The golden thunderbolt struck, and the entire battlefield fell silent.

The marines were stunned.

After a moment, someone swallowed hard.

"Supernova... was knocked down with just one strike?!"

"Is this the strength of a navy admiral? How powerful!"

"Long live General Black Crow!"



Amidst the cheers, the middle-aged captain and two of his men ran up.

"Admiral Black Crow, you've worked so hard!"

He saluted, his sun-baked face showing a bit of nervousness.

The two marines also saluted:

"You've worked so hard!"

Tanya glanced back and said uninterestedly:

"It's nothing, this isn't even a warm-up."

She threw the seastone handcuffs to the captain and ordered:

"Take it! Cuff this guy. There are 132 subordinates inside him. Remember to pull them out."

The middle-aged captain took it awkwardly, looking surprised:

"Um, subordinates...what should we do?"

The other marines also rushed over and looked at each other, all puzzled.

What kind of devil fruit is this that can hide all the subordinates in its body?


Pulu, Pulu, Pulu!

Suddenly, the sound of the Den Den Mushi rang out in Tanya's arms.

She frowned slightly, took it out, and answered:

"Who is it? I'm busy here!"

On the other end of the phone, a man in a bellyband carrying a big axe said:

"This is Sen Tao Wan. We have already got the coordinates of Luffy, Kidd, and Law who attacked the Celestial Dragons. Who should we capture first?"

Tanya tilted her head and looked down on Den Den Mushi:

"Don't worry, I will kill them all, don't do anything!"

Zhan Taowan was anxious and shouted:

"What a joke! Black Crow, we can't bear the responsibility of letting the pirates escape!"

Tanya's lips curled up with a hint of frivolity:

"Huh, escape? Now the entire Sabaody Archipelago is under my surveillance, tell me how to run?"

She has a Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal implanted in her body.

With the full power of lightning, Tanya's observation Haki can cover the entire island!

In her mind, the Sabaody Archipelago is like a map.

The voices of millions of people are clearly reflected in her mind.

Who is a pirate, who is a villain, who is a civilian... It's clear at a glance!

As long as Tanya wants, she can also peek at everyone's future movements! How to run away with a flying dragon riding on her face?


At the same time, a large warship docked at the port.

Suddenly, the streets fell into chaos.

"The warship is coming, run away!!!"

"Damn, who are the navy coming this time?"

"That is Admiral Black Crow’s warship!"

"What!? I definitely don't want to run into that general!"

""In short, run!"

The pirates of all kinds fled in all directions, shouting and screaming.

Teams of navy soldiers ran down from the warships, chasing them with guns.

"Catch all the pirates in one fell swoop!"

"Don't let any pirate escape!"

"For justice, for General Tanya!"


The sweep was carried out vigorously.

Pirates were arrested one after another.

At the right time, a slim female officer walked down from the deck.

Kuina put her right hand on the Wado Ichimonji on her waist.

She looked around the chaotic streets and whispered:

"I wonder which island Zoro is on. I really want to see him as soon as possible.

A young brigadier general in a black suit followed behind him and asked:

"Vice Admiral, do you know that pirate?"

Kuina smiled with a nostalgic look on her face.

"Yes, when I see him... I will beat him to death!" He is a good bounty hunter.

He turned into a pirate?

She must clean up the mess for her father!

Pulu pulu pulu...

Suddenly, the sound of Den Den Mushi rang in the arms of the young brigadier general.

He took out the Den Den Mushi, answered it and asked:

"What happened?"

Suddenly, the Den Den Mushi called for help urgently:

"This is the port of Island No. 13, requesting reinforcements!

I don't know what's going on, but all the soldiers have turned into old people and children... Uaaaaaaa——"

After a scream, the other side completely lost contact.

The young brigadier general pursed his lips slightly and asked Kuina:

"Lieutenant General?"

The latter nodded and ordered:

"I understand. Take two teams and go there now!"


Soon, the two of them led a team each and rushed to the port of Island No. 13.

But when Kuina arrived, she found that the port was full of pirates who were burned by electricity, as well as a group of hunchbacked old people and crying children!


A deafening thunder.

Kuina and her subordinates covered their ears and looked up.

On the second-floor rooftop of a luxury hotel,

Tanya, dressed in a black military uniform, sat on the railing with her legs crossed.

She supported her face with her left hand and spoke coldly:

""Did you enjoy your last meal?" As soon as the words fell, a female pirate captain fell at the gate, her eyes rolled back. Her skin was burnt by electricity, white smoke was coming out of her body, and burnt barbecue was spewing out of her mouth. Her long straight pink hair that reached her waist was also turned into an afro by the electricity!

"Have all the pirates in this port been killed by Lady Tanya?"

"We have made a wasted trip.……"

"By the way, that female pirate looks familiar. Who is she?"

"She is one of the supernovas, the big eater Joe Eli Bonnie, with a bounty of 140 million Baileys!"


Before he finished speaking, the surrounding streets lit up with light.

Because the superhumans fainted, the hunchbacked old men and crying children turned back into young marines!

"Oh——, I’m finally back!"

"My waist is no longer sore, my legs no longer hurt, and I have more energy to pick up the gun!"

"What kind of devil fruit is that?"

"I don't know, I'm glad we were saved, it was Admiral Black Crow who saved us!"

The marines who had returned to their original forms were all overjoyed.

They ran to Tanya's side one after another, raised their heads, and saluted happily:

"Thank you for your care, General Black Crow!!"

Tanya stood up on the rooftop:

"Don't be too happy, you all have to work overtime today."

She waved her hand and shouted in a little girl's voice:

"The pirates on this island must not be spared, all must be captured and sent to Impel Down!"

The marines were stunned, but they all showed joy on their faces.


"Great, finally a general is coming to cleanse this lawless island!"

"Arrest them all, leaving no one behind!"

"All evil pirates must be sent to prison!"

"For justice, for General Tanya!!"


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