The lights made the wilderness look like day. Fredo and Mela got off the aircraft. Sim had already arrived, and he was only a few meters away. Mela followed Fredo and walked over.

"Commander Meira's attack just now resulted in the casualties of our soldiers."

Meira didn't answer, but looked at Sim coldly. The commanders and adjutants around him looked extremely angry, and Fredo took off his sunglasses.

"General, put away those meaningless words and talk about it. War is not the only solution."

Fredo's words made many military commanders dissatisfied, because Mela and the others took action first, Nayin stood up and said.

"Fredo, peace talks cannot be resolved. They have now defected to Branch 77. The entire Red Kangaroo Legion has received their wanted order. They want to assassinate their commander. No matter what they do, this crime cannot be erased. Otherwise, if we accept them, I'm afraid we will also be criticized by the superiors."

Fredo smiled helplessly. Nayin's words probably meant Sim, because no matter how you look at this matter, it is impossible to negotiate. Sim's intention in coming here is probably to let Meila take their people away, otherwise If so, use force to resolve it.

"No matter what kind of censure it is, it is insignificant in the face of war."

After Fredo finished speaking, Meira laughed.

"General Sim, if you are willing to take us in, if there is a war in the future, at least we can make due contributions to Branch 99."

Sim still shook his head and refused.

"Commander Mela, it is true that your army is very powerful. We have learned from it just now. If Fredo hadn't stopped me just now, we would have started the war now. Maybe the result will be as Fredo said. It’s one-sided, our army cannot compete with you, and we suffer heavy casualties.”

Meira stopped smiling.

"But the disadvantages of accepting you are far more than the advantages. I have considered this clearly. It is true that war is about to break out for Fredo, but you should be very clear about what betrayal means to us kangaroos."

Fredo nodded, and Meira stared at Sim coldly.

"There is another way to speak in this world, strength!"

"If you want to come, give it a try."

Facing Meira's threat, Nayin said angrily, and Meira turned around and planned to return to the aircraft.

"Then I will have to annihilate you."

Fredo grabbed Meira.

"Have you ever experienced war?"

Fredo said and Meira stopped.

"Or have you experienced many wars? Why are you unwilling to let go of your prejudices? Once a war breaks out, this society will undergo unprecedented changes. The Kangaroo Legion will continue to be dragged down, and it will be difficult to get out of the quagmire of war. General, even if you accept Meila and the others, the higher-ups will not hold them accountable, because they have already made the decision long ago, right?"

The two sides were still hostile, and all the kangaroos were silent. Fredo lit a cigar and said nothing more, but wanted both sides to think about something.

Sim and his 99 branch just wanted stability and were forced by the approaching war, so Sim asked Fredo to help them train and integrate the army. As long as they could withstand the attack of the eastern gray kangaroo in the early stages of the war, Only then can we ask for help from other branches.

Because in the kangaroo society, no kangaroo would be willing to save the weak, so Sim does not intend to accept these traitors, even though their 99th branch is the weakest in the entire red kangaroo army.

Meila and the others only wanted to find a place where they could stand, so they chose the relatively weak 99 branch. If the negotiation failed, they would directly use force to make the 99 branch surrender.

"Fredo, I don't think it's necessary to continue talking."

Mira finally spoke, and Fredo dropped the cigarette butt.

"Why do we go for the worst outcome just because of our prejudices when there are clearly better options?"

Fredo has seen this kind of thing not once or twice. When he and some of his companions were doing activities in the past, there were obviously better choices, but everyone ended up making the worst choice for some reasons.

Over the years, Fredo has visited many Kangaroo Legion branches, and he has seen kangaroos make the worst choices countless times.

"If Jamie hadn't gone to the farmland to inform you tonight, maybe your deaths and injuries would be more serious now."

Fredo said and Sim nodded.

"Why did he come to inform us?"

This also surprised many kangaroos, and Meira seemed a little surprised.

"It turns out to be the human child."

"Because Jamie said you gave them water and food and freed the slaves who left, and that's it."

Meera laughed.

"What a ridiculous reason."

"How about trying to change some views? The entire kangaroo society has been closed for more than 100 years. From the beginning of closing off everything about humans, now the entire kangaroo group has begun to close off. This closure has created a situation where everyone is at war with each other and a war is coming soon. Come, because war is the only solution to this closure.”

Mira turned and looked at Fredo.

"What exactly do you want to say, Fredo?"

"If you don't try anything, there will be no results. So I suggest that Mei La and his troops join the 99th branch and train and live together for a period of time?"

"Ridiculous, Fredo, can't you see what they want to do?"

Nayin couldn't bear it any longer.

"It's true that Meila and the others want to find a place to take root and realize their long-planned plan. Now they have no way to turn back, so they made this move."

Sim shook his head.

"Fredo, stop talking. It's impossible for us to accept them. Once we accept them, our 99 branch will become the target of public criticism in the entire Red Kangaroo Army."

"General Sim, I mean to accept them secretly, not openly. You can use your general authority to give them new identities."

Fredo's proposal caused many Kangaroo commanders to whisper. Indeed, they had seen the combat capabilities of the Kangaroo soldiers under Meila. The firepower quickly formed a combat team and broke into the long-range attack force of the 99th branch.

"No matter what, how about giving it a try? General Sim, the war is coming in three months. I'm afraid the reinforcements you are expecting will not arrive as scheduled. You can only rely on your own strength. If you don't want to try, in the future There won’t be any changes.”

Fredo's words silenced both parties again. What Fredo was thinking about most now was Jamie's actions. The situation had changed. Sim also tried to make some changes. This place was now open to Fredo's feeling was new.

In the past, there was a pool of stagnant water wherever you went, but here there are fresh sprouts.

"General Sim, although you made an attempt to let me help you integrate and train soldiers, give water and food to the humans wandering in the ruined city, and free some slaves who are willing to leave, this is also an attempt. Without you, There may be bigger problems tonight."

Sim looked at Fredo blankly, hesitation began to appear in his eyes, and Meila had doubts in her eyes. After a while, she spoke.

"General Sim, what we did before was indeed wrong, but we are at the end of our rope. If we continue like this, we will have no future. It is true that our plan at the beginning was to capture the 77th branch. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. OK, General Krum is confused. Everything he has done over the years has put Branch 77 through too much, and the private deals he has made with other branches are actually selling us out. We can no longer tolerate General You are an enlightened general. If you are willing to accept us, I promise to do my best for Branch 99."

"That's nice to say."

As soon as Nayin finished speaking, Sim stood up to stop him from continuing.

"Then please show your sincerity, Commander Meira."

Sim said and Fredo nodded.

"Since you want others to accept you, you must show sincerity. Disarm yourself and enter the city."

Meira's eyes were serious, and she looked at Sim suspiciously.

"I will ensure your safety. Your weapons and equipment are only temporarily detained. We will not touch them one bit."

"I have to go back and discuss it with Cotesel."

Sim nodded. Fredo knew very well that it was extremely difficult to make such a decision, because without weapons, no matter how powerful they were, once they were surrounded, they would all be destroyed.

Fredo followed Mera into the aircraft, and after they left, Sim sat back in his chair.

"General, are you really going to accept them? The risk is too high."

Sim nodded.

"I also know that Sim, if they launch a rebellion one day, it will cause a devastating blow to Branch 99."

After Nayin finished speaking, the other military commanders had the same opinion, but at this time Sim's mind changed. The attempt was indeed the beginning of change. The social system of the kangaroos had not changed for a long time.

In fact, Sim predicted the war long ago. If this kind of society continues, one day the pressure will be completely released. If you want to avoid the worst results, you must make changes.


Sim said, and the military commanders stopped their discussion.

"Let them enter the city if they are willing to hand over their weapons."

Sim made a decision. He didn't know whether this decision was correct. He was already old, but if Branch 99 was completely destroyed after he closed his eyes, he would not want to see it.

Sim has also discovered in the past few days that everyone's thinking has stagnated. If he hadn't met Fredo, the wanderer, Sim would not have thought so much.

Time passed by, until the clouds turned gray and it was already 9 o'clock in the morning, and the distant aircraft came back again.

This time there was Cotesel on the aircraft, but Fredo was gone.

"We are willing to surrender our weapons, General Sim."

"I will hold a grand welcome banquet. I hope we can get along well in the future, Commander Meira and Commander Cotesel."

10 am

Jamie woke up, he smelled the fragrance and heard the voice. When he got up, he found that Imogen was gone. Looking from the window, it was Jason and the others, Winnie was taking care of Imogen, and Fury Duo is cooking a big meal for everyone.

Jamie ran down happily, and everyone was happy. They originally thought that after being caught by the kangaroos, they were finished this time, but Fredo saved them again, but Fredo said that it was Jamie I ran to the edge of the farm and informed him, so he came over and figured out a solution in advance.

Bottles of wine were opened, and Jamie went over to get a bottle. Everyone was very happy.

Jamie looked at many slaves coming around. They were carrying some things, and many slaves were looking at them.

"How's it going, Fredo?"

Fredo explained briefly to Jamie, who nodded happily.

"This is good, Fredo."

At this time, Meira and Cotesel came over.

"Fredo, that child's business is mine."

Fredo pulled Meira farther away.

"After the interrogation, she was taken away and the general ordered her to be purged of any thoughts of resistance."

Fredo said nothing.

"No need to explain anything."

Cottersell looked at Jamie not far away.

"Are you really not going to tell him the truth? Fredo."

Fredo shook his head.

"It doesn't matter what the truth is anymore, what matters is that he has hope in his heart, and that's enough."

Meira shook her head.

"But he will find out one day. What are you going to do then?"

Fredo smiled.

"Even if that day does come, he will not give up hope, even if it is only a little bit of hope, as long as the child is still alive and warm."

Meira wasn't going to say anything else.

"When are you planning to leave? I didn't expect you to agree to General Sim's request."

Fredo jumped over.

"Leave after cooking them food. You can go back first. Starting tomorrow, I will test your soldiers to see how they are doing. Then your soldiers will be mixed into the 99th branch of the army."

Meira nodded. The current result was the best for them. There was no conflict with the 99 branch and they were accepted. This was the best choice for them who had no way out.

"Are you really not going to stay, Fredo?"

Fredo shook his head.

"I will leave when the deadline is up. Maybe I won't come back."

Meira looked at Fredo with serious eyes.

"I actually quite admire your Freddo."

Fredo smiled and waved with his hand.

"By the way, Fredo, can you teach me something today?"

Jamie asked, and Fredo nodded in agreement.

"Is it still the use of weapons?"

Jamie nodded happily.

"I wish you could tell me more specifically."

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