"As a Pokémon trainer, I hope that I will leave my name as something other than a researcher."

Xu Yang said seriously.

Of course, it's not that being a researcher is bad.

It's just that...Since Xu Yang has decided to become a trainer, and to make the top of the Huaxia League his goal, he can't rely on other means to make his name known.

In the end, it would be bad if he became a shock wave (CJB)

"researcher...Is there anything wrong with that?"

Liu Jie still didn't understand.

"It's not that being a researcher is bad, but I hope that I can be noticed by the world through the Elf Competition, rather than wearing the hat of a researcher first, which will lead to my reputation being greater than my ability."

This truth.

Xu Yang had already realized it in his previous life.

Especially in a certain game, there are too many shock waves.

There are no championships, no trophies.

Is it useless to have a reputation?

"So that's how it is."

Liu Jie nodded, roughly understanding what Xu Yang meant.

When he looked at Xu Yang again

, there was a little more appreciation in Liu Jie's eyes.

A young man as calm and steady as Xu Yang is really rare in the world.

"Then you can come up with a stage name, which will be your name in the elf research community."

"When the time comes, I can use that name when I publish your paper."

Xu Yang thought for a moment and replied,"Diao Deyi, let's call him that."

"Diao Deyi?"

Liu Jie's mouth twitched slightly.

He took back his previous thoughts. Sure enough, young people are still young and frivolous.

In the afternoon,

Xu Yang followed Liu Jie to the Elf Research Institute of the Provincial Alliance.

It was basically a process.

At the same time, the Onion Soldier was also in the institute.

It was studied for an afternoon.

It was mainly to collect information about the Onion Soldier. Before this, the research community had no information about the Onion Soldier. They had to use Xu Yang's Onion Soldier to start the research from scratch. After collecting the information about the Onion Soldier, Liu Jie sent people to capture the Onion Duck. They were ready to study the Onion Duck. After all, Xu Yang had already proposed that the Onion Duck had other forms. They had to study the Onion Duck clearly. In addition.


Xu Yang's thesis and researcher status.

Once the content proposed by Xu Yang is studied and verified,

Xu Yang's thesis can be published.

At the same time, he will also receive the title of nominal intermediate researcher, as well as a bonus of one million alliance coins and a monthly salary of 50,000 alliance coins.

After finishing these things,

Xu Yang went home.

In the next few days,

Xu Yang went to the villa area every day to give special training to the rich little woman Ning Qianyu.

In the beginning, he still used C-level tasks as a reward to help Ning Qianyu train Mi Blim.


, after Xu Yang collected 100 task points, he no longer asked Ning Qianyu to issue C-level tasks.

It was considered voluntary labor, and he gave Mi Blim free guidance.

This was also to thank Ning Qianyu for helping introduce Vice President Liu Jie.

And Mi Blim's potential is not low.

Under Xu Yang's special training, she upgraded rapidly.

In one week, I reached level 10 and learned the fairy-like charming voice.

"That's fine."

Xu Yang turned to look at Ning Qianyu.

He smiled and said,"Mi Blim's special training this week has been very successful. You take her to participate in the Poseidon Cup now. She should be able to win several rounds in the preliminaries."

Ning Qianyu's original purpose was just to train herself in the Poseidon Cup.

She didn't plan to get a ranking. Being able to win a few rounds is the best thing for Ning Qianyu.

"Really? Xu Yang, to be honest, you almost made me depressed this week!"

"When I was in school, my academic performance was always inferior to yours. Now, even in the elf battle, you beat me in every battle...."

Ning Qianyu always feels that she has doubts about her life


Xu Yang smiled.

Thinking...I am a time traveler, and I have a cheat....Isn't that just asking for trouble?


Xu Yang still encouraged Ning Qianyu:"Don't underestimate yourself. You are already luckier than most people."

Of course,

Xu Yang was talking about family.

Ning Qianyu is a rich woman.

She started with Miblim, who has gym-level potential.

She can also hire a private trainer.

Is this the treatment that other rookie trainers can have?

"By then, there will probably be many new trainers signing up for the Poseidon Cup. I believe you and Mibrim will be able to defeat them."

""Okay! I'll give you my blessing then."

Ning Qianyu smiled at Xu Yang. She was full of anticipation for the upcoming Poseidon Cup.

"Oh, by the way!

Little rich lady, if you like some elves but don't have time to catch them,...

You can also go to the Elf Adventure Tribe to issue a B-level task commission employer.

"When the time comes, tell me and I'll take it!

" Xu Yang did not forget to advertise himself before leaving.

Two days ago, Xu Yang had successfully promoted to a red-level adventurer.

Now he can take B-level tasks.

But what Xu Yang regrets is that there is no B-level task for conquering the elves for the time being.

This makes Xu Yang very distressed.

You know, conquering elves

...It is the fastest way to get the Wanjie card....

The next day, the annual Poseidon Celebration in Linhai Province was held as scheduled.

At the same time, the much-anticipated Poseidon Cup will also be held at the Elf Dome in Linhai Province.

However, before the official competition begins, due to the large number of applicants, auditions and elimination rounds will be held in various Elf Arenas.

Only contestants who successfully advance to the top 16 will meet at the Elf Dome.

Xu Yang followed the instructions given on the official registration website and went directly to the Elf Battle Center.

This was the venue for Xu Yang's auditions.

After arriving at the Elf Battle Center,

Xu Yang did not expect that the place was already crowded with people.

The official website showed that the number of registered participants was more than 3,000.

But...The number of people on site is far more than 3,000 people?!

Moreover, the authorities clearly divided the more than 3,000 contestants into six groups and held auditions in six competition venues?

"It seems...There are quite a few people who come to join in the fun."

Xu Yang scratched his head and said with a smile

""Xu Yang!"

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind Xu Yang.

Xu Yang subconsciously turned around and saw a guy with a big belly.

He was eating potato chips and running towards Xu Yang excitedly.

Seeing the flesh bomb in front of him, a figure emerged in Xu Yang's mind.

Akimichi Choji!

However, this guy is not called Akimichi Choji, but Ding Tao.

He is Xu Yang's classmate.

"Ding Tao? Why are you here too?"

Xu Yang greeted Ding Tao with some surprise.


PS: Thanks to my benefactor (AlvinLarm) for urging me to update the content, thank you!

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