"Listen, everyone, remember this. This anti-inflammatory drug should be taken according to your body weight. Be sure to remember the dosage correctly. The active ingredient of each pill is 1 gram. Take one pill per 20 kilograms of body weight. Children can Halve it.”

Gu Ningning stood on the stage panting and shouted. There were temporary medical settlements of Department 4 nearby. Many people in the barrier area came in and out. People from Department 4 installed a physical data on their chests. instrument and tell them what the different lights mean.

The instrument can record the patient's initial indicators, and the detailed data of the body will be recorded every day after taking the drug for a month. This is a routine matter of the 4 departments every month. New drugs in the clinical trial stage are distributed to patients with corresponding diseases in the barrier area. About 10,000 to 20,000 copies will be distributed to people. Among such a huge base, some are oral drugs and some are experiments on injectable drugs.

Oral medicines can be tested for as long as a year and a half, or as short as a few months, and those sick people in the barrier area are very willing to come over. Not only can they get free medicine, but they can also get an additional 30 cans of liquid food. .

The screening work is still in progress. People from Section 4 will go directly to the people in the barrier area to look for sick people and will bring them over after obtaining their consent.

Gu Ningning was still explaining some of the pharmacology of the medicine and possible adverse reactions to the people around her who had been taking the medicine for a month.

After conducting large-scale experiments in the barrier zone, the drug will begin to recruit experimenters in the city. The second phase of the experiment is safer because human experiments have been conducted first, but the physical fitness of the people in the barrier zone is better than that in the city. Some, so after the second phase of the experiment, the drug will enter the third phase of dose preparation experiment, and finally the fourth phase will begin to be sold to the outside world, but it can only be sold in designated areas, and it must be absolutely safe before it can be sold on a large scale. .

At this time, many reporters were still wandering around the temporary medical resettlement site, constantly interviewing some patients. Gu Ningning was sweating profusely. She had already told people in the 4th Department not to use new drugs for some seriously ill patients. Instead, use stable drugs, because treatment is often accompanied by death, which is inevitable.

Medical treatment is a science, and this science is based on cold death. Over the years, the medical department has been able to overcome one stubborn disease after another because of the guinea pigs in the barrier area. Everyone knows it. .

On the other side of the temporary medical settlement, a large amount of cheap medicines are being distributed at this time. People from the barrier areas are constantly queuing up to receive them. Those with children are given priority, followed by the elderly and women, and finally young people. You must pass a pain measuring instrument test to confirm that you are sick before you can be qualified to receive medicines.

Some children who have not yet received the life-extending vaccine are held by their mothers in preparation for vaccination.

Reporters kept asking questions, but they almost always asked questions such as whether they had received medicine every month. Gu Ningning frowned. Although the business department had opened up privileges to this group of reporters today and allowed them to interview, But many of the questions they asked were a bit harsh, and Gu Ningning couldn't stand it any longer. She ordered several council officers to go over and warn them. At this time, at the door of a large temporary medical clinic, a large number of women were standing, many of whom had slightly bulging bellies. , all pregnant women.

Many of these women cannot even know who the child in their belly is. Most of their only options are to abort the child in their belly. If they are not willing to abort the child, 4ke will provide some in-house homemade liquid food specifically for pregnant women. , but most of these extremely nutritious foods will be exchanged for other things after the pregnant women bring them back, or they will be robbed or stolen, and some of them will even be turned over to the local armed forces.

Gu Ningning sighed. She knew very well that changing everything in the barrier area could not be achieved with just a slogan. Not far from the stage was the operating room. At times like this, Hua Shen would perform operations frantically. Some people from Department 4 will also follow him to perform surgeries on people in the barrier area, and many new department members who have become doctors can get effective practice here.

Gu Ningning looked at Huashen's method which was almost like atonement. She strongly disapproved of it. After asking several directors to continue explaining the functions of the medicine to the people in the barrier area, Gu Ningning headed towards the operating room. As soon as he entered, he saw that many people on the hospital bed had streams of light shooting into their bodies. Hua Shen was sweating profusely and was still undergoing surgery.

"Doctor, it's almost time for you to rest. It's been more than 12 hours since 10 o'clock this morning."

Huashen ignored him and continued to operate. Gu Ningning looked at the many operating rooms next to him. Some of the staff who were doing the surgery had already begun to rest. Every time he went back to Huashen, he would sleep all day and was very tired. .

"Medicine is a type of science that is based on death and inhumanity. Please remember that you are a doctor, you are not a god or anything else. All you need to do is to use the best possible method. Heal the sick!”

Gu Ningning still remembered that when she first entered Section 4, Huashen was only a director at that time. Every year after that, Huashen would personally say the same thing to the new members again and again.

"Doctor, I'm almost hungry. I haven't eaten yet. Can I go eat?"

Gu Ningning shouted, and Huashen glanced at her.

"You go eat first, and then bring me a portion. I'll do the surgery while I eat."

Gu Ningning turned around dissatisfied. She could only run quickly towards the eastern guard station. The two female directors who were following her had already contacted the directors of Section 3 in the guard station and asked them to prepare meals.

We finally arrived at the Bridge of Weeping. It was already past 10 o'clock. The members of Section 3 who were busy on the bridge saluted one after another. Gu Ningning waved her hands and quickened her pace. She kept swallowing, just wanting to have a good meal quickly. pause.

It's like this every time, because the section chief Hua Shen is performing an operation, and Gu Ningning, as the secretary, can only direct the scene, and she can't go back to eat first.

I might get stomach cancer in the future, and I won’t be able to eat regularly during these days of the month! So angry!

Finally, he saw the gate of the eastern guard station. Trucks kept passing by and returning. But at this time, Gu Ningning noticed that the lights above the city gate were bright, there were a lot of people, and there were many people from the barrier area. There were even more people in front of him. Many people from Division 3 cleared the passage of trucks and surrounded an open space. Just in front of the fixture connecting the bridge that sloped down to the right of the gate, there were about 20 guys from the barrier area, fighting with a group of people wearing Ass The people in orange overalls at Na Film were talking about something, and floating cameras were flying around, and many people who looked like photographers were debugging equipment.

Gu Ningning stopped and looked at the group of people, very strange, and she blinked.

"What are you doing here?"

"Lord Gu Ningning, thank you for your hard work. Director Lanny is filming "Xing Ke Xue Feng Lu". Later, Lord Le Xiao will leave the country in person and conduct a few-minute actual combat scene with some temporarily recruited actors from the barrier area. ."

Gu Ningning nodded, but suddenly she pressed her hands on her cheeks, widened her eyes in horror, and looked up.

Isn't that girl a scumbag with zero fighting ability?

Gu Ningning felt horrified and had goosebumps all over her body. She immediately took out the phone. In an instant, Gu Ningning thought of the cause and effect, but Le Xiao was not a mutant at all. Let alone fight, let her do a one-word horse. It could kill her. Previously, Gu Ningning forced Le Xiao to do a straight line, which resulted in direct soft tissue contusion. She could only massage Le Xiao and apply medicine to relieve Le Xiao's pain.

It's over, it's over, it's really going to be over now!

Gu Ningning was so anxious that she was spinning around, but at this moment, she saw Le Xiao standing on the edge of the rooftop on the city wall that was hundreds of meters high. Gu Ningning immediately turned on her long vision and found that Le Xiao's eyes were wide open. , as if he was tied up, but his body was already bowed down, he was still saying something, and he jumped down.

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