126 – Uno and the Demon King

Tigris accepted Amoris’ warning.

“understand. I will never let Rakan learn the sealing art.”

Amoris was relieved by Tigris’ affirmation.

He hadn’t watched Tigris for a long time, but he knew that Tigris was a person who kept his word.

“Thank you, Tigris.”

“But there is one thing that Amoris-sama should know. At this point, the only person who perfectly knows the sealing technique to seal the Demon King is Amoris-sama.”

Tigris’ words were so eerie that even Rain Rover’s shoulders twitched.

Neither Rain Rover nor Amoris knew the meaning of Tigris’ words.

If they couldn’t find a way to kill Uno, the only person who had to seal Uno was Amoris.

Otherwise, this world will eventually be destroyed by Uno.

Amoris nodded with a firm expression on his face.

“I know that.”

“Then let me ask you a few questions about the sealing technique. Are you okay?”

“What are you going to ask about sealing?”

“I wonder if it is certain that Uno can be sealed with the sealing technique that sealed the Demon King.”

Amoris thought for a moment, then opened his mouth.

“Have I ever explained to you how to seal the Demon King? They lured the demon king to the current mysterious land and sealed the demon king.”

“Yes. you’re right.”

“Then don’t you ever wonder why it was a mysterious land? To give you a hint, we had no choice but to land in mystery.”

Tigris thought for a moment and then opened his mouth.

“I heard that the place where there used to be a mysterious land was the holy land of dragons. I think it may have something to do with the holy site.”

“It’s not 100% correct, but it’s close to the right answer.”

Amoris took a sip of the tea and continued.

“Where do I begin to explain this? I have to explain the relationship between the Demon King and the Dragon first.”

“At that time, the Demon King was strangely obsessed with dragons. It could be because the continent’s top predator is dragons, or it could be because they think the biggest obstacle to conquering the continent is dragons. So the demon king aimed at the dragon’s holy land, Scale Mountain, so that the dragons could no longer escape from the demon king.”

For dragons, the holy land is like the hometown where they spent their childhood.

Dragons are born on Scale Mountain and spend the Hetzling period.

And when it is time to lay eggs as adults, they lay eggs in the hatchery.

like salmon.

The only place that maintained the dragon’s species itself could not be taken away from the Demon King.

So the dragons, who were afraid of the demon king’s army, threw away their rarity and ran away, sprinkling blood to protect the holy land and confronted the demon king’s army.

The demon king fell into a state of being stuck in the strong resistance of the dragons, and Pereira and Amoris aimed at that moment.

“Then, together with the dragon, the holy land of the dragon…….”

“Dragons, unlike me and Pereira, are not sealed alive. Most of the dragons were killed by breaking their wings while fighting the demon king. The only surviving dragons were traitors who abandoned the Holy Land and ran away. Like the gold dragon Aurome.”

This was completely unknown to Tigris and Lane Rover, keeping their mouths shut.

“Then you mean the Demon King killed all the dragons? how?”

“Simple. The demon king’s armor was not penetrated by the dragon’s breath, but on the contrary, it was able to cut through the demon king’s black dragon’s scales and bones.”

The armor of the demon king cannot be penetrated by anything and the sword cannot be broken.

By the logic of that simple power, the dragons died like garbage.

“And when the demon king killed the dragon, he turned it into an undead and attacked it in reverse, so it was the dragon’s side that became disadvantageous as time went on.”

“Then how did you come up with the idea of entering the Scale Mountain and making the Demon King’s sealing ceremony? It seemed that the dragons value the holy land so much that they immortalized their deaths to protect it?”

Amoris said with a smirk.

“So I did it secretly. That’s why the elves and the beasts and the kings of countless kingdoms said that Pereira and I were crazy. But the odds were clear. Both dragons and demon kings were all nervous about the war, so they didn’t really pay attention to what was going on in the ‘hatchery’ in the Scale Mountain.”

Tigris and Rain Rover took their tongues off the daring gamble of Ferreira and Amoris.

If you make a mistake, you could be killed by a dragon rather than a demon king, how could you make such a bold decision?

It seemed that the Rain Rover would never gamble like that.

“I don’t know if I must have been disappointed with me or Ferreira. I mean, we used dragons to seal the demon king. But you should know that. When humans, beasts, elves, and dwarves tried their best to stop the demon king, the dragons fled to the holy land.”

The dragons acted as the continent’s top predators and went about all sorts of things.

Dwarves, druids, and humans lived almost as slaves, and only elves and giants who could resist dragons were barely living in jungle areas and cliffs where snakes passed, respectively.

“The lizard cubs pampered us enough to pamper us, but when the demon king appeared, they threw it away and ran away. So would you be mad? can’t you? Those guys are cheap guys.”

The reason the permanent residents remain silent despite the tyranny of the lord is because they know that only the lord and knights can protect them from attacks from foreign powers and monsters.

However, if the lord and knights flee first when an unstoppable foreign force attacks, the lords are bound to be angry to the very end.

It was the same with Amoris and Pereira.

“However, the lizards were more inconsistent than I thought, so they couldn’t properly block the Demon King. So in the end, Pereira had to step in. If the dragons had only the glory of the scales of the relic, they would have been able to endure it, but they disappeared somewhere.”

“The glory of the scales belonged to the gold dragon Aurome.”

“Is it possible that Aurome flew with the glory of the scales to live forever? No. so it doesn’t make sense Aurom, he’s really a nuisance until the very end.”

Amoris shook his head and sighed.

“However, I was able to push the Demon King into the sealing ceremony, so it can be said that the result was good. Anyway, what I want to say is this. The reason we were able to seal the Demon King is because he created an environment in which he had no choice but to enter the sealing ceremony. Even the Demon Lord cannot enter the sealing ceremony on his own feet unless he is an idiot.”

“Are you saying you need a sure lure to get Uno into the sealing ceremony as well?”

“right. Uno is a little different from the Demon Lord, right? I don’t know where Uno’s body is, no, I don’t even know exactly what Uno exists on this earth. Uno is the constellation, and the Demon King is… well, the Demon King.”

“Doesn’t Amoris-sama know about the true identity of the Demon King?”

Amoris nodded.

“We also tried everything we could to find out the identity of the Demon King, but we couldn’t find it. All I knew was that he was against the rules of this world and that the other constellations were afraid to mention it.”

Rain Rover tilted his head as if strangely.

“Are the constellations afraid to speak? Constellations are existences that require the intelligent beings of this world to survive. When all the intelligent beings in this world die, they will die too, so did you just wait and watch it?”

“So we thought it was very strange. Obviously, the constellations knew the identity of the Demon King. but i couldn’t tell Even the abilities of the Holy Relics were not properly activated in front of the Demon King.”

“Does that mean that the Demon King was a special being who could control the constellations?”

“right. I don’t know why the Demon Lord has such a powerful power, but the source of the constellations’ fundamental power may be related to the Demon Lord. Or have a special power to subdue the constellations.”

Tigris, who had been listening quietly, opened his mouth.

“To sum up, at least Uno is a lower level being than the Demon Lord. If it wasn’t for that, the lover wouldn’t have explained Uno in detail.”

“It’s not certain, but it’s very likely.”

Amoris drank the rest of the tea from the teacup and opened his mouth.

“If you can’t kill Uno and there is only one way to seal it, then you have to manifest Uno and then drive him into the sealing ceremony. But didn’t you say that Uno appeared at the end of the last episode?”

Tigris nodded.

“Yes. you’re right. After the Last War, both Lota and Arfem died.”

“It’s so strange. If I were Uno, I would have captured you in connection with Rota and Arphem. No, there was no need to end the final war in the first place. If Uno appeared from the time the ecliptic fell, you wouldn’t have been able to resist.”

That was the part that Tchrist thought was strange.

If Uno could appear in this world, why did it appear after Rota and Arphem died?

If Uno had entered the final war, Tigris and Rakan would have died without any resistance.

“Does that mean that Rota and Arfem needed to die for Uno to appear?”

“How would I know that? What I want to say is that just because Uno and the Demon Lord don’t follow the rules of this world doesn’t mean there are no rules. Surely they will follow their own principles and rules. If we find that law, isn’t there a way to kill Uno?”

“The problem is we don’t know how. If I had known how to do it, my lover would have told me.”

According to the constellation of Lovers, Uno has already planted minds that remember him on other planets besides the transit planet.

Even if Tigris temporarily prevented Uno’s invasion by killing Rota and Arpem, there was no guarantee that Uno would not invade the planet again in a thousand or even a hundred years.

“If the lover doesn’t know, ask the other constellations or the Dwarves’ archives may tell you how.”

“Amoris-sama doesn’t know either, can we find the answer by searching the archives?”

Amoris looked at the Rain Rover as if it were nonsense.

“You seem to be overestimating me, but there are a lot of things I don’t know. And I’ve been asleep for almost a thousand years. Meanwhile, the dwarves and elves left countless records. There must be some useful information in those records.”

Amoris yawned.

“Ahhh~ Are you a little sleepy because you didn’t sleep well yesterday?”

Amoris put down the car and lay on her side on the sofa in the study.

“I’m done with what I have to say, so I’m going to sleep here. Are you fine?”

“There is an empty bed, so why not sleep on it?”

“No, I’m too lazy to move.”

Amoris glanced at Tigris and said.

“why? Am I uncomfortable?”


“If you feel uncomfortable, tell me you are uncomfortable. Because it’s okay.”

“I asked if it would be uncomfortable to sleep here.”

Amoris cut the sofa cushion over her head and said,

“It’s okay because it’s not uncomfortable. If you have that blanket, bring it to me.”

Tigris began to feel a little uncomfortable with Amoris.

* * *

Amoris woke up late in the evening.

“Ugh, I slept well.”

There was a blackout curtain in the study room, so it was dark with no moonlight coming in.

Amoris straightened his scattered hair and looked at the corner of the study that was not clearly visible.

“why? Who told you to watch me?”

Where Amoris looked, a young spirit was secretly staring at Amoris.

The young spirit hid through the wall astonished when Amoris made eye contact with him, and Amoris grinned at the sight.

“You’re pretending to be a kid with 30 years of existence.”

Dozens of spirits lived in this Norverd Tower.

Normally, it was natural for an abnormality to occur when so many spirits gathered, but it seemed that one guardian spirit was controlling the spirits properly.


The door opened and Lenny came in.

“Hello, did you sleep well? Amoris-sama?”

“yes. did you sleep well. How long has it been? little girl?”


“Oh, is this your first time seeing me?”

Amoris took a teddy bear from his arms and turned into the face of an old woman with supplies.

Lennie’s eyes trembled like aspen when she saw the face of the scary old woman she had seen in Fogwood before.

“ah······. He . . . it was him.”

When Amoris spoke out of the gombangdae, he returned to his original youthful form.

Amoris looked at Lenny’s hand and said.

“I thought it was because of your guardian spirit that good spirits gather, but you seem to have a lot of virtue?”

“yes? What do you mean by that?”

“Because I’m afraid of you, your friends gather around and stare at me. Usually, this is not the case.”

“yes? Friends?”

It was so cute to see Lenny looking around confused and looking around, Amoris laughed.

Amoris got up and walked over to Lenny.

“Are you still unable to see spirits?”

“If it’s a spirit, are you talking about Jane?”

“Jane is a guardian spirit, so of course you can see it. I’m talking about the spirits that protect you.”

“Are the spirits protecting me? Ah, are you talking about the spirits of Jane?”

“right. those spirits. Do you prepare meals for those spirits every day?”

Lenny thought for a moment and then opened her mouth.

“I don’t know what traditional rice is, but if there is any leftover side dish, I set it up on a small soba table and bring it to Jane. It is said that even spirits need to eat to gain strength.”

“Hmm, that’s right. That is why so many good spirits gather.”

Amoris glanced at Lenny and smiled.

“This kind of talent is really rare…”

Lenny was a little afraid of Amoris’s smile, so he unknowingly took a step back.

Amoris came as close as Lenny backed away.

Then, the spirits that were scattered all over the place raged.

“Lennie, maybe you…”


Suddenly Jane appeared from behind and pulled Lenny back and hugged her tightly.

“Don’t bully our Lenny!”

Amoris looked around at the growling Jane and the spirits, and smiled even deeper.

“Is this fun?”

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