Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 958 Branch 0 9 (Part 1)

"Fredo, what have you been doing lately? I'm going back."

"Nothing done."

The gentle and beautiful female kangaroo Mela in front of her comes from an upper-class family in the city where the Red Kangaroo Legion is branched. She plans to go back today. She made an appointment with Fredo a few days ago, hoping that he can come.

"You can go back with me, Fredo. I know that what you did before has angered the higher-ups and your future."

"I'm just here to see you off, Mira."

Fredo smiled helplessly. Although he was an outlier in school, he had a good rapport with the opposite sex. Many female kangaroos were interested in this weird Fredo, and Mela was one of them.

Female kangaroos are important reproductive tools in kangaroo society. If most female kangaroos are not from upper-class families, it is impossible to learn anything. The meaning of their existence is only to reproduce.

However, in recent years, many female kangaroos have entered some working positions and can complete their work very well. Meira is one of them. The number of female kangaroos in the entire military academy is less than 100, but Meira is one of them. The best among them.

In school, Meira would always ask Fredo to talk about some military matters from time to time, and rarely anything else. She didn't expect that Meira would directly bring up such a thing, which caught Fredo off guard. .

"I'm glad you came, Fredo. If you are willing to come back with me, we should be able to live a good life."

Although Meira was very direct, she still tilted her head slightly and did not look at Fredo.

"I'm sorry, Meira, I'm doing something... how to say, very exciting right now."

Meera laughed.

"Are you going to work on those farms at the bottom? I heard about Fredo, the problems you caused in the farmland outside the branch city before. If this continues, Fredo, your future will be directly blocked. Yes, you can get to the top. I hope you can consider Fredo carefully if you go down."

"I'm sorry, Meira. I'm just here to see you off today. Don't talk about anything else. As long as I think what I'm doing is meaningful, I don't think there's anything wrong with it."

Mela stopped talking about this and once again asked Fredo to go back to live with her, but Fredo refused.

"Are you really not considering it, Fredo?"

Fredo shook his head, jumped to Meira, and hugged her gently.

"Good luck to you Mira."

Mei La got on the aircraft. She was a little reluctant to leave. She wished that Fredo could leave with her. Fredo waved his hand and watched the aircraft take off slowly. Fredo smiled helplessly.

"If I didn't have any thoughts and was just an ordinary kangaroo, I might spend my whole life with you, Meira, but if I was just that ordinary, you wouldn't fall in love with me, right?"

Since the incident on the farm, Fredo has regained his confidence. He clearly knows what he wants to do and what else he can do.

After delivering the perfect salad, Fredo went to a drink shop near the military academy. Several kangaroos were already waiting for him. These kangaroos were all ordinary kangaroos from the neighborhood that Fredo had met in the past.

In the past, Fredo met when he was studying in the military academy. Most of them worked in some material supply points near the academy. Kangaroos of each class could go to different material supply points to get some of the supplies. There are things that are needed, but the entire class is strictly and clearly divided.

Students like them in the military academy can go to all material supply points except for some material supply points that high-level kangaroos can go to.

The purpose of Fredo coming here is firstly to catch up with his old friends, and secondly to win over them.

"We have all heard about Fredo. What you did before was really great."

Fredo smiled.

"I will do this kind of thing often in the future. The main reason I came here today is to ask you, how do you feel now? Under such a system."

One of the bakery kangaroos sighed.

"Because of the class I was assigned to, I'm not even allowed to eat the bread made in my own shop. I can only eat some low-grade whole grains."

Immediately, the kangaroos in a daily necessities store began to complain. Many daily necessities in their area were very tight, but every time those high-level kangaroos always took a lot, completely ignoring the lives of other kangaroos, they took them back. A lot of things will be wasted.

Fredo listened carefully to the inner thoughts of these kangaroos. Each kangaroo will be assigned to different positions according to different classes. Many kangaroos can no longer stand this kind of work arrangement, especially when they are unable to You can only do the job you like, and you will be blamed if something goes wrong.

The most critical thing is that the employees in the material supply stores that maintain the city's operation can hardly find any upper-level kangaroos. There are also very few middle-level kangaroos. All the bottom-level kangaroos are busy.

There are many voices of dissatisfaction among the kangaroos at the bottom, but these voices cannot be amplified, and most kangaroos still cannot disobey the orders from above.

Fredo has been traveling around for almost a month, and the answers he got are almost eerily similar.

"If we want to change this situation, we must unite effectively."

Fredo said, and the kangaroos all looked at him.

"If you are willing, you can come to me at Branch No. 22. This kind of society has no future, and it is meaningless for us to continue to survive."

Fredo's words made many kangaroos show fear, and one kangaroo persuaded.

"Fredo, what on earth do you want to do? This kind of thing is not a joke?"

Fredo smiled and stood up.

"If we don't resist, we can only endure, but there is a limit to endurance. That's all I've said. If you are willing, you can come to me in Branch City No. 22."

Fredo didn't say anything extra. He and Dave had already discussed it. If necessary, they would carry out armed resistance. After all, talking about many things was meaningless.

Now Fredo just wants to unite as many low-level kangaroos as possible, as well as some humans who are willing to follow them to resist.

Fredo took a look at the news. The next place he wanted to go was Branch City 48. There had just been a riot caused by humans there. Many human slaves had escaped. Fredo wanted to go there and have a look.

Fredo stopped and stopped along the way, and every time he went to a place, he would carefully check out the local conditions. Although every kangaroo branch city was similar, more nuances were the key to determining many things.

Both Dave and Fredo believe that the more severe the oppression, the more hope there is to win some kangaroos to participate in resistance actions.

It had been five days since he arrived in Branch City No. 48. As soon as Fredo arrived, he asked the farmers to find out. It was because the superiors forced them to double the production of food. The human slaves were working beyond the limit every day, and some were tired. Death, in the end because a farmer killed several disobedient slaves, a riot broke out on the farm, and almost hundreds of humans fled to the ruined city.

After Fredo found out more about it, he rode his motorcycle directly, got some food and drinks, and headed to a former small town in humanity.

Arriving in this devastated city, Fredo searched for a long time, but could not find any human figures, only some bones, which seemed to have died of illness and hunger.

Fredo wandered the streets of the city for many days, but still couldn't find any humans. In desperation, he could only put down some supplies in the middle of the city, and then hid in the dark.

After waiting like this for several hours, Fredo saw humans, and more and more of them were snatching food in a panic, seemingly without any organization at all. Fredo was a little helpless, and it was really hard to cooperate with humans. It's feasible, but only feasible, because humanity has lost everything now.

"Let's try it first."

Fredo went out, and sure enough, the humans ran away in fear when they saw Fredo. Although Fredo said that he would not do anything to them and only wanted to talk to them, the humans just ran away desperately.

Fredo caught up with several humans and looked at them with frightened faces. Not to mention talking about something, their fear of kangaroos was built into their genes.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Fredo suddenly looked at a human slave. He looked very young, his eyes were full of fear, and his body was trembling slightly. Fredo walked over kindly.

"Want to defy fate?"

As soon as Fredo spoke, the human nodded after hesitating for a moment. Fredo stretched out his hand. The other person was now relieved of his guard. Fredo held the young man's hand. After a while, many of them ran away. The people came back, and some tried to get closer.

"I need some help, or I hope to cooperate with you."

Fredo's words left some people in disbelief.

"Are you Fredo?"

A human asked, and Fredo nodded. Some humans had heard of Fredo helping humans. Fredo made a suggestion to these humans, asking them to go to Dave's base with Fredo. , those who are willing can follow along, and those who are unwilling had better go back to the farm, otherwise they will really starve to death.

In the kangaroo society, for any escaped slave, as long as any kangaroo catches it, the slave belongs to him.

There were three people who were willing to go with Fredo. The others took the food and left. Fredo did not force them. It was obvious that these people had no trust in the kangaroos, even if they were willing to go with Fredo. The same goes for the three people.

Along the way, Fredo discovered the extent of their lack of knowledge, which made Fredo feel shocked. In his impression, he had come into contact with some human slaves, but they had a little bit of common sense. Fredo had helped the human slaves. Not just once or twice.

In order to understand the reason, Fredo asked three slaves and found out that they were exchanged from the territory of the Eastern Gray Kangaroo Legion. Fredo was keenly aware of something, because in the territory of the Western Gray Kangaroo Legion, how many human slaves were there? They have the concepts of numbers and words, and they know some common sense, but the East has even erased these most basic common sense.

After successfully bringing the three people back to the underground base of Branch 22, the three humans seemed a little stunned because everything was something they had never seen before.

"Why do you want to help us?"

"Because I think there is not much difference between you and us. We all have intelligence and emotions, so I hope to help you. In the future, I need you to seriously learn some knowledge from Dave and then exercise well every day."

The three humans' doubts about Fredo have been eliminated. In their opinion, Fredo is really a good kangaroo, completely different from most kangaroos. They are very grateful to Fredo and start to follow Dave seriously. got up.

"I will continue to look for kangaroos or human Dave who are willing to come over. I can only work hard for you."

Dave nodded.

"That's all it has to be, Fredo. I've already obtained a lot of raw materials through my connections. When the time comes to make weapons, I will make them original shooting weapons."

The two people's respective actions were in full swing. Dave found that these people were very smart. As long as they taught them seriously, they could see progress in a short time, while Fredo kept contacting some low-level kangaroos.

Although some low-level kangaroos were interested in participating in Fredo's activities, they still did not come. Fredo knew that something must be done to get those kangaroos who had the idea of ​​resistance to gather. .

Just when Fredo was at a loss what to do, he saw something on the news. In Branch City No. 34, there were some bloody conflicts. In a factory, some low-level kangaroos had conflicts with the upper-level kangaroos because of the problem of rest. The kangaroos got into a dispute, and finally one kangaroo couldn't bear it anymore and took action.

The conflict quickly escalated from a small scale to a large scale. Kangaroo soldiers were quickly dispatched to suppress everything. Fredo planned to go to Branch City No. 34.

Soon Fredo inquired and found the place where the kangaroo lived. His two ears had been cut off. As a punishment, Fredo explained his purpose. The kangaroo was very excited.

"I've heard about you, Fredo. I've wanted to meet you for a long time."

This kangaroo was a very prestigious kangaroo in the giant factory. He was kicked out of the factory after being punished and now works in a nearby supply store.

"I hope you can summon the leading kangaroos in the factory. We can't continue to be oppressed like this. We must resist."

Soon, under the call of this kangaroo, dozens of leading kangaroos in the factory that night gathered over. They all looked tired.

Because the superiors required them to work at least twelve hours a day, Fredo had already thought about what they wanted them to do. The working time was the standard 12 hours, but during the working time, they must be lazy and full of mistakes.

"In this case."

"If we continue to endure it, nothing can be changed. If everyone agrees, you can try what I said first, and it will definitely be effective."

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