this.

Although they all set up "small stalls" to display mathematical results, maybe the pearl will appear on the stall, but it is not discovered by anyone. Some people who really do research on mathematics have researched things that are too complicated and submitted them to the university. Magazines take a long time to review, and there may even be cases where the review fails because the content is incomprehensible.

In fact, this is normal. Advanced mathematics is too complicated. Just like Badles's proof of Fermat's conjecture, he first went to the Newton Institute to give a report instead of directly writing a paper and publishing it. He did not make a report to let people know. If his paper is difficult to understand, it will not be approved by the reviewers and published.

Zhao Yi and Chen Ming exchanged a few words and had to give academic reports. They were already familiar with each other, so they simply went aside to watch them together.

Suddenly a title came into view - "Proof of the Riemann Hypothesis".


Zhao Yi opened his mouth in surprise. He used various system capabilities to study the Riemann Hypothesis carefully, but he couldn't find a clue to the proof.

Has anyone here proven it?

Zhao Yi stopped in front of the stall.

When Chen Ming noticed that he had stopped, he also stopped and looked at the stall and muttered, "It must be fake. There is no need to look at it."

An angry shout came from the side, "Don't jump to conclusions!"

It was the stall owner who spoke.

The stall owner is a black boy, thin and frail, who seems to be a bit of a refugee. He is looking at Chen Ming with an angry face, "Why are you talking nonsense! You haven't even seen my certification process. How come it must be wrong!?”

The people nearby noticed that there was a lot of fun to be seen and immediately gathered around.

Chen Ming suddenly felt a little embarrassed, but he still replied, "Look at what you wrote, the Riemann Hypothesis! If you proved the Riemann Hypothesis, even the most powerful mathematician in the world would not be here..."

"It's because other people don't want to see it. These naturally arrogant white people don't want to admit that a black man surpasses them in mathematics!"

This map cannon... is awesome!

Zhao Yi sighed inwardly, took a step closer and said, "Then how did you prove it? Is there a manuscript process?"

The black boy noticed that Zhao Yi was very young and seemed a little unconcerned. Chen Ming immediately explained, "This is Zhao Yi. He cracked the Kakutani conjecture!"


The people next to him immediately started talking.

"It turns out he is Zhao Yi!"

"So young?"

"Although I don't think well of the age of East Asians, he should be in his early twenties at most!"

"Zhao Yi is eighteen years old, you are so ignorant!"


"What can you do at the age of eighteen? Kakutani guessed that he was probably lucky?" When faced with people who are more successful than him, there will always be people who say sour things.

After hearing Chen Ming's introduction and the crowd's comments, the black boy knew that the young Asian in front of him had achieved certain achievements. He walked aside excitedly and took out a large amount of money from his old schoolbag. The stack of things looks like ghostly symbols, with handwritten mathematical content on them.

"This is my original manuscript. You can read it, but don't destroy it..."

"All right."

Zhao Yi held the manuscript in his hand and carefully read through it one by one. He read through it very quickly. It took a minute to finish reading more than a dozen manuscripts.

What are you doing?

"If you don't want to read it, you won't read it. Why are you doing this!" The black guy looked very angry. He wanted to snatch the manuscript away, but he was also a little afraid that the fight would cause damage to the manuscript.

Zhao Yi handed the manuscript over and said with a smile, "On the third page, second to last line, there is a calculation error. You wrote an extra zero."

"Also, on page six, there is a problem with the logic of your proof. Before, most of it was correct, but due to logical problems,..."

When Zhao Yi spoke carefully, the black boy read the content of the manuscript carefully with suspicion.

I discovered that there was indeed a calculation error in the penultimate line of the third page.

There was no need to read the proof logic on page six. Of course he knew there was a problem, but he always felt that there must be a way to prove it, but he didn't think of it for the time being, so he just wrote it down.

What surprised the black guy most was that Zhao Yi had read all of his manuscript in just one minute and pointed out the mistakes?


He fully recognized Zhao Yi's ability and immediately asked nervously, "Are you sure the proof on page six is ​​wrong? There is no way..."

"no way!"

Zhao Yi said with certainty, "That is a wrong inference, not just that your proof conditions are insufficient."

"So, I'm sorry, but your proof is wrong."

Although he knew that speaking out would be a huge blow to the other party, mathematics is a rigorous subject, so he still said it.

"how so……"

The black boy held his head in pain, reviewed the proof process over and over again, and then bowed deeply to Zhao Yi, "Thank you!"

After saying that, he took his schoolbag and left quickly.

At this time, there was a lot of surprise around, everyone was discussing what just happened--

"It took him one minute to read a dozen pages?"

"You still found the error?"

"It's so fake!"

"Is this a play? It's really interesting. I think he can win the Oscar. The black guy is even better. Maybe he will be the best actor..."

A high-pitched joking sound came from the crowd.

Zhao Yi looked over and found that the other party looked familiar. It seemed that he had seen him somewhere. yes……

"Mr. Wiles!"

No need to think about it.

Some people at the scene have already expressed their exclamations.

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