A week passed quickly. Sim looked at the kangaroo soldiers in front of him. They were completely different. In the past, many kangaroo soldiers looked lazy. Training had no special meaning for them. Most of the kangaroo soldiers Soldiers just accept this training as part of life.

For Kangaroo soldiers, training is just like eating and sleeping every day. Many Kangaroo commanders, including many commanders, do not pay attention to such training. Several joint trainings between the troops have always caused troubles.

Looking at the current kangaroo soldiers, they are much better. They are no longer as disorganized as before. Fredo has divided all kangaroo soldiers into more than 40 training teams based on different physical abilities.

"When the time comes, I will soften these soldiers together to ensure that each army is relatively balanced from high to low."

Fredo said, and Sim nodded on the side. The commanders and adjutants also have their own training. Fredo has developed some exercises for them that are different from ordinary soldiers, and Fredo will also personally go to the field to conduct them with them. Sparring.

"Military training in the past relied too much on weapons, and many soldiers didn't even know the conditions of the weapons. This is not acceptable."

Fredo said while looking at a crystal screen, which showed the answers to all the soldiers yesterday. Many soldiers had very serious misunderstandings about basic weapons, and the concepts of many weapons were very confusing.

Such chaos is not acceptable. In Fredo's view, these soldiers' lack of basic knowledge is too serious. The previous training plan was basically nonsense, and many things were just a formality. Once such an army starts a war, it will be basically There is no way to fight back.

The Great Gray Kangaroo Legion in the east basically fights with the blue-blooded people in the southeastern volcanoes all year round. They are often on the front line of combat. Their army's combat effectiveness is very strong.

This is also the reason why Sim is worried. Once the war starts, their 99th branch will be easily eaten. The other branches of the Red Kangaroo Legion will not use their elite troops to save such a weak unit.

The shadow of war is getting closer and closer. In the past few days, Sim has shown Fredo a lot of communication and conversation records. Fredo can see from these records that the intentions of the Eastern Gray Kangaroo Legion are very obvious. To control all areas along the eastern seaboard.

Once these areas are controlled, it will undoubtedly be very dangerous for the Red Kangaroo Legion. War is just a means of transaction. The Eastern Gray Kangaroo Legion has always wanted several technologies of the Red Kangaroo Legion. This matter has been discussed for many years. However, the two sides have never reached a consensus.

"Fredo, there's a conversation tonight and I'd like you to come with me."

Fredo hesitated, but nodded after thinking for a moment.

It was already 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and the day's training would not end for an hour. Fredo asked them to train until 6 o'clock, and there was another training at 9 o'clock in the evening, and they would train until 10 o'clock.

This kind of repeated phased training has begun to bear fruit, and in just one week, obvious results will be seen.

"Come on Fredo, let's go back and prepare. They are almost here."

Fredo nodded, coming over was the southeast negotiating team of the Great Gray Kangaroo Corps. They asked Branch 99 to hand over grain compression technology, but what was given back to Branch 99 was only an old technology from ten years ago. Such a technology transaction is Extremely unfair.

This unfairness has been going on for a long time. Fredo and Sim took an aircraft towards the general's mansion. Soon they returned to the mansion. An adjutant came to report that the other party's negotiating team would meet Arrived at 6 o'clock.

"Get everything ready."

Sim would prepare a grand welcome ceremony every time the negotiating team came over, and would give them a lot of food when they left, so that the war did not break out.

But this is not a long-term solution. One day the other side will not get what they want and a large-scale war will break out.

"What do you think I should say to Freddo? It's impossible to fool him this time like last time."

After the other party comes over, Sim will show them enough respect, let many females accompany them, and send them a lot of food. However, the other party has already said it last time. If they still don't plan to hand it over, the situation will become worse. very serious.

"You can only agree first and then tell them to wait a few months. This is the best way."

After Fredo finished speaking, Sim nodded. Indeed, he had also thought of delaying in this way, but delaying it was not an option at all. If they still didn't plan to hand over the technology by the date, I'm afraid a war would definitely break out.

Sim was worried about this before, because they would definitely lose as soon as they opened, and the Eastern Gray Kangaroo Legion probably also wanted to show the Red Kangaroo Legion how powerful they were, so it would be best to attack the 99 branch.

This food compression technology is meaningless to the Eastern Great Gray Kangaroo Legion. It is just an excuse for them to start a war. If this technology is handed over, the upper echelons of the Red Kangaroo Legion will never allow it. In any case, only war can solve all problems in the end, and whoever stands at the end will be able to enjoy everything.

Time passed by, and Sim was still worried. At this time, several men came over, a kangaroo band was already waiting, some kangaroo soldiers were also lining up, and a grand welcome ceremony was prepared.

At 6:20, an Eastern Gray Kangaroo aircraft landed steadily in the courtyard, music started playing, and Sim walked out with several adjutants to greet him.

"Speaker Earls, welcome you."

Sim said as he stretched out his hand, Fredo looked on. He was also wearing the uniform of the adjutant of the 99th branch, but the sunglasses he wore made Earls couldn't help but glance at Fredo.

"Who is this?"

And the most important thing is that Fredo's fur is gray, which makes him look out of place among a group of red-furred kangaroos.

"This is a capable man from the west."

Earls looked at Fredo for a few times. Soon after the grand welcome ceremony, Earls entered the mansion with his subordinates behind him. Sim had prepared food, but it was obvious that Earls This time he was sure to win. After simply eating some, he spoke.

"General Sim, I hope the meeting can start as soon as possible. After all, we still have a lot to talk about, right?"

Sim stood up and led Earls and his group into the conference room.

"Regarding the 17 technologies for grain compression, I hope General Sim can consider it as soon as possible and trade with us."

Sim hummed.

"We have already thought about trading the technology."

Earls smiled, but he still felt that the gray-furred kangaroo in the corner was out of place, wearing sunglasses and saying nothing.

"When will that happen?"

Earls' tone sounded cheerful, and Sim immediately laughed.

"It will take at least three months."

For a moment, all the kangaroos on Earls' side showed angry faces.

"Can you tell me why it takes three months?"

Sim still said with a kind face.

"It's like this. Because of some problems in other branches, many generals of the branches objected to me. I was explaining to them recently. After all, our 99 branch's technological capabilities are low, and they are unwilling to give us new technologies, so I actually agree with this kind of deal."

Sim's words temporarily calmed down the anger of Ers and the group.

"Three months is too long, how about one month?"

Sim said immediately.

"Speaker Earls, there is really no way. We need to do a lot of work here, and we must get approval from the top. There is a problem with our private transactions like this. I guarantee that after three months, We will definitely hand over all our grain compression technology.”

Earls fell into deep thought, and the people behind him were also discussing. At this time, Earls looked at the gray kangaroo.

"General Sim, I have a question. Why does this kangaroo from the Great Western Gray Kangaroo Corps come to such a remote place?"

Faced with this question, Sim hesitated for a while and didn't know how to answer. At this time, Fredo spoke.

"Because I encountered some problems there, and General Sim is an old friend of mine, so I had no choice but to come over and join him."

Earls smiled.

"Question? I think you look familiar. What is your name, sir?"

"I'm Rhodes."

Fredo used a pseudonym, and Earls said nothing more, returning to the grain compression technology trade.

"If you still refuse to trade technology after three months, what will you do then?"

When Earls asked, Sim immediately assured.

"I promise, if we still don't have a deal in three months, I'm afraid our branch won't exist, isn't it, Speaker Earls?"

Earls laughed.

"Looks like you should know better than to General Sim."

Sim stood up and said complimentarily.

"Of course. After all, our branch 99 is just a decoration of the Red Kangaroo Legion. I don't want our branch to be involved in the war."

Earls laughed happily.

"Don't worry, as long as you are willing to hand over your technology, even if there is a war, we will bypass Branch 99."

After everything was settled, Sim invited Earls to continue the party. Earls was now in a good mood and agreed.

At the banquet, Earls and Sim chatted happily. Fredo was standing at the side of the banquet hall, smoking a cigar quietly. He noticed that Earls was looking at him from time to time, and Fredo walked over and planned to go back to rest first. .

"General, I'm going back to rest first."

Sim nodded and said.

"Go ahead."

"Rhodes, I really feel like I've seen you before somewhere."

Earls spoke again, Fredo laughed, and then left. Earls stared at Fredo suspiciously. He planned to check out the details of this kangaroo when he went back. After all, he always felt that this kangaroo was related to everything. Out of place.


Jamie had eaten happily and was washing Imogen's body. The clothes had been dried.

"You know Imogen, I can run for a long time without feeling tired now, and I feel light and airy when I hold you."

Jamie looked at his body that had become stronger. He was very happy. Everyone was the same. In just one week, they had already changed, and many people became stronger.

After quickly putting on clothes for Imogen, Jamie pulled Imogen out of the underground garage. They decided to move outside tomorrow to some higher floors, because there were small rooms in those places. Just plug the broken area with some waste.

Now everyone has enough food and clothing, and daily exercise has made everyone more and more confident. Jamie always carries two laser transmitters, and he is thinking about how to use them every day.

After taking Imogen out, many people were taking a walk after dinner. Jamie happily talked about some things from the past few days of training. During this time, Jamie felt that Imogen seemed to have changed a little bit. She Her expression was no longer so cold, but seemed to have a hint of warmth, and as soon as Jamie passed by, she would take the initiative to come over.

"Imogen, I think you will get better slowly."

After taking Imogen for a walk around the nearby streets, when it was completely dark, Jamie took her back to the underground garage. After entering, everyone sat around and talked about their experiences of today's training. , this is what Fredo requires them to do every day. After the training, everyone must exchange something with each other, so as to contribute to the overall improvement.

After a while, everyone went to rest, but Jamie still tied Imogen with a rope, and then hugged her and began to fall asleep.

Every time like this, Jamie's heart was filled with excitement, because there would be very fresh changes every day. After a while, Jamie's consciousness became more and more blurred, and he quickly fell asleep.

"what happened?"

Jamie was a little surprised. He came to this colorful world again, and there was sunshine. Jamie often came to such a world recently. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He knew clearly that he was dreaming, but he couldn't wake up. Come.

This dream world is really beautiful. Jamie was walking around. He remembered that he had been drinking the night before and had been in a similar dream world. There was also a man named Jean who talked to him a lot. .

It's just that Jamie doesn't quite remember what Gene said. He was walking freely in this colorful and green world. At this moment, Jamie saw a figure, and Jamie hurriedly chased after him.

"Imogen, is that you?"

Jamie looked at the girl standing across the lake in shock. It was indeed Imogen. Jamie ran over quickly and walked on the lake. Blue particles were flying in large areas around her. At this time, the originally clear water began to turn dark, and Jamie was a little surprised. He didn't know why no matter how he ran, Imogen was still on the other side of the lake.

"Imogen, please wait for me."

Jamie shouted, and at this moment a hand took Jamie's hand.

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