Genius Daddy in the City

Chapter 647 - The Nether King Marries Off His Daughter, Ye Wen in Danger!

Panda Novel

Ye Wen looked over immediately, “What’s that noise?”

She heard it too!

When the three of them looked towards the end of the darkness where the ghost soldiers had appeared, they heard Chinese sorna’s noise coming!

The noise was getting louder and closer!

Two lanterns slowly floated over in the night!

There were two large black words written on the white base that said ‘Double Happiness’!

The pair of lanterns floated silently in the dark like a pair of human eyes in the cold wind.

At the end of the darkness, a red sedan was coming at them. It was wrapped tightly, and outsiders could not see what was inside!

There were eight porters surrounding the sedan chair!

There were also many people wearing colorful clothes. These people carried flower baskets, and every few steps, they would toss paper money into the air!

At the front were two people playing the Chinese sornas and a woman holding a yellow umbrella. Their faces were covered in blush and they looked extremely stupefied!

Every few steps they took, the sedan would jolt. The porters and the two players in front of them would hop and play an extremely festive tune.

Obviously, it was a wedding party!

However, there were so many people in the wilderness!

Anyone would be shocked by that!

Yinshi could no longer suppress the shock inside of him and suddenly cried out, “M-Master, t-the Nether King is marrying his daughter!

Bad omen, it’s a bad omen!

Quick, close your eyes and don’t crash into them!”

He quickly reminded them!

In Thailand, the Nether King marrying off his daughter was said to be the most popular topic as it was practically a rumor among the people. It did not really refer to the Nether King marrying off his daughter.

Instead, it was a group of posthumous marriage members during the quiet night. It was often more terrifying than the so-called ghost soldiers passing by. The reason was that anyone who could create a posthumous marriage was a cultivator and extremely vengeful!

As the saying goes, the Nether King marrying off his daughter. The one carrying the sedan chair was a ghost, and the one sitting in the sedan chair was a ghost as well!

Once touched, no matter how powerful a living person’s spell technique was, they would still be harmed!

They were going to be harmed!

In reality, Ye Chen and Ye Wen would close their eyes even without Yinshi’s reminder. After all, they had experienced the ghost soldiers passing by earlier!

At the same time Ye Wen closed her eyes, her hands were clasped tightly together due to her anxiety. She could not stop gulping.

Suddenly, she felt someone blow into her ear!

It was so cold that she opened her eyes by instinct!

The first thing she saw was a large sedan crashing into her!

She exclaimed!

She was instantly placed into the sedan!

The sedan sped towards the end of the darkness!

Almost immediately, Ye Chen heard Ye Wen’s voice too. He opened his eyes suddenly and watched as the sedan carried Ye Wen away.

“You’re courting death!”

A ferocious gleam flashed through Ye Chen’s eyes. He leaped and dashed toward the sedan chair. At the same time, he shouted, “I didn’t want to meddle in your business, but since you dared to touch my people, I’ll kill you guys today!”

Just as they were about to reach the sedan, two shadows suddenly leaped out of the posthumous marriage team. One was black and the other was white. They had tall hats on their heads and each of them held a deadly cane as they charged at Ye Chen!

“Heibai Wuchang?!”

Ye Chen scoffed, “How dare you impersonate Heibai Wuchang? No wonder you dared to touch my people. I’ll kill you all even if you’re the real Heibai Wuchang!

Get lost!”

He threw a punch, and a golden fist force pierced through the night sky like the afterglow of the sun, shattering the two deadly canes!

The force of the punch was still going strong!

It landed on their bodies!


Two streams of black energy erupted from their bodies and transformed into two human-shaped skeletons that fell to the ground. Their bones shattered into pieces.

Meanwhile, the sedan chair had already arrived at a lake!

Obviously, they wanted to return to their lair through the water!

Ye Chen leaped and arrived above the posthumous marriage team directly. He shouted suddenly, “Golden Flame Wheel!”

A wisp of flame spread from his eyes. At first, it was just a wisp. However, the moment the flame appeared, it seemed to be nourished by something.

In an instant, it was as if a divine fire was burning the plains, sweeping outwards. The air and snow around him were all ignited, like a world of fire.

A scorching sun slowly rose above Ye Chen’s head. With him as the center, the sun radiated heat and blinding light!


Just as the posthumous marriage team was about to jump into the lake, they were immediately enveloped by the blinding light. Instantly, countless screams rang out.

Be it the sedan porters, the Chinese sorna players, or people who were tossing paper money, all of them turned into black smoke at that instant as their souls dissipated!

A stream of black energy shot out from the sedan chair. It seemed like it wanted to escape into the lake under the scorching sun. However, Ye Chen would not let them have their way!

Golden Pupil Flame!

In that instant, two golden pillars of light shot out from Ye Chen’s eyes and swept towards the black energy. A shrill scream was heard from within the black energy.

Yinshi, who was chasing after them, saw this scene!

He was so shocked that he almost fell to his knees!

When the screams disappeared, Ye Chen landed on the ground and crushed the red sedan chair with one palm strike. Ye Wen appeared before him.

However, she had already fainted!

Ye Chen inserted some spiritual energy into her body. She woke up suddenly and said with fear written all over her face, “Brother, I-I was so scared!”

“You’re fine now!”

Ye Chen comforted him. He lifted his head and looked at the entire Helan Mountains. His enormous Divine Consciousness surged out maniacally from his mudball palace and covered a radius of 16 kilometers.

An extremely indifferent voice came out of his mouth, and it shook an area of five kilometers, “I only want to pass by this place. I don’t care what sort of demon you are, but if you dare to provoke me again, then don’t blame me for burning Helan Mountain to nothing, and I’ll make all of your souls scatter and never to be reincarnated!”

Under Yinshi and Ye Wen’s horrified gazes, the towering trees in the distance shrank their branches and roots maniacally after Ye Chen said that. Shadows dashed into the distance quickly and disappeared without a trace within a blink of an eye.

The previously narrow road was now extremely wide!

“Let’s go!”

Ye Chen took the lead after saying that!

Two hours later, the group had just arrived at a valley. The valley was filled with vines. There was also a faint miasma and a large fog that covered the surroundings, causing the group to fail to see far.

“Brother, why did you stop?” Ye Wen asked in confusion.

“We’re here!”

Ye Chen said coldly as he looked around wantonly!

“We’re here?”

Yinshi was extremely curious, “Master, I looked. There’s no one around, let alone any buildings!”

A mocking smirk appeared at the corner of Ye Chen’s lips, “You’re trying to fool me with a mere trick? I’ll break your treacherous trick!”

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