Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 952 Branch 0 7 (Part 1)

Smoke and dust filled the passage, and there was a violent roar. Fredo gasped and stood in a room, surrounded by several dead kangaroos. He had successfully obtained the weapon. Although the wound was a little painful, outside Those kangaroos couldn't stop themselves.

Fredo was waiting for the opportunity, and beams of light kept passing in front of his eyes. Fredo was judging the number of pocket mice that were blocked. I am afraid that large-scale riots have already occurred in the city. Fredo knew that this was his only chance. Chances are, as long as you go to the first floor, you can activate the mecha immediately.

As long as he gets the mecha, Fredo is confident that he can rush all the way and then head to the dock to set sail directly. Dave and the others should be ready for everything.

The matter of setting sail was imminent. Fredo thought that no matter what the fortress became, he had to set sail. Although Hans and the others had gathered so many rebels, nothing could be changed.

Most of this land is occupied by kangaroos who are accustomed to comfort and want to live leisurely. It is impossible for them to coexist peacefully with humans. Humans are slaves of kangaroos. This concept has lasted for more than a hundred years. Well, if humans cannot gain the same strength as kangaroos, this land will never have a future.

Fredo has been thinking about the situation very much these days. The current war is just a means of negotiation. When the war continues to a certain time, the five legions will definitely negotiate an agreement. In the past, as long as one legion among the five legions was willing to coexist peacefully with mankind, If so, there may still be hope for humanity.

Once the five major legions unite, this oppression of humans and the oppression of the bottom will only become more cruel.

Fredo had long foreseen that the kangaroos were moving towards the extreme society of the past before the destruction of mankind, so Fredo had no memory of such a world.

Although Fredo had some hesitation before hearing about the Kangaroo Resistance Front, now he thought very clearly. The laser beams in front of him were becoming more and more intensive. The ideas of these soldiers were too simple. They just Wanting to suppress Fredo with firepower.

However, after Fredo discovered that the laser beams increased, he did not rush out recklessly, because he realized that the situation outside might have stabilized. Fredo smiled, stood directly on a chair, and used the gun in his hand to The laser blade burned the ventilation duct, then took several bombs and threw them directly. After the violent explosion, Fredo got into the narrow ventilation duct.

Although the pipe is very narrow, it is enough for Fredo to pass through. Although it is impossible to determine how the pipe leads to the outside, Fredo only needs to smell it with his nose, and Fredo will know that there is a smell of blood in the flowing air.

If these smells can reach here, it is certain that a very large-scale massacre has occurred outside. Although Fredo does not know what kind of commotion Kanter and the others caused, if those large numbers of human slaves really resist If so, it will cause some trouble to the kangaroos in the city.

Fredo struggled forward in the pipe, and the sound of laser firing and explosions could still be heard below. It seemed that in response to the bomb that Fredo had just thrown, the kangaroo soldiers also began to use some explosives to fight back.

The only good thing now is that the information system in the city has been paralyzed. Fredo's mind is filled with images of those difficult years in the past, those who constantly made some resistance plans and finally escaped with difficulty.

Time and time again, Fredo stepped over, but there were fewer and fewer friends around him. Fredo still clearly remembered that when a friend was about to die, he asked Fredo what they were resisting and what they were doing. What can be gained by resisting? Fredo has no answer, because he can't answer it either.

But now Fredo can clearly answer that friend, because this invisible oppression is causing most kangaroos to lose their motivation to move forward. Their lives will be spent in such invisible oppression, like machines. Generally speaking, each performs his or her duties and helps the upper class create huge value.

Such a completely solidified class has no future, and it will even be even worse in the future. Especially when it comes to the problem of blue-blooded people, the upper class has completely given up on directly solving the problem, leaving countless kangaroos at the bottom to spend their lives. Against blue bloods.

Although some kangaroos may have noticed it, in the environment of such a centralized society, even noticing is powerless, because from the beginning, when the kangaroos established their country, they had already set such a tone of rule. There is a limit to what a class can touch.

The pipeline in front of him began to glow a little. Fredo moved forward little by little. Soon he saw a large number of mechas appearing in the sky in the distance. Fredo looked solemn. Only the one near the submarine channel to the east There was a lot of smoke, but the city was still intact.

The commotion has subsided. The number of mechas in front of Fredo is hard to imagine. It is at least more than 100 mechas. Fredo can imagine what is going on. These mecha troops should be temporarily drawn by Niegra. It turns out that he is a very good teacher, especially in terms of tactics and strategy. He has taught Fredo a lot in the past.

But maybe Fredo didn't like Niegra from the beginning because he was too rigid. He was the epitome of the upper class of the entire kangaroo society. He enjoyed supreme rights and refused to give the bottom a little hope. He was cruel to humans. Extremely.

Fredo climbed to the vent, and he looked quietly at the distance. A massacre was going on, and the Kangaroo Resistance Front did not cause large-scale incidents in the city. Fredo could probably think of something. , the commanders may have to give up, because the sudden appearance of the mecha troops has completely disrupted their plans, and they will definitely be destroyed if they continue.

In the distant sky, a golden mecha nearly 6 meters high was hovering in the air. It was Niegra's mecha. Other gray-white mechas were surrounding Niegra.

The situation was completely under control, and looking down a little, one could see at least a thousand kangaroo soldiers gathered near the headquarters, all heading for Fredo.

Fredo took a look at the place where Kimball mentioned before. His mecha was hidden in that warehouse. It was really very close to here. As long as Fredo jumped down, he could reach it in less than a minute, but Fredo held back, dozens of mechas were heading this way.

Fredo knew that he had to wait for the opportunity. If he rushed out now, he would definitely be shot down. If there were only ten or twenty mechas, Fredo would be sure to break through, but if there were hundreds of mechas, Fredo would definitely be shot down. No matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to break through.


Kanter stared blankly at the flesh and blood in front of him. His hands were still trembling at this moment. He knew very well that it had failed. There were still 2,000 of their people in the seven normally operating submarine channels, including kangaroos and humans, but they Now without knowing it, the outside has been completely suppressed by such a powerful army.

The remaining humans gathered in the east of the city. Of the more than 10,000 human slaves, less than 3,000 were left. After a brutal massacre, the riots completely subsided.

"There is nothing we can do about it. We must preserve our strength."

Too lazy to see a large number of kangaroo soldiers being equipped, Niegra has already issued an order. After entering the seabed mine, large-scale weapons are absolutely not allowed to be used. Anyone who dares to resist after rushing in will be shot to death.

Kanter was conflicted at this moment. Several small branch cities of the Eastern Gray Kangaroo Legion on the eastern coast have been captured. The Eastern Kangaroos succeeded, but they failed at this moment.

Kanter canceled the plan at the last moment. Even if they could cause riots in the city, they would not be able to kill Niegla. Now the situation was clear. They lost the chance. Niegla noticed something strange before launching the attack. , directly entered his mecha.

The attack did not work, and immediately the mechas guarding Niegra surrounded him. Kanter and the others lost the opportunity. Kanter believed that his judgment was accurate and should be done, but he always thought of launching a surprise attack in the mine. , and those friends who successfully seized control of the mine, Kanter felt uneasy in his heart.

"Search for Fredo immediately, don't miss any corner, I want to catch him alive."

Niegra's voice made Kanter wake up. He looked at the smoke-filled headquarters building behind him in shock. Unexpectedly, Fredo was not dead.

In front of them, the rows of kangaroo soldiers had finished preparing and began to enter the undersea passage, with some mechas following them.

The situation was far beyond Kanter's imagination. He put down his hands feebly. There was nothing more he could do. They failed.

At this time, Niegra was sitting inside the mecha. On the crystal screens, more than a dozen adjutants were reporting the situation. Although the information system in the city was destroyed, their internal military communication system was soon established through the mecha. .

Niegra knew very well that the rebels who planned such an action were still hiding in the branch, and even in the army around him, but Niegra did not intend to slowly interrogate anything anymore. What he needed now was mineral deposits.

Instead of worrying about where the enemy will attack from, directly crushing the existing enemies is the way to stabilize Branch 0. After this time is over, Niegra plans to kill the kangaroos who can trust him except himself. Clear out the No. 0 branch city, and then mobilize a large number of human slaves to continue mining and transporting ore.

Although this kind of decision is simple and crude, it is the most effective. If you go to Zhou Xuan with an invisible enemy, you will easily be led away by the nose.

Now we just need to completely stabilize the rear and collect enough resources, and everything will be over.

Some news came back. They found that Fredo had entered the ventilation duct, but the specific location was still being investigated. Niegla laughed. No matter what Fredo did, it couldn't be changed. Niegla planned to go directly in front of everyone today. In front of the kangaroos, Fredo was executed.

"This is very necessary Freddo."

As long as victory in the war can be guaranteed, everything will be solved.

At this time, in the No. 1 seabed mine, a human rebel was excitedly telling many slaves in the mine some things about their rebel front, and told them that after capturing Branch No. 0, their dawn It's coming.

Although there are still many human slaves who are afraid of these armed kangaroos, these kangaroos are also saying similar things.

Everything was good for the rebels as they successfully captured the mine. Although they did not know the situation outside, two hours had passed and no troops had come down, which was enough to indicate the situation. It should be pretty good.


At this moment, as beams of white light flashed across the tunnel entrance of the mine, a kangaroo rebel guarding the tunnel fell to the ground.

A large number of soldiers came in, as well as mechas. The mine fell into a commotion. Some resisters took up arms to fight back. However, everything soon changed. Many human slaves lay on the ground, still unable to survive. .

In less than 10 minutes, the entire mine fell into silence. A kangaroo rebel leaned against the wall quietly, looking at the tragic situation in front of him. He didn't know what was going on outside and why so many soldiers rushed in. , but soon he closed his eyes.


"General, all the occupied mines have been recaptured."

"Immediately order the slaves to go in and clean up, and then start to continue mining."

Niegra laughed. He drove the mecha and slowly landed outside the headquarters building. The information system was also repaired. At this time, as his voice sounded, the loudspeaker equipment in the city transmitted his voice. Got out.

"Fredo, if you hear me, come out quickly. There's nothing you can do. All your plans have failed."

Fredo was already in the warehouse at this time, standing next to his mecha. The mecha that had been fighting with him for many years was quietly sitting aside.

He heard Niegra's voice clearly. The situation outside was not as Hans and the others said. Their operation seemed to have completely failed. It was simply impossible to travel now. It was only a matter of time before he was found. As long as the kangaroos start a carpet-like search, they will definitely find him.

"What should I do?"

5 o'clock

Kimball looked at Dave blankly. Dave was constantly carrying some explosives to the submarine.

"What are you going to do?"

"Fredo is trapped. If I don't do anything, he won't be able to sail."

Boger was helping. Although she tried to persuade Dave, he refused.

"This is the only way to do it now. If we destroy a few more undersea passages, bigger riots will begin."

There were many soldiers from Kanter's side.

"All I need you to do is give me a little help near the bottom of the ocean."

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