The phone vibrated and the phone alert sounded.

"Hello~? What's up?" Shi Qiu answered the call.

Lu Qing's voice came over: "Oh, you answered the call. Did the missing people return?"

"I'm busy, tell me."

"I heard you didn't come to school?"


"Just to tell you, there should be a very important lecture in two days. The old professor from Magic University will be invited. He will analyze the live broadcast of the game. There are a lot of useful information. If you have time, you should come back and listen."

"I'll see how it goes. Thanks!" Shi Qiu hung up the phone and shrugged helplessly.

Unfortunately, he has already registered Vulpix for the Curtain Competition, and he still has some confidence, so he probably won't be able to return to school.

He called Ice Vulpix to his side: "Little fox, take a break, I'll tell you about the competition process of this gorgeous competition."

"There are many people who signed up for this competition, so the threshold has become higher. But fortunately, there are no rigid prerequisites, so the audition stage has been added."

"During the audition stage, each contestant sends a Pokémon to the stage, and can and can only use a skill once. A total of 10 judges will score and calculate the average score on the spot. The full score is 100 points, and those who score more than 80 points will enter the real gorgeous competition."

"Entering the competition is just like what we learned online before It is the same as before. There are two rounds in total, and the gorgeous contest will be broadcast live from now on. The first round is a performance, and it is still a Pokémon, with an unlimited number of skills and a time of five minutes. It will be scored by three judges, with a total of 30 points. The top 16 will enter the second round. "

"The second round is a gorgeous battle, which lasts for five minutes. Losing the ability to fight and the gorgeous value is reset to zero is considered a failure. If both sides continue until the end of the game time, the player with more gorgeous value will advance, and the two-on-two battles will continue until the champion is decided. "

Although he had already understood it before, Vulpix still listened very seriously.

Shi Qiu smiled and pointed to the wind and snow that accompanied him.

"We don't need to be nervous in the first round, just use Xixue. This beginning should only be based on the overall coordination of the elves to screen out those coordination masters who want to rise to the top without any preparation."

"The main thing is to rehearse the gorgeous performance match seriously. I have an idea..."


"Welcome to visit next time~"

Shi Qiu came out of the custom clothing store and found Riolu with a proud face. Without saying a word, he blocked him in front of him.

Riolu went left, he also took a step to the left; Riolu went right, he also took a step to the right.


Is it sick again?

He sighed lightly, a little helpless: "Oulu? (What's wrong again?)"

Shi Qiu showed a triumphant look, mysteriously pulled Riolu away, Riolu endured it, but still didn't try to break free.

"Look, look."

Shi Qiu suddenly changed his clothes, wearing a black and blue outfit, leather gloves, a blue hat and a black cape, looking very handsome.

The wave hero Shi Qiu, looks very well matched with Riolu beside him.

What is this...?

Riolu remembered the suit of the ranger he saw in the simulator before.

"How is it, isn't it very beautiful? I stayed up all night to design it and had it made." In fact, he didn't stay up all night, but just borrowed from the anime in his previous life.

"(It's just... that... pretty...)"

Riolu pretended to be calm and looked indifferent, but his black ears were a little dark red.

The suit of the ranger was arranged by the simulator, and this suit was made by the trainer himself, so there is no need to compare which one is more important.


"We are in the 7 o'clock batch." Shi Qiu looked at the registration information and got up early with disgust.

Ice Vulpix was warming up, and from time to time, it would control a wisp of snow to fly around, and occasionally it would accidentally hit the trainer's face to help him sober up.

Arriving at Tianyue Plaza in Veil City, there were crowds of people around. The open-air venue had seats and a stage, and it was almost full.

Shi Qiu took the entry certificate and followed the route to the contestant area.

"There are so many people~" Shi Qiu sighed.

There were a lot of people in the audition, so it was divided into two days and a total of nearly 10 batches. Shi Qiu has always been lucky and was assigned to the first batch.

"We are number 26."

The selection started soon. In addition to the judges who were scoring, the square was also surrounded by onlookers who were watching the excitement.

The first person to come on the field should be an office worker uncle, who sent out the straight bear and used collision on it.

Shi Qiu and Vulpix:?

Is their level very low? Forgive him, Shi Qiu really didn't see any coordination from this.

As expected, 42 points.

The originally nervous Ice Vulpix instantly became as steady as an old dog, staring at the elves that went up one by one in amazement.

How to say it, although they are all elite elves, some of the elves' moves are even quite powerful.

For example, the big explosion of the duck-billed fire beast caused the surrounding space to heat up significantly.

But..., this is difficult to evaluate, different trades are like different mountains, I wish him success.

There is a boy in the middle, who is the age of a college student, and the silk spitting of the hunting swallowtail butterfly is very amazing.

As the hunting swallowtail butterfly dances and flies, the insect silk also has an inexplicable rhythm like dancing sleeves.

"This [Silk Spinning] has a certain tactical value..."

It will have a great restraint on Pokémons that fight in close combat.

The judges gave it 91 points.

There was a small commotion on the field. This was not only the first person to pass the test, but also a high score of over 90.

"No. 26, Shi Qiu!"

Shi Qiu caught the ice Vulpix that jumped over and walked towards the stage.

There were many people in the audience. In addition to the ten judges who were staring at you with fiery eyes, there was also a large group of spectators who were watching the excitement.

"Vulpix, fine snow."

The white fox followed the force of Shi Qiu's arm and turned to the front lightly. His figure was agile, and the mere appearance of the fox made several judges' eyes light up.

The wind and snow were gentle, gradually spreading from Vulpix's body, moving with Vulpix's figure, as if it had life.

The fine snow gathered at Vulpix's feet. The fox lightly tapped his toes, leaped into the air, stepped in the air, and returned to the trainer's arms with the help of snowflakes.

The man and the elf bowed together.

The audience sighed at first, followed by whispers.

It was natural and rhythmic.

The final score given by the judges was 96 points.


"Oh my god, that Vulpix..."

"Is this the first contestant to get more than 95 points in the audition stage?"

"He looks like a junior high school student?"

"You can't believe it, I actually think this move can be called a performance."

After Shi Qiu left the stage, he happily took Vulpix to have breakfast.

"We are so lucky~ We are in the first batch of auditions. Now our results will definitely enter the competition. We have two more days to continue to hone our performance."

"(Don't underestimate the enemy!)" Vulpix added on the side.

"(You have to pay attention. You, a trainer, kept breaking the chain a few days ago.)"

"(Is this reasonable?! I will keep an eye on you for the next two days!)"

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