"Is it a dream or reality?"

Fredo couldn't be sure of his current situation, but it seemed to be reality. There were cries of selling all around, and there were a lot of goods being sold. Among them, the ones that shocked Fredo the most were humans.

People with yellow skin were locked in cages one by one. Their clothes, body shapes, and faces were completely different from those of the rulers. Fredo realized that this should be a place that had been invaded, and the local residents should have been reduced to slaves.

Fredo looked at these people quietly. They included women, men and children. Not far away, there were some hanging dead people. They had long since dried up under the scorching sun.

Everything in front of Fredo seemed to be extremely cruel. This level of cruelty reminded Fredo of his own kangaroo society. Although humans were slaves and used for fun, except for work, they lived under the rule of kangaroos. The humans down here are already very good compared to the slaves here.

Fredo saw humans in the cage who were sick, injured, and dying of pain. Such things would not happen in the kangaroo society. Once humans get sick, they will receive treatment immediately.

This port looks very new, it should have just been established. The prisoners who got off the ship had fear in their eyes, and they were listening to the instructions of the local commander.

Each of the prisoners looked very scared. Many of them were trembling. But unlike the prisoners, they were the black-skinned people. Many of them were already heading into the woods with tools under the leadership of some soldiers. .

Fredo walked over and took a look and found that it was a large area of ​​reclaimed land. Many people were using primitive tools to reclaim the land. There were people cutting down trees all around. It seemed that the land was still being reclaimed.

Fredo walked around and looked at the seaport town. Many places were under construction, and many people looked exhausted. However, the soldiers on the side were holding whips and beating these people continuously. , let them move faster.

Finally, someone fell to the ground due to exhaustion. Immediately, a soldier came over and started beating him until his skin was torn and he couldn't get up. At this time, someone came over to stop the soldier, but it was obvious that this person had run out of energy. .

The dead people were carried away directly and buried in a big pit.

Fredo has never seen such a tragic situation. Although he knows that humans have a history of colonial expansion and invasion in the past, many books written by humans only have some illustrations, and they don't seem to have much emotion.

Fredo didn't know why he came here. After seeing the history of this place, he could only understand it this way. He mistakenly entered an area where images were preserved and saw the history of this land in the past.

After watching for a while, Fredo started to go in the direction of the forest. He hoped to get out of here, but after running for a while, Fredo found that he couldn't get out of here, and instead saw a lot of animals.

Fredo saw that many animals were completely extinct animals that he had seen in the past. Fredo walked quickly through the forest with some doubts. He really wanted to take a look.

Soon Fredo walked through the forest and came to a large open grassland. Fredo looked around, took off his sunglasses, and jumped over slowly.

"Are they our ancestors?"

Fredo looked at a large group of kangaroos lying down and resting. Many kangaroos looked half asleep, the larger kangaroos were on the periphery, and the thin kangaroos were gathered in the middle.

The female kangaroo's pouch was stirring from time to time. Fredo looked at it with some emotion. These kangaroos were different from the kangaroos in the kangaroo society that Fredo lives in now.

An emotion that made Fredo quite emotional emerged in his mind. Fredo knew clearly that after witnessing the atrocities of humans, he thought of everything in the past when he and humans were active together.

"Is this really the right thing to do? What on earth am I doing."

Fredo was lost in thought. He stood quietly beside the group of kangaroos. The large kangaroos around them would open their eyes from time to time, seeming to be alert to the surrounding situation.

Fredo fell into deep thought. He knew very well that his mood was a bit complicated now. This complexity stemmed from seeing the cruel and depraved side of human beings. It was obvious that they were the same race and humans, but they had extremely strict distinctions.

At this time, there was a commotion in the forest, followed by a sudden scream. As soon as Fredo turned around, he heard a gunshot.

Several injured humans jumped out of the forest. They looked like slaves. Some of them fell to the ground. The commotion woke up the kangaroos. However, the kangaroos did nothing and just looked at them quietly. An individual is running away, followed by pursuing soldiers.

Bang bang

Along with the sound of gunfire, someone was shot while escaping, but he was quickly helped up by his companions. The scream just now came from the escaping woman. She screamed. Fredo walked over and put on his sunglasses. He saw The woman looked desperate and painful. After a while, the woman was pulled back.

In the end, all the people who escaped were caught, and only three people survived. The others were placed in the wilderness.

"Why do you want me to see all this?"

Fredo said helplessly.

Soon predators came not far away. These ferocious beasts quickly gathered, and several dead people were devoured by the beasts.

Fredo questioned himself. He knew clearly that something in his heart was shaking. The nature of human beings is such a cruel biological species. This was something Fredo could not accept.

Fredo couldn't help but want to ask himself whether it was worth it for kangaroos and humans to live in peace after all these years of fighting for the liberation of slaves.

Fredo's heart was shaken violently. The commotion just made all the kangaroos stand up. The beasts stared at the kangaroos eagerly, but the tall and majestic kangaroos attacked, and soon with the beating, the strong kangaroos Rushed over.

Within a few minutes, these beasts left one after another. It was obvious that they were afraid of these strong kangaroos, especially the dozens of kangaroos that gathered in groups. They were not afraid of any group of carnivorous beasts.

There were bursts of miserable wailing sounds, and some wild animals that were about to come up to test were kicked by the kangaroo and flew a few meters away. After screaming violently, they vomited blood and died soon after.

The scene in front of him reminded Fredo of the days when he was training in the army. Everyone wore protective gear and practiced jumping and kicking. Those days were actually pretty good.

Fredo took out a cigar, looked at everything in front of him, and lay down leisurely. This state was actually quite good, in the sunshine and green grass, but it was all just in the past.

This planet will never return to what it was like in the past, and the situation may get worse in the future. Fredo watched the kangaroos return to the edge of the original forest and start to rest.

Any species is insignificant in the face of natural disasters. If we cannot work together, the world may one day fall into deeper darkness.

The biggest problem in kangaroo society today is the blue-blooded people who came down from the volcanoes in the southeast. Fredo once suggested that it is better to cooperate with humans. Maybe humans can provide some solutions to some problems that kangaroos cannot solve, because They are highly intelligent creatures that have evolved over tens of thousands of years.

Unfortunately, this idea does not work in kangaroo society.

"When can we go back?"

Fredo didn't know how long he had been there. He looked at the time and saw that it had been six hours. He was a little worried about Jamie and Imogen outside. It should be dark by now, although there was nothing in this sea of ​​sand. No, but the temperature will drop dramatically at night.

Just when Fredo was thinking about how to get out, he caught a glimpse of blue in the corner of his eye. Fredo stood up immediately. It was a kangaroo about the same size as himself. However, the fur of this kangaroo was a little weird, it was blue. .

The only thing Fredo could think of was the kangaroo with the same name as him, Fredo, who made the kangaroo community become intelligent. Looking at this kangaroo, he seemed to be looking at himself.

"Can you see me?"

Fredo asked, the blue kangaroo nodded, and Fredo took off his sunglasses in surprise.

"What exactly is going on here?"

The blue kangaroo turned around and jumped into the distance. Fredo quickly followed, and soon the blue kangaroo stopped on the top of a mountain in the grassland.

"Your will is too weak, Fredo."

Fredo looked at the blue kangaroo in shock.

"It is true that I am the kangaroo who gave intelligence to kangaroo society."

"Aren't you already dead?"

Fredo looked at the blue kangaroo in shock.

"Indeed, I am dead in your perception, or in the perception of life, but in the world of microns, I am still alive."

Fredo didn't know what a particle was, but he was certain that this was not a dream.

"This land used to be peaceful until humans arrived, and even the indigenous people here would get along well with nature. But then humans who came and transitioned to industrialized society began to plunder this land. All that was known was enslavement, and the vicious criminals of their society were exiled to this land."

"Why are you showing this to me?"

Fredo asked, and the blue kangaroo grinned.

"All this is inevitable. This is the law of world development, because wisdom can only move forward and rarely retreat. The reason why you are here is not accidental, but inevitable."

The blue kangaroo said, and Fredo continued to ask.

"What on earth is going on in this world, what on earth are the kangaroos doing?"

"It's a pity that I can't answer your questions Fredo. There are too many reasons in this world. The society of kangaroos is the same. Once they start, don't stop them, and you don't need to question them. Ethnic groups and a society must go through quite a lot of hardships before they finally find a way to balance everything.”

Fredo nodded.

"Then why did you bring me here?"

"I just said Fredo, it wasn't me who asked you to come here, it was him, Mr. Jean!"

Fredo looked over in surprise. There was a man with white hair standing in the distance. He was wearing a white shirt, loose pants, black leather shoes, holding a cigarette, and his face and hands were covered with flaming tentacles. texture.

"Is that Gene that Jamie was talking about before?"

Gene walked over slowly, smiling gently and nodding.

"Fredo, I felt it when you made your choice."

Fredo was a little surprised. The man in front of him looked very incredible, because Fredo had never seen such a person before.

"Choice? Jamie?"

Gene nodded.

"Don't be confused by Fredo. The connections in this world will eventually come together, and you are the key point to let that child leave this land, no matter what the cost."

Fredo looked at Jean in shock.

"Does Brilliant City exist?"

Gene raised his head, blew out a puff of smoke, and then pointed into the distance.

"There exists, on top of the mountain, a large human city illuminated by an artificial sun. Every dark world needs fire. Perhaps you have vaguely noticed that Jamie is different from many people you have met."

Fredo nodded.

"what should I do?"

Jean nodded.

"Just do it according to your will and your ideas. No matter what happens, don't back down. The world has never lacked idealists, but it has lacked firm and brave idealists. You are such a guy, Fredo. , it’s a pity that I can’t get to know you, otherwise maybe we can become friends.”

Fredo laughed and stretched out his hand to reach over, but as blue particles floated, Gene's body disappeared in a trance.

"As you think Freddo, one day this world will fall into endless darkness, and life will eventually disappear."

Fredo put on his sunglasses.

"What do you think the meaning of my existence is?"

Fredo asked, and the blue kangaroo shook his head.

"You can only find the answer yourself. Lost guy, goodbye. This may be the last time."

In a daze, Fredo came back to his senses. He was still in the dust, but there was a sudden movement behind him. He turned around and saw Jamie walking in.

"Why did you follow Jamie?"

Furui took another look at the time, and it turned out that only 3 minutes had just passed.

"I'm a little worried about you Fredo, let's go."

Fredo hummed, and Jamie and he left the pillar formed by the dust, but at this time the irregularly floating dust began to fall on the sand.

"What's wrong Fredo?"

Jamie asked unclearly, and Fredo laughed.

"I seem to have encountered something incredible just now. I'm in a good mood. Jamie, let's go. Our journey has been stopped for several days."

Jamie ran happily and immediately went over to grab Imogen, who was walking on the sand.

"Come on Imogen, we have to get on our way."

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