Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 923 The Meaning of Exercise (Part 2)

It was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon before returning to the building. Many people waiting cheered. Jamie was very happy, but soon he saw a few people coming out of the underground garage on their own initiative. What are people looking for?

Soon these people were disappointed. They did not find the person they were looking for. Jamie saw Imogen in the crowd. She was still the same as before. Jamie ran over in a hurry.

"Imogen, we have something to eat and drink now. Freddo said he would let us wait for a month. Let's go out for a walk."

Jamie pulled Imogen, wanting to lead her to move more and talk to her more, maybe one day she would wake up.

"Imogen, do you remember what happened when we ran out before?"

Jamie happily talked to Imogen. He felt that as long as he talked to Imogen more, she could slowly recover.

Jamie still clearly remembered that night. He was sleeping well, but suddenly he heard a loud noise, and then the entire slave residence became commotion.

Then the door of the slave house was opened, and Jamie saw flames blazing into the sky outside, and the mecha standing in the field was pushed, the farmland was on fire, and some aircraft were destroyed.

Just when Jamie was at a loss, Imogen ran over and grabbed her, asking Jamie to follow her. Imogen was disgusted with this girl who always teased her at first, but gradually she He began to have a good impression of Imogen, because she always liked to make trouble and seemed to have infinite vitality in her body.

Looking at Imoqin like this every day, Jamie was attracted little by little. Jamie felt very good looking at Imoqin every day, and gradually the smiles on his face became more and more.

Jamie knows very well that it was Imogen who taught him how to face pain. Jamie has not seen his parents since he was very young, because the kangaroos have long cut off human family relationships in order to better control humans. .

Jamie was very scared when he first became sensible. Like other children who had just become sensible, they were afraid of everything in the world, and the indoctrination of the kangaroos was also one-sided. Jamie never thought about what would happen in the future.

Until he met Imogen, Jamie changed little by little. He found that many things were not as scary as he thought. As long as he faced everything positively, many extremely painful things for human beings would be gone. It will become easier.

Jamie followed Imogen without any hesitation that night, and hundreds of people escaped from the farmland because the kangaroos in the farmland were too harsh on their slaves and required them to work most of the time every day.

Moreover, he often beats and scolds some slaves for no reason, and makes the slaves fight each other for fun. Many slaves can't stand it very early. Even obedient slaves like Jamie are tortured every now and then.

This situation started when Jamie began to have cognition, and it has been like this for more than ten years. Jamie doesn't know how long the people who planned this riot have been preparing, but it is certain that the people who planned the riot succeeded.

No matter how strong the kangaroos were, the entire farmland was completely in chaos under the fire. Many people escaped this time. According to people who knew a little about the numbers, there were at least four to five hundred people.

However, Jamie was confused after coming out. The next day, Jamie tried what it meant to be hungry. Then someone suggested that he go back and steal some food and water when the kangaroos were resting.

Then everyone agreed, and as day by day passed, fewer and fewer people ran out, some went back, and some were killed when the kangaroos hunted them.

In the end, less than 100 people survived in the ruined city that humans once had. Jamie was so hungry that morning that he couldn't bear it, so he went outside to see if he could pick up anything. Unexpectedly, Moqin followed out.

Originally, everything should have ended that day, and they would have successfully returned to the slave farmlands. For escaped slaves like them, they would have been sent to even more cruel farmlands. The only possibility for them to survive was Young and fertile.

In those days, Jamie had been planning like this, to have more children with Imogen, so that they would not have to starve to death, but he did not expect that Imogen would do such a thing.

Jamie subconsciously held down Imogen, because he knew very well that living was far better than dying.

In just a few days, after meeting Fredo, Jamie's outlook on life has completely changed. He feels that there is always a power in his body, and this power will become stronger and stronger recently.

Jamie couldn't help but think of everything he saw in the dream he had that night. Ever since he had that dream, the uneasiness in Jamie's heart had disappeared because he saw something. Although he couldn't tell what it was, It was beautiful to take things, and Jamie knew that the future was already starting to change.

"It's okay, Imogen, I will take good care of you. No matter what happens, I will never abandon you."

Jamie held Imogen's hand and walked through the streets full of abandoned cars. Jamie planned to take Imogen out for more walks and talk about some things in the past.

At this time, Imogen stopped. Jamie let go of her hand and watched her casually crossing two cars, walking aimlessly. Although she felt a little sad in her heart, Jamie knew that she had to face Yimo with a smile. Moqin, no matter when and where, no matter what kind of difficulties there are, just like Imoqin did to herself in the past.

"Are you hungry, Imogen? If you are, eat something first."

Jamie ran over quickly, took out a piece of compressed dry food from his pocket, and handed it a small bottle of water. Imogen remained motionless and looked at it blankly. Jamie crushed the piece of dry food hard and put it on the Imogen opened her mouth slightly and put the food in.

After Imogen chewed and swallowed, Jamie gave her water, but Imogen looked a little tired at this time. She sat on the ground, and Jamie carried Imogen on his back and continued walking.

Jamie just wanted to take Imogendo to move around, especially in a place with a wide view. At this time, Jamie raised his head and looked at a tall building in front of him. This is the tallest building in the city. , the top of the head cannot be seen at a glance.

Jamie carried Yimogen on his back and walked into the road. After finding the way up, Jamie carried Yimogen on his back and climbed up little by little. Yimogen leaned on Jamie's back, and Jamie walked all the way. Talking.

"You know Imogen, the words we heard before were all made up by kangaroos. We humans are not as fragile as they say. Yesterday I climbed up a tall building. Although I was scared at first, I It’s better to climb up. I’ll take you up to have a look. If you look down from above, the things below will be very small.”

Jamie recalled a lot of things in his mind. Many people had said the same thing to him. We can only do this for the rest of our lives, and there is no need to have any illusions.

But now Jamie doesn't think so. Since there is no fire in this world, he will bring fire from another world. These words were all told by Fredo to Jamie, and Jamie remembers them very clearly.

The stairs in front of him were long. Jamie kept climbing. He felt that a long time had passed and he was very tired. But his legs could still move. He continued to carry Imogen upwards little by little.

Finally, when they came to a completely decayed iron gate, Jamie climbed to the rooftop with Imogen on his back.

"Arrived at Imogen."

After putting down Imogen, she had fallen asleep. Jamie leaned against the wall on one side, holding Imogen in his arms, planning to wait for Imogen to wake up. He decided to take Imogen to rest here tonight. Then he would go down early tomorrow morning. He wanted to let Imogen take a good look at this place and take a good look at the city from the top of the building.

The future may not belong to the humans here, but the humans here in the future will one day get rid of this fate of being enslaved.

The sky has begun to darken, and only the lights in the distance can be vaguely seen in the mist. Jamie tied himself and Imogen with a rope, because Jamie also realized, what is Imogen doing now? I don’t remember or know anything, so I have to take care of him all day long.

Jamie found some waste in the room below. Although many of them were no longer usable, they still found some things. After building a small nest, Jamie ate and took Imogen into the small nest. , hugging Imogen tightly.

Jamie decided to start exercising with Jason and the others every day tomorrow, and Jason also said that he would let his partner take care of Imogen.

Fredo also said that what humans lack most is exercise. If humans are willing to exercise seriously, humans still cannot be stronger than kangaroos, but they can avoid being defenseless when facing kangaroos.

In the darkness, Jamie touched the kangaroo's weapon next to him. The image of the weapon was all in his mind. It was clear in his mind that Jamie was observing this kind of laser transmitter every day, what it looked like, and wanted to know everything about it. , Fredo simply said that this thing is controlled by the special consciousness brain waves of kangaroos, and human brain waves cannot be controlled.

This makes Jamie a little confused, because Jamie feels that they are also thinking creatures, why can kangaroos use it but humans can't. Freddo has explained that brain waves are the product of thinking, which cannot be seen or touched, and cannot be touched. There was no detection method, so it was impossible to tell Jamie more specifically what was going on.

Jamie thinks about this weapon every day, because Jamie has realized that the reason why humans have no chance of resistance is not that humans are inherently weaker than kangaroos, but that humans must have weapons.

After Jamie picked up those crude weapons yesterday, he felt like this. These weapons can easily pierce the bodies of kangaroos. No matter how strong their bodies are, they can't resist these weapons. They still have to rely on their bodies to wear them. of protective armor.

The theory that kangaroos have always buried deep in the hearts of humans that humans are useless and weak in the past is meaningless to Jamie at this moment.

Human beings can become very powerful as long as they can pick up weapons. Especially after hearing about Jason and the others shooting a kangaroo, Jamie became more determined. This weapon is not only used by kangaroos, but also by humans. But it requires a method.

Jamie gradually became sleepy, and soon he fell asleep.

When Jamie woke up, there was already a slight movement. Imogen had already gotten up and was walking around the room. Fortunately, she tied Imogen with a rope. After Jamie got up, she took her with her again. Imogen came to the rooftop under the gray sky.

Imogen stood at the edge, watching blankly, her expression still unchanged. After a while, Jamie saw someone waving a flag at them below. Jamie realized that he had come here without notifying everyone. Come on, they should be worried.

After returning to the garage, Jason walked over worriedly, and the female companion beside him also leaned over.

"Sorry, I didn't tell you. I just wanted to take Imogen up there to have a look."

Jason did not blame Jamie, but asked his partner to take good care of Imogen.

"Throw it away. It's inconvenient to carry around for training."

Jason looked at Jamie who was still carrying the kangaroos' laser transmitter, and Jamie said with a smile.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

Jason stopped trying to persuade him. He still remembered that when he was Jamie's age, he and others had dismantled this thing. There were many complex structures inside that they were completely unaware of, but it broke after being dismantled. .

"Jamie, do you think if Brilliant City really still exists, can the people there defeat the kangaroos?"

Jamie nodded.

"I think it's definitely possible."

After Jamie passed by, he joined their training, because Fredo talked a lot that night about how humans used to exercise. He told Jason and the others in detail every step, and each of them recorded a little bit. While waiting for training, let the person who recorded this take the lead.

This is also the method that Fredo taught them. One person cannot remember everything in a short time, but if there are so many people, each person will remember a little, so that when they are put together, it will become complete.

Jamie started with a simple run. After running for a while, he felt a little tired, because running for such a long time would be a bit uncomfortable for them.

Fredo also said that when you officially start exercising, it will be very uncomfortable, but you have to be patient. Only when you endure this stage and start to adapt to the next stage, your body will become stronger.

The strength of the body determines the possibility of surviving in such a dangerous environment in the future. Jamie looked at the others and started to pant after running for a while. Because many people know that if you run longer, The chest will feel uncomfortable. The kangaroos once said that if humans run too fast, the chest will explode.

Jamie pressed his chest, which hurt a little. Although it hurt, it didn't explode as the kangaroos said.

"It's almost time to rest, get up quickly."

A man leading the run pressed on his heart. Fodor had told him that as long as his heart stopped beating violently, it meant he could continue exercising.

Jamie stood up with joy, and everyone else also started running around the building, everyone was full of hope.

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