Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 948 Branch 0 5 (Part 2)

The cool sea breeze made Jamie feel like urinating. He lay shivering next to the reef. The huge black shadow moving in the darkness in the distance made Jamie a little scared. Moreover, this black shadow was getting closer and closer. Jamie didn't know it. What is that? It looks like a boat in outline, but it also looks like a mountain.

"What exactly is that?"

Jamie muttered, he turned around and returned to the house, took out the steel blade, and took Imogen into the basement again.

"Koko, what is that?"


Jamie put on gloves and cold-proof clothes, which Fredo found for them from other places. Clothes made of kangaroo fur were the favorite clothing of humans a long time ago. Especially when disaster strikes.

Although Jamie was a little worried about Fredo's mood, Fredo said that if they wanted to live here for a long time, they had to wear kangaroo clothes that could cover up part of the smell.

Jamie put on his hood and stared quietly at the black shadow that was getting closer and closer in the distance. At this time, Jamie discovered that it was a ship. He stood on the reef in shock, watching the ship getting closer and closer.

"It must have drifted here from other places."

Jamie relaxed his vigilance and saw an old and familiar ship in front of him. Jamie thought of the ship he saw with Fredo in the desert.

"Koko turn on the lights."

The searchlights in the base turned on and everything on the sea became clear. Jamie opened his mouth in shock. This was really the ship he and Fredo saw in the desert. The ship had slowly docked. With a loud noise and a crackling sound, the boat ran aground on the sofa and fell crookedly on the rocks. Jamie took off his coat.

Don't go past Jamie.

Jamie didn't listen to Coco's advice. The sea water was at low tide now. Jamie stepped on the mud and quickly touched the rocks. He licked his lips. Jamie missed the taste of wine.

There was the same hole on the side of the cabin. Jamie took an activated light source and carefully stepped into the cabin. Because he walked around the cabin for a long time that day, Jamie still remembered the place where the wine was placed.

Jamie found the stairs he went up that day. He stepped on them, carefully looking at the damaged areas under his feet. Soon Jamie came to the circular room where he found the wine that day.

"what happened?"

Jamie was shocked. Under the light, the wine that Fredo took out from some shelves that day was placed there intact. Jamie ran over quickly and pulled out a bottle of wine. He looked around Looking around, he quickly found a knife. Jamie opened the wine bottle, and a familiar aroma floated out. Jamie immediately took a sip of wine and clicked his tongue.

"It tastes good. What's going on? Is there an identical ship?"

"This is my boat, Jamie!"

Jamie was startled. He turned his head in shock and saw a man wearing a uniform and a greasy hat sitting at the bar. Jamie looked at the guy in front of him in complete disbelief.

"who are you?"

"My name is John, and I am the captain of this ship."

Jamie leaned over cautiously. The man in front of him was covered in dark red clothes and had a strange smell. He was disheveled and held a bottle of wine in his hand.

"We met Jamie again."

"Have we met somewhere?"

Jamie looked at John in confusion, he didn't know where he had seen this man before, John grinned slightly.

"We are in many places. Destiny is so wonderful. Everything starts again. Jamie, I haven't had a drink with you for a long time. How about we have a drink tonight?"

Jamie was even more surprised. At this time, John stood up and glanced at the sunglasses hanging on Jamie's chest. Just as he reached out to take them, Jamie stepped back, and then looked at John strangely.

"What are you doing? And how did you get here? This ship is very old, right? Weren't you caught by the kangaroos?"

John laughed.

"This AI is very annoying, isn't it? It keeps reminding you that we need to have a drink."

Danger Jamie leave quickly.

Coco's voice sounded. Jamie glanced at John and then at Coco. John was holding up the wine bottle.

"Let's have a drink. Human beings always like to drink when they are happy, and also when they are sad. This action is called a toast. Let's have a drink."


The two bottles of wine clinked together, and Jamie took another sip. He felt warm in his stomach, but a little spicy. John looked around.

"By the way, Jamie, do you want to eat something? Although some things are rusty on the outside, things like cans can be stored for a long time. There should be no spoilage."

Seeing John's kind look, Jamie didn't suspect anything. He put away his sunglasses. After all, Coco was really a bit annoying.

"Come on, I'll take you down there to take a look."

John said, Jamie walked over and followed John, but at this time Jamie was confused.

"What's going on? You don't have a shadow."

John laughed.

"Yeah, I really don't have a shadow, it's been many years."

Jamie didn't say anything, he didn't understand how John got here.

"Are you from the outside world?"

John stopped and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"It's the world inside."

Jamie felt baffled, and John said with a smile.

"It should be impossible to understand with your current knowledge, Jamie, be happy, your life has just begun, and my life has long ended."

"what does it mean?"

John shook his head. After going down a flight of stairs, Jamie saw a dilapidated passage with many rooms on both sides. This should be where humans slept on ships in the past.

After following John down some stairs, Jamie and the others came to a door. The whole place looked relatively well-preserved, and there was a rusty round handle on the door.

"Jamie, this is where the food is placed. Take it out and heat it up before eating."

Jamie nodded happily and licked his tongue. He was indeed a little hungry. Because of Fredo's arrest, Jamie was in a bad mood this afternoon and didn't eat much.

John walked to the iron door and turned the round handle. He seemed to be struggling, but there was a creaking sound, and the scabs began to peel off, and Jamie swallowed.

With a bang, the door opened, but there was only a crack. There was a strange smell inside. Jamie shined a light and found many bones and some metal cans that had been opened. John ran happily. Got in.

Although the smell was very strong, Jamie followed in and soon saw that it was a relatively large room with many metal cans placed everywhere.

Jamie remembered that he had heard some people who ran away to live in the broken cities of humans say that humans used to have a kind of food that was packed in this kind of iron box, and it was still delicious after opening it.

With Jamie's excited sweet mouth, John rummaged around and soon came over with a big box in his arms. He seemed to be confirming something and looked at it carefully.

"These should all be edible, especially this piece of cheese. It should taste very good."

Jamie looked at a large jar with a yellow lump on top.

"Come on Jamie, there should be an emergency kerosene stove on this boat, it should still be usable."

Following John's twists and turns in the passages, Jamie saw a lot of human skeletons.

"John, what happened to the people on these boats?"

John smiled and said.

"When the disaster happened, we lost our bearings at sea and drifted for many years before finally landing. But we couldn't go anywhere, and we couldn't go back anywhere, because there was no place in the world for us to go back to."

Jamie still couldn't quite understand what John was saying.

Soon a pungent smell made Jamie cough. He saw John carrying something and a can of dark liquid.

"It'll be ready soon, Jamie, we really need a drink tonight, okay?"

"Why don't you go downstairs? Is Imogen still there? I'll introduce you to her."

John shook his head.

"Jamie, who we can't get ashore, can't come back."

John's voice was a little sad, as if he was about to cry.

Jamie hummed and then said.

"But I have to go to a room where I can see the base. I'm afraid Imogen might wake up."

"If Imogen wakes up, you can tell Jamie."


Jamie looked at the sunglasses in his arms in surprise, and Coco stopped nagging reminders.

Soon John took Jamie to the deck, and found a stable place to stand on the side close to the base. He began to pour kerosene into the heating furnace, and then looked around. Soon he took it out of his pocket. He took out a box of matches.

Soon the kerosene stove came on, and Jamie watched with some joy. John began to open the cans, and strange smells came over. John took a bite first, and then immediately started to curse. Soon several people had already opened the cans. The can was brought over and John put the key on the heating stove.

Then the largest can was opened, and John borrowed Jamie's steel blade and began to cut open the stone-like thing bit by bit. A strange aroma floated in the air, and the inside was warm yellow.

"This is cheese, take a bite."

Jamie took a small piece and put it in his mouth. The moment he put it in his mouth, he was stunned and stood up directly. He had never tasted something so sweet and melted in his mouth. Jamie started eating it.

"Here, cheers."

Jamie took a big sip, then immediately picked up a large piece of cheese and started to nibble on it. At this time, he also smelled another aroma. The water in the can was boiling and gave off a strong smell. This smell directly overshadowed it. That smell of burning black liquid.

John took Jamie's steel blade and picked out a small piece. Jamie blew it to cool and put it in his mouth. He jumped up immediately.

"What is this? It's so delicious."

Jamie looked at the soft thing in his hand in astonishment. It was very smooth in his mouth, and the taste was something Jamie had never experienced before.

"It's delicious."

Jamie hummed, took another bite of cheese, and then took a sip of wine. He smiled happily. This was a taste that Jamie had never experienced before.

"Where on earth did you come from?"

Jamie asked again, and John shook his head.

"Jamie you will know in the future, Jamie we will meet again in the future, you will meet a woman named Le Xiao in the future, and she will change your life."

Jamie groaned, feeling that this name was so strange.

"Le Xiao? Who is that?"

John smiled and shook his head, when Jamie realized that the wine bottle in his hand was empty.

"Why did you drink so fast?"

John smiled.

"Eat quickly, and go back early to rest Jamie after eating."

Jamie tasted all these heated cans with a smile, and each can brought Jamie a new feeling.

"By the way, I have to take some back to Imogen."

Jamie cut off a chunk of cheese, then picked out some of each can, took off his underwear and put it in his underwear.

"You like her very much."

Jamie smiled awkwardly and nodded.

"Well, I like Imogen very much. Freddo said it's called love."

John shook his head and raised his head with emotion.

"Love it? It's almost Jamie, I'm on my way."

Jamie looked at John suspiciously.

"Where to go?"

"Okay Jamie, it's time to go back."

At this time, Jamie saw a black thing on the sea, which seemed to be a pillar. Under John's urging, Jamie came to the hole in the side of the hull. John took off his hat, and Jamie was shocked. There was a big hole in John's head, and some black breath was coming out.

"What exactly are you?"

After John bowed slightly and saluted, he held the wine bottle and laughed.

"Jamie, goodbye."

Jamie nodded and asked no more questions. He just felt strange. Then Jamie stepped on the reef and quickly returned to the shore. As soon as he turned around, the boat had slowly left the sea. At this time, Jamie felt something strange. The food wrapped in his hand became lighter. Jamie hurriedly opened it and saw that it was dark and there was nothing left.

"What is this, what's going on?"

Jamie also felt that his head was sober, and the light and giddy feeling after being drunk had disappeared. The half bottle of wine in Jamie's hand was also gone. Jamie picked it up and saw that there was a hole underneath. , there is no trace of alcohol in it.

Jamie looked at the disgusting smelling things on his clothes and hurriedly shook them off. He returned to the shore and felt that everything he had just experienced seemed like a dream, but it was extremely real.

"Coco, what on earth is that John?"

Jamie asked in confusion, but Coco didn't answer. Now Jamie felt his stomach was empty again. He entered the room and glanced at Imogen, who was still sleeping in the basement. Jamie started to rummage. He got up, found the last bottle of wine, and took a satisfied sip.

"Just drink a little and get something hot to eat."

They are the undead Jamie from the distant past. Don’t contact them again. They will never come ashore. You should move forward, not backward. Do you understand Jamie?

"what does it mean?"

Jamie took out his sunglasses and thought of Freddo again.

"He should be fine."

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