The girl with the ball head went to register the required information.

Xu Yang was sitting on the chair and was bored.

He flipped through the adventurer's manual.

It indicated the adventurer's classification.

Adventurers were divided into four levels according to the rules of the Elf Adventure Tribe.

They were: white, red, green, and purple.

Among them, white was the lowest and purple was the highest.

The total mission coefficient was: D、C、B、A、S five types.

White-level adventurers can only accept D-level and C-level missions.

Red-level adventurers can accept B-level and below missions.

Green-level adventurers can accept A-level and below missions.

Purple-level adventurers can accept all missions.


There are exceptions.

If a red-level adventurer leads a team and forms a team with two white-level adventurers, they can accept B-level missions together.

If there is a green-level adventurer in the team, they can accept A-level missions.

According to regulations, S-level missions can only be accepted by purple-level adventurers.

And above S-level, there are actually super S-level missions.

This type of mission can only be accepted by multiple purple-level adventurers forming a team together.

As for the rules for adventurer upgrades.

A white-level adventurer wants to upgrade to a red-level adventurer.

One hundred mission points are required.

A D-level mission counts as one mission point.

A C-level mission counts as two mission points.

In other words

"Do I need to complete 100 D-level tasks or 50 C-level tasks to upgrade to a red-level adventurer?"

After Xu Yang got a general idea of the adventurer's information, he came to the task window again and checked the bounty list.

【D-level task: Help clean the courtyard. Commission: 200 points + 1 task point】

【D-level task: Help take care of the children. Commission 300 points + 1 task point】

【D-level task: Take the exam for someone else. Note: You must pass the exam. Commission: 500 points + 1 task point】...

After seeing these D-level tasks,

Xu Yang suddenly had a headache....What kind of missions are these?

Do adventurers really need to take them?

Ordinary people can do this

?...Want to take a hundred?

Xu Yang's mouth twitched. It

's life-threatening.


Xu Yang glanced at the C-level task bar.

【C-level mission: Become a sparring partner for the Elf Battle for one afternoon. Commission: 2000 points + 2 mission points】

【C-level task: Submit a shell of a shed iron shell. Commission: 1500 points + 2 task points. Note: This task can be completed repeatedly】

【C-level mission: Urgently need Paras' mushrooms. Commission: 800 points for small mushrooms, 2000 points for large mushrooms. Note: This mission can be completed repeatedly】...

After seeing the many C-level tasks in front of him,

Xu Yang was slightly stunned.

He felt a little puzzled.

Can the tasks be completed repeatedly?

For example, the shell of the iron shell Kun after it sheds.

Does that mean that if I collect fifty iron shell Kun shells, even if I complete a hundred task points,

I will be promoted directly to a red-level adventurer?

If so, then using the task points of C-level tasks to be promoted to adventurer ranks, wouldn't it be much easier?

At this time, the girl with the ball-shaped hair came over again.

"I have already done it for you~~ My Mr. Adventurer. This is your Adventurer Medal. You are currently a White-level Adventurer. The way to upgrade to Adventurer rank is to complete tasks and obtain task points to upgrade...."

The girl with the bun handed Xu Yang the Adventurer's Badge and explained it to him.

Xu Yang took his Adventurer's Badge and looked at it.

It was roughly equivalent to the trainer ID card.

Adventurer: Xu Yang

Adventurer Rank: White

Adventurer ID: XX1208931...

Currently available mission level: D、C......

"You can check your adventurer's specific information, including adventurer points and mission points, through the machine over there."

"Any Elf Association will have an Elf Adventure Tribe. You can accept tasks at any Elf Adventure Tribe, or submit tasks."

"Commission after completing the task...That is, adventurer points can be exchanged for items on the third floor of any Elf Association." The girl with the ball head pointed to the exchange mall outside the Elf Adventure Tribe. On the third floor of the Elf Association, there is only one exchange mall and one Elf Adventure Tribe. So it seems

...Is this a chain binding?

Xu Yang nodded.

Then he turned to look at the girl with the ball head and asked,"That...I actually have a question."

"You say?"

"The C-level mission here...That's it."

Xu Yang pointed at the task of Iron Shell Kun.

He asked carefully:"This task only needs to be accepted once, and then completed....If I bring multiple Ironshell Kun shells to submit a task at one time, does it count as a duplicate?"

"Yes, you only need to accept this task once. After completing the task, the number of complete iron shells you brought back will be used to determine the number of tasks completed." After hearing the response from the girl with the ball head , Xu Yang finally understood.

"Is there an upper limit?"

"No, the remaining number of orders for this task is still over 999, and it can be completed multiple times."

"So how many tasks can I accept at the same time?"

Xu Yang asked again

"You are currently a white-level adventurer, and you can accept 2 C-level tasks and 2 D-level tasks at the same time."

The girl with the ball head patiently explained to Xu Yang.

Xu Yang smiled and said,"Then I want to know what this C-level task is....What are the requirements for completing the task? There doesn't seem to be any task points written on it."

This time,

Xu Yang pointed to the task list about the Paras mushroom.

According to what was written above, the commission for the small mushrooms produced by Paras is 800 points, and the commission for the large mushrooms is 1800 points.

But there is no task point written on it?

"This task..."

The girl with the ball head laughed and said,"About this task, it's a bit���In fact, it was originally classified as a Class B task because the amount required by the employer was a bit large."

"But considering the difficulty of the task and the limited commission, if it is listed as a B-level task, those adventurers may not look down on it."

"so...It is divided into multiple C-level tasks"

"The distribution of task points is like this: handing in five small mushrooms or three large mushrooms at the same time will earn you five task points."

Seeing the girl with the bun hair stretching out her palm, showing five fingers.

Xu Yang nodded and said,"So that's how it is....The upper limit of this task...?"

"ten times!"

""I can complete ten tasks at the same time, right?"

Xu Yang calculated.

If this task is completed completely, wouldn't it be possible to obtain fifty task points?

In addition,...If calculated as a small mushroom, 40,000 adventurer points.

If calculated as a large mushroom, 54,000 adventurer points....

According to the exchange rate Xu Yang saw in the Adventurer's Handbook, it is equivalent to more than 40,000 Alliance Coins?!

Holy shit?! I didn't expect that....Being an adventurer is also profitable?

Xu Yang's eyes suddenly lit up.

Another way to make money


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