There is a sweet smell in the air, and the light of neon lights is flashing on the street. Beautiful women are chatting and laughing with men in twos and threes on the street. Some men are holding the women in their arms and flirting with them.

Jewell threw the cigarette butt into the garbage disposal, took a deep breath, and exhaled the thick smoke. He stood at the entrance of an alley with a smile on his face. The strange light shining in District 29 in front of him made the whole block look like Just like a tempting sweet and delicious cake.

Jewell, who had not been here for a long time, smiled happily. He had already changed into fancy casual clothes on the way. He had just handed in his 7-day leave while running because of the 11th subject. The workload is not heavy, and Jewell handles the work very quickly. Basically, there is not much time to work in a day. Except for certain times when other departments are extremely busy, Jewell will bring some directors to help. At that time, Jewell's work was very leisurely.

In the past 30 years of his life, Jewel has been hanging out in nightclubs almost every night, shuttling among the beautiful night butterflies.

"Just have fun tonight."

Jewel said and pulled up his hood. He planned to go and have some fun with some old acquaintances. At this moment, Jewel felt hot in his heart. Anyway, he didn't have a few good days to live, because once he got married, Things have changed.

King Xue and Li Ang have sternly warned Jewell that they are absolutely not allowed to set foot in a nightclub after marriage. Otherwise, if the positive image they have worked so hard to create for the business collapses, their work will be in vain.

"Chief Jewell, I hope you can understand our painstaking efforts. This is also good for you. You can take a good rest for a few years. After all, if this continues, you will eventually die on a woman's bed. Marriage is very important to a man." It’s a good seasoning, maybe you’ll feel something different.”

"That's right, you bastard, don't go out and mess around after you get married, especially in the eyes of the women in the business. Although you have a handsome face, privately the women in the business call you a pervert. Stick, I think marriage is the best way to change your image. This is the case with women. After you suddenly change your gender, their evaluation of you will definitely soar."

Should I get married or you get married?

Jewell felt uncomfortable when he thought of being forced to talk by two people. He lowered his head, covered his face with a hood, and walked quickly through the street.

Looking at the fragrant and delicious women on the street, Jewell couldn't help but start running excitedly. Jewell could name at least half of the more than 100,000 women here, because most of them had been lying in bed for so many years. In his arms.

Jewell fell into invisibility in a deserted alley. After walking a few steps, he saw a man and a woman having intense fun in the alley. Jewell smiled, and for a moment his body and mind felt faster. pace.

Finally arriving near a hairdresser's shop, Jewel looked around. There was a woman wearing a leopard-print skirt, purple stockings, and dyed green hair sitting in front of the shop. She was smoking a cigarette. There seemed to be no business in the shop. , the woman's name is Beibei, an old acquaintance of Jewell.

Jewell quietly walked into the shop. Most of the streets on this street are barbecue restaurants. Many of the barbecues sold by women actually don’t taste very good and the prices are a bit expensive, but many men still like it here. , because after eating the barbecue, there will be one-stop service.


After Jewel showed his figure in the shop, he patted the woman on the shoulder. The woman was startled, but when she turned her head, she was even more shocked. Jewel pinched the cigarette in Beibei's mouth and took it over. , took a breath, hugged her and sat directly in the store, closing the door halfway with ease.

"Jewell, why are you here?"

Beibei asked with a surprised look on her face. Jewell smiled and began to fumble around Beibei's body restlessly, but was pushed away by Beibei.

"Beibei, please help me make a few calls. Just six tonight, plus you."

Beibei smiled helplessly and shook her head.

"I won't do your business anymore, Jewel, and don't come here again."

Jewell was dumbfounded for a moment and looked at Beibei.

"Well, I... I won't get married in a few days, not yet."

Beibei took out her mobile phone and brought up the light and shadow screen, opened a notepad and pulled out an invitation, a wedding invitation for October 15th.

For a moment, Jewell's high spirits began to cool down.

"Most people in District 29 have received it. It's Xiaoxi. She has been sending invitations door to door these days. She told us that she will do everything possible to improve everything in District 29."

Beibei said, giving Jewel a hug gently and smiling.

"I can indeed do your business tonight behind my friends' backs, and the same goes for everyone else, and the reward you give is not cheap, but it's time for you to have enough fun, right? Jewell, I don't want to be... Or when I go to the wedding in a few days, I still think about all the unpleasant things about tonight, I’m sorry, Jewel! Go home quickly!”

Beibei looked at Jewell. Her business was very deserted tonight. She originally wanted to change her look, but she seemed to have failed. Looking at the back of Jewell who was leaving, Beibei looked a little disappointed. Bebe smiled helplessly. During his most difficult time, it was Lu Xi who introduced him to Jewell, and he gritted his teeth and got through it. After that, Lu Xi also helped him to some extent.

"I'm sorry, Jewell, although we people are not clean, at this juncture, I can't do such a thing, and I don't have the heart."

Jewell walked down the street a little annoyed, and the aroma around him seemed to have changed. He just wanted to have fun for a few days before getting married.

"That dead old man."

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He wished he could rub the wise man's head on the ground and beat him up. Jewell took out the phone and dialed the wise man's number.

"Old man, how's the matter going?"

There was a somewhat uncomfortable humming sound coming from the phone, and it seemed that it was difficult to get up.

"When my injury heals, Jewell will help you personally."

Jewell blinked in confusion.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"This is retribution. I have multiple fractures all over my body, and my hands are also broken. I might have to replace them with a robotic arm. I'm in the hospital now!"

Jewell's eyes widened in surprise.

"Don't you even read the documents in the department that only the section chiefs have permission to view?"

Without thinking much, Jewell quickly brought up a light and shadow screen and started rummaging around. After a while, he found what happened in the stinking area in the south a few days ago. The wise man in the photos and videos of the scene was dying and covered in blood. The person who took the photo It was Mo Xiaolan, and what happened seemed very vague, probably because it couldn't be announced for some reason.

"What a disaster!"

"Of course, my old bones almost fell apart, and I finally escaped death. I said Jewel, it sounds like it's very lively over there. You shouldn't be in Area 29!"

Jewell looked a little embarrassed and hurriedly pressed the phone with one hand.

"Shopping with my wife!"

"That's good. Things have turned out like this. Although it is indeed because of my little relationship, I still congratulate you, Jewel. I will definitely give you a special gift when you get married. That's it. The nurse is going to give me an injection!"

The phone was hung up, and Jewell raised his head in confusion, feeling uncomfortable for a moment.

"What on earth is going on? What the hell!"


At this moment, there was a burst of gunfire in the street. Jewell immediately put away the phone and went directly to the roof. On the street not far away, a young man wearing the uniform of Section 13 held up a gun in his hand and looked around. A bunch of people gathered around and fell to the ground.

"It's Section 13 again, it's better not to get involved!"

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