“Heracros, run.”

In a clearing in a oak forest, Gong Ling was taking Heracros to do physical training.

Although the distance of running today is shorter than the distance of yesterday’s warm-up.

But the intensity of this training has been raised several notches in a straight line.

Because today Heracros is running with a load.

The thick trunk that requires four or five people to hug is carried behind it.

Don’t say run.

Even every step is a huge challenge for Heracros.

But with the blessing of the mysterious power in the body, Heracros’ progress is also visible to the naked eye.

From the beginning of the toddler, to the current stride.

Just one morning of training made Heracros’s strength make a qualitative leap.

And when the time is close to noon.

Gong Ling also stopped Heracros, who was training.

It’s time for lunch.

They need to find lunch today.

And this time.

Gong Ling’s target was the location of several tree fruits that he wanted to go to before, but did not dare to go to.

There’s an old saying that goes.

Combat is the best training.

Blindly allowing Heracros to train alone will only make it lose combat experience.


Proper combat, can act as a good catalyst.

It is also a way to test the results of Heracros’ training.

“Heracros, rock blasting.”

Gong Ling pointed to a few cooers flying in the sky and shouted loudly.

Heracros instantly became mentally conscious, raised his hand to aim at the cooing in the air, and at the same time the palm of his hand began to condense the rock.

The next second….

Three rock shells whizzed out, shooting in a zigzag towards a grunt in the air.

The targeted Goo quickly began to dodge.

It’s just a pity.

It dodged the first two rock blasts, but was still hit by a third rock blast.

Goo goo ~~

With a scream, the hit Gollum fell directly from the sky.

And at the same time that Goo Goo lost his ability to fight, the aura on Herakros suddenly became stronger.

This is its characteristic that launches.

There are two common characteristics of Heracros.

One is the bug premonition: this characteristic increases the power of the bug skill by 50% when the self-body strength is less than 50%.

The second is perseverance: Elves with this characteristic can increase their attack power by 50% when they are burning, paralyzed, etc., and ignore the negative impact of burning on attacks.

In addition to these two characteristics, Heracros has a hidden property.

Overconfidence: This trait allows the owner to increase their attack level by one level for each sprite they defeat.

This characteristic is a weapon for harvesting on the battlefield.

Quickly defeat weak elves to improve your strength.


This Heracros of Gong Ling is this characteristic.

At the same time that Heracros attacked, the other cooers in the air also counterattacked.

I saw that their beaks lit up with white light at the same time, and their bodies turned into sharp arrows and swooped down from the sky.

This trick is the housekeeping skill of the goo-goo.

For birds, beaks and claws are always their most powerful weapons against their enemies.

In the face of the Gollums’ dive attack, Heracros directly transformed into an anti-aircraft gun.

One after another, rock shells burst out.

During this period.

One or two more Goo were hit by a rock blast and fell out of the air.

Without dropping one, the aura on Heracros was one point stronger.

But despite this.

There were still three gooers, rushing through the blockade of shells.

And the beak that condensed the energy of the flight system slammed into Heracros’s body.


Heracros, who was hit three times in a row, couldn’t help but make a muffled sound.

At the same time, under the powerful impact of the three goo, its position also retreated several meters from before.

And Heracros, who has the attributes of the insect + fighting system, has to bear four times the damage in the face of the pecking of the flying system.

This does not.

Just three hits.

Heracros was already on one knee, panting.

As if there is no combat capability anymore.


Seeing this, the three cooups couldn’t help but let out a cry of victory.

In their view, Heracros was already certain of defeat.

And the three of them will become the ‘dragon slayer warriors’ in the group, enjoying the support and love of the group.


Heracros, who was originally scarred, was healed by the mysterious energy in his body.

Instant recovery.

Getting up was another rock blast.

And this time.

It was also full of luck, condensing five rock shells in one go.

And the three cooers in the air are still fantasizing about their bright future in the group.


The next second….

A black shadow rushed towards them, and the huge rock gave them a fatal blow.

And the strongest goo among them was taken care of by Heracros.

Three rock shells, all beckoning towards it.

With the fall of the last Gollum, the battle ended with Heracros’ total victory.

“It seems that the power of this system’s elf guide is related to the strength of the elves.”

“The previous unicorn needed to defeat ten to activate the Pokédex, but this time it only beats five Goooo to activate the Pokédex.”

Gong Ling looked at the light up on the system, cooing a guide, and couldn’t help but mumble to himself.

“It’s a pity that after each activation of a guidebook, it takes a one-month cooldown period to perform a second activation.”

“Otherwise, I would definitely use a unicorn to brush him thousands of simulations.”

In order to prevent such swiping behavior, any Pokédex Pokédex requires a one-month cooldown period after activation.

And the second time you want to activate the book, you need ten times more energy than the first time.

Calculate it like this.

Each booklet can be activated up to four or five times, and any more is not worth the cost.

After all, each elf can only provide one energy charge.

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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