Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 978 Beyond words (Part 1)


Two particles of light, one red and one blue, streaked across the night sky. After landing, Ran Zai looked back at District 29 where the lights were gradually dimming behind him. Only one house still had a seductive light of different colors. It was already 11 o'clock. , the lights in many places on the street were extinguished.

"They are really two different things."

Ran Zai murmured, looking at some of the blocks around District 29. Although this is a middle-class area, in many other districts, except for the street lights used for lighting, most families have already taken a break. After all, the electricity bill is one Not a small expense.

After going to District 29, Ran Zai discovered that the coatings on the houses in District 29 are all made of high-performance photoelectric conversion materials, which are very expensive. The loss rate of converting light energy into electrical energy is about 10% to 15%, but once The cost of a square meter of special coating is probably more than 1,000.

"I'm really willing to give it up. It must be the special broadcast funds from Congress. All of them are used on the coating of houses."

Gene smiled and looked at the brightly lit streets in front of him. Congress will give each district a construction fund every month, taken out of taxes, and the funds will be used by district councilors to build blocks.

The amount of funds is also considered based on the tax revenue of each district every month. Construction funds will be released in the middle of each month. This money is an extremely important construction fund for each district. It is funded by 10 qualified people in each district. Members who have entered the hall of Congress will allocate their usage. Near the end of November 1st, the four-subject joint review of Section 6, Section 7, Section 8, and Section 9 will begin, and an on-site review of the materials used by the members of each district over the year will begin. Every construction fund is reviewed, compared on the spot, and every account is verified.

At this time, the relationship between members and the administrative department is the most tense. The accounts of the administrative department are directly connected to the general affairs department every month. Most of the information can be viewed by members. If the member has any questions about the accounts of the administrative department, If you are dissatisfied, you can impeach at the meeting.

The parliamentarian group and the administrative department group have an independent and mutually restrictive relationship. The parliamentarians are responsible for the construction of people's livelihood in the region, while the administrative department is responsible for the management and on-the-ground construction of parliamentary bills.

Such a system was gradually established more than 60 years ago. In order to restrict the expansion of capital and its control of cities, it has worked very well over the years. Competition in the entire economic market is healthy, and small capitalists can also start from large ones. The capitalists took away the city bills set by Congress.

"Do you really think District 29 can still be saved? The debt has been high in recent years, and the tax revenue is pitifully low. It is only the minimum tax for level 4 citizens. There is no effective value generation in it. There is no business district office, no education and medical care. These must be changed. But it will be difficult.”

Ran Zai just followed Jean and took a cursory look. Although he did not go down with Jean, he saw the serious expressions of everyone, as well as the member of Section 13 who was covered in injuries, and many people from Section 1. With a serious expression, Ran Zai immediately understood what happened when he saw King Xue appear on the light and shadow screen of Jewell's phone.

Gene lit a cigarette with a smile and handed one to Ran Zai. Ran Zai sighed and took it, lit it and took a puff before coughing.

"This thing doesn't suit me anyway."

"What can change is the human heart, not other things."

Ran Zai smiled.

"People's hearts? It's indeed a good thing. It's a pity that people's hearts are unpredictable. That old lady spent her monthly money on beautifying the neighborhood. If it were me, I would have started observing the stock market 10 years ago. The trend is to find unsalable goods and start to use funds to hoard them in large quantities. When there is a shortage of such unsalable goods at a certain time, they will ship large quantities to raise the market price, and then use money to make the stock price of such unsalable goods fall into the trap 10 years ago. Buy a large amount of stocks when the market is low, and then you can wait to collect the money without doing anything. The simplest way is to diversify the funds and avoid the law. This is the most effective method, but it is a pity that it only affects your brain. There is a gap between good people and idiots, and they have already become like this. Beautifying the neighborhood? You are asking for your own death."

Gene smiled and laughed, shaking his head.

"People yearn for beautiful things. Now District 29 is much cleaner, more beautiful and tidy than before, and many women there have more smiles on their faces."

Ran Zai waved his hand, looked at the beautiful neon lights in District 29, and sighed.

"If the previous photoelectric conversion coating is used, the energy loss rate will reach 50%. They will also need to pay a large amount of electricity bills each, which is also a big expense, as well as the water molecule system, which is the most funded by District 29 in recent years. After using it, life is becoming more and more prosperous, but there are still no areas with output and no production capacity. Searching the entire Brilliant City, there are only 29 districts."

"Let me tell you a few stories. A long time ago, it rained in a certain city for two-thirds of the year. People in the city were very depressed all year round because it was always rainy. The sun couldn't be seen most of the time, and then a group of painters appeared. They used special paint to paint on the ground. It was invisible on a sunny day, but after the rain fell, the whole city began to become colorful, and it was so beautiful on rainy days. The number of trips has also begun to increase, and people are gradually liking the rain."

Ran Zai smiled.

"Is that a story from hundreds of years ago?"

Gene smiled and continued.

"There is a small, downtrodden city. Due to economic lag, the construction of the city has not changed for many years. There are dirty walls and streets everywhere. More and more people are leaving the city. Then a painter returns to his hometown. , looking at the dilapidated hometown, he began to go to each house to ask for their permission, and began to paint on the dirty walls. Gradually, the city became beautiful, and the originally dirty walls turned into lifelike pictures. As a result, people began to pay attention to the cleanliness of the streets, and then tourists began to visit the small town, and the city became alive again."

Ran Zai curled his lips and smiled, and Gene sat down with a smile.

"There was once a small country that was dirty and messy in the eyes of many people. After years of war, the country was left with only ruins. Then the leaders who came to power overcame all difficulties and began to beautify the country bit by bit. Even the dilapidated streets and houses have colors and many things that fit the local area. Gradually, within ten years, the country has regained its vitality, and people's lives have become better and more colorful. There is another story. There used to be a country where the impression of street cleaners was that they were old and dirty, and they were not very friendly to these people. After all, they were the lowest class of people. But then there was a painter who painted a picture for every cleaner. The garbage trucks were repainted and designed with different patterns, and gradually people in the city had a different impression of these garbage men."

Jean asked, pointing to Area 29 in the distance.

"What did you see in District 29 more than 10 years ago?"

Ran Zai sighed.

"Dirty and messy."

Ran Zai only came to District 29 for work. Many old prostitutes who were alone at home suddenly died of illness, and he came to dispose of the bodies many times.

"What now?"

Although Ran Zai is unwilling to admit it, it is really just in just over 10 years that District 29 has completely changed. Neat and clean streets, strangely painted houses, and colorful neon lights emit at night. Not only the neighborhood, The makeup of women has also changed. It is no longer like it was more than ten years ago, wearing leather jackets, short skirts and bikinis, standing in twos and threes on the street smoking cigarettes and soliciting customers. The makeup is also the same, very enchanting, and some even look very enchanting. Just put on casual makeup and dress casually.

The entire neighborhood is in a smoky state. You can often see people from the administrative department maintaining order on the street, but they are surrounded by women and teasing them. The entire neighborhood is in chaos. The most common incidents every day are thefts. This is also the case for many men who come here. He was dirty and wanted to have some fun after finishing his work.

But things are different now. The women on the street are all dressed in their own unique ways and have exquisite makeup. The men who enter District 29 range from small clerks who live a comfortable life to the bosses of some companies.

"There have been changes, but the actual problems still cannot be solved."

Ran Zai muttered, and Gene smiled and nodded.

"People like beautiful things. In a beautiful environment, people's work ability and intensity will improve, their mood will be better, and they will be more receptive to some things. This is what I said before about human nature. If there is no such thing as Ada said, If all these things continue in the long run, people will only lose vitality and then lose hope. Do you want to go to District 29 to help with the construction? I can issue you a special assistance document."

Ran Zai waved his hand.

"This kind of thing is not suitable for me. It's easier for me to move corpses."

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"That's what it means to be helpful. I will take frequent vacations in the future. When I take vacations, you have to follow me 24 hours a day."

Ran Zai's eyes widened, and Jean tilted his head and turned back with a smile.

"If you dare not come, I will beat you."

"Hey, Mr. Jean, you are too pushy!"

"Find a place to drink and come with me."

Ran Zai followed Jean helplessly and jumped between the rooftops.

"Where to?"

After Ran Zai saw Jean's movement track, he actually already knew it, but he still asked.

"You know it."

"Are you in Locke's office again?"

In the breeze, Gene pressed the brim of his hat and smiled and nodded.

"Of course, you can take a bath there, and there are also a lot of high-end wines, cigarettes, and some food."

A sneeze

Locke sneezed and had finished processing the documents submitted by all the departments today. He stretched out comfortably and planned to go back to his private lounge to sleep. When he passed by Michelle's office, Michelle heard from inside Wu Lei's slightly majestic voice, a bunch of general affairs department secretaries listened to Michelle's slightly scolding tone with trepidation, Wu Lei looked at Michelle helplessly with a smile.

"Listen, next time if you don't understand something, just make notes. I'll tell you one last time. Make detailed notes on the parts of the document that you don't understand. This will make it easier for all of us to handle our work. You"

bang bang

Locke clapped his hands and walked in.

"Okay, okay, it's been more than 5 hours since I got off work. We'll talk about these things tomorrow. Let's all go and have a rest. Xiao Luo, hurry up and get to the roof. There should be a lift waiting to take you back there. I’ve been waiting for a long time, go quickly.”

Locke patted Secretary No. 21 on the shoulder. She was a mother of two children, but she usually went home after 12 o'clock every night. Her children were still young, so it was difficult to see them in person only a few days a month.

Wu Lei breathed a sigh of relief. Once Michelle started talking, she would not stop talking and would explain all the issues clearly. If she continued at this pace, it would be past 1 o'clock.

"Your Excellency, this is my job and I hope you will"

Locke walked behind Michelle, pressed Michelle's shoulders, and winked at the secretaries, who saluted and left.

"Many of them have families. Although the business department is said to be their second home, they are still allowed to go home early. The important parts of the work have been taken care of, and you can rest early."

Michelle stood up, bowed and said.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Manager, it's my personal combat strength training time later!"

Michelle walked out directly after saying that, and Locke sighed.

"I haven't been home for a long time. I seem to have a few days off."

Locke remembers that a few years after the establishment of the Acting Department, Jean suddenly established the 13th Department. Since then, he has not had much rest.

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