【Ding! Congratulations to Pikachu for defeating Alidos and gaining 756 experience points!】

【Ding! Congratulations, Pikachu has reached level 17! 】

With the victory of this battle, the system notification sound came as expected. Xu Yang was extremely happy to hear the news that Pikachu had been upgraded again. You know, Xu Yang had only captured Pikachu for less than half a day, and it had already been upgraded by 4 levels?! Moreover, Pikachu's level had reached 17. This means

...Xu Yang was already far ahead of other rookie trainers.

While other college graduates were still carefully selecting the initial Pokémon eggs that their families had purchased, Xu

Yang had already reached the top of the forest behind the mountain....There is absolutely no comparison

"However, we should not be happy too early."

Xu Yang calmed himself down.

He was able to reach this point early.

It was inseparable from Pikachu's own potential and hard work.

In addition, the blessing of the system.

But those...People from wealthy families probably also received the initial elves from their families.

In addition, with the accumulation of various resources, their progress in cultivating elves would not be much slower than Xu Yang.

"We still have to take further risks on the basis of steady progress!"

Speaking of this,

Xu Yang glanced at the defeated Alidos again.

Just now, when using the Eye of Appreciation to investigate the information of this Alidos,

Xu Yang found that it was carrying a low-quality poison needle.

This kind of prop is a rare treasure for poison-type elves.

It can enhance the power of the poison-type moves used by the carrying elves.

It is different from the fixed blessing in the game.

In reality, no matter what kind of prop, the degree of enhancement of the moves depends on the quality.

Like this low-quality poison needle, it can only increase the power of poison-type moves by 5%.

So the price is...It was also around 100,000 Alliance Coins.

But even 100,000 Alliance Coins was still a lot of money for Xu Yang! He might not be able to earn 100,000 Alliance Coins even if he worked part-time for a year. Xu Yang hurried to the front of Alidos. At this time, Alidos had multiple burns on his body, and there were flashes of electricity. Xu Yang took out a rubber glove and put it on, and took out the purple poison needle from the tail of Alidos' body.

"It really smells like poison, doesn't it?"

Xu Yang saw the purple liquid on the needle.

He shook it off subconsciously, wiped it off with a dry towel, and put it in a special box.

"This trip to the back mountain forest was really fruitful."

Xu Yang said with some satisfaction....

After going down the mountain,

Xu Yang returned to the rental house in the suburbs.

The simple rental house was only ten square meters in size.

There was a bed and a table inside.

There was also an external clothes hanger.

It was very simple.

But even so, the rent was 1,500 Alliance coins per month.

It can be seen that the prices in Linhai City are still very expensive.

Xu Yang came to the table and released Pikachu. At the same time, he took out ten French fries and several bottles of ketchup that he had just bought from a store.

This was what Xu Yang had promised Pikachu....Battle victory reward.

Naturally promised

"Pickup truck?"

"Pikachu, these fries are all yours. So is the ketchup...."

Xu Yang happily touched Pikachu's head.

Pikachu's eyes lit up.


It was completely different from the battle.

Pikachu was actually acting like a spoiled brat. While Pikachu was eating fries,

Xu Yang sat at his desk and took out a notebook to start planning his next development path.

In fact, before this,

Xu Yang had imagined many future paths.


That was when there was no system.

Now, with the assistance of the system,

Xu Yang felt that there was no reason not to charge towards the top of the Huaxia Alliance.

"Let's set a small goal first, to become the champion of the Huaxia League."

Xu Yang wrote down this small goal in his notebook.

Then he began to plan a new path.

"Today in the back mountain forest, just defeating an Ariados will earn you a low-quality poison needle worth 100,000 Alliance coins."

"What if I go to the secret realm?"

Xu Yang thought about it.

"No wonder people say that becoming a trainer is easy to make money...Picking up any of these outdoor props would cover my part-time job expenses for a year."

"If you pick up some more...Getting rich is no problem at all?"

"By then, cultivate Pikachu...Including taming new elves, you don't have to worry about the high cost of training."


When Xu Yang thought of this, he frowned again.

Countless trainers die in the secret realm every year.

Who doesn't want to get rich overnight?

But it must be accompanied by high risks.

"Let's go to the lowest level secret realm first and test the waters?!"

According to Xu Yang's understanding of the secret realms in this world, there are three types of secret realms: ordinary secret realms, special secret realms, and mysterious secret realms.

Ordinary secret realms are further divided into: wild secret realms, tourist secret realms, island secret realms, elemental secret realms, wilderness protection area secret realms, etc....

Classification by degree of danger: S、A、B、C、D、E

S: Special secret realm, mysterious secret realm

A: Super large secret realm, secret realm that has not been fully explored.

B: Large secret realm.

C: Medium secret realm.

D: Small secret realm.

E: Ordinary small secret realm...Ultra-small secret realm. Danger level: 1 star. Most of the elves inside are below average in strength....

"Tomorrow I have to go to the alliance to register my trainer information."

Xu Yang stroked his chin and said.

If you want to go to the secret realm, you must first obtain a trainer's certificate, that is, register as a trainer.

Trainers of different ranks can go to different secret realms. For example , only the King-level trainers can go to the S-level secret realm. A little Karami like Xu Yang is not qualified to go. After sorting out the information, Xu Yang packed up his things and went to bed directly.


The next morning,

Xu Yang got up very early.

Pikachu was still sleeping beside him.

He slept elegantly.

Xu Yang couldn't bear to disturb him.

He tiptoed into the bathroom and washed up.


Pikachu was still awakened by Xu Yang's slight noise.

He ran over.


Pikachu rubbed Xu Yang affectionately with its head.

Xu Yang also quickly responded and rubbed Pikachu's butt.

After everything was done,

Xu Yang took Pikachu out and prepared to go to the Pokémon Association in Linhai City to register as a new trainer.


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