Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 898 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment CLXVII

The man raised his hand and looked at His hands and feet were tied and stuffed into the car.

The gate of the science and technology seminar was extremely chaotic, but then X walked out from another place, and the reporters present were stunned.

X glanced at the dead clone on the ground. He only had a few days left to live. They had received information as early as an hour ago that someone wanted to assassinate X.

Then X directly claimed that the dead Chairman murderer.

An hour later, after the situation calmed down,

I have worked for CA and FI many times. When solving some international problems, I often take action, and the target is usually killed with one shot. The most recent time was in a small country, where he shot and killed a man who did not want to sell domestic resources. To the leaders of some big companies.

Everything in that small country is now controlled by big companies. After reading Nan De's information for a while, X ordered someone to remove Nan De's blindfold.

Nan De looked at X standing in front of him in horror, as well as the other two members escorting him. They were all identical. He immediately thought of clones.

"As you can imagine Mr. Nand, we are the Clone Legion."

X did not shy away and laughed after sitting down.

"Mr. Nande, you should know who commissioned you to do this. After all, before you plan your action, you will carefully consider who the organization behind the scenes is. If this organization is not strong and reliable enough, the blame may fall on you. ."

Nan De's face was ashen, he knew he was finished.

"I really don't know, Chairman

X said with a smile.

"Since you don't know, there's nothing we can do. How about we do a little experiment?"

Nande struggled, but was quickly held down. The two X's holding him down had much larger arm muscles than the one in front of him.

The door to the room opened, and a bunch of instruments were pulled in. Nande struggled and said.

"I really don't know, please let me go, I really don't know."

Nan De shook his head in pain. X talked about the leader of the previous small country, and Nan De looked fearful.

"You are very unprincipled in what you do, Mr. Nande. You clearly know that if that gentleman dies, the country will fall into darkness for decades in the future, but you still pull the trigger. Obviously you have nothing to worry about. Once you wear it, you can retire with success, right?"

Nande struggled fiercely, but couldn't move at all. Soon the equipment was set up, and a thin man with shaggy hair walked in.

"How's it going, Mr. Singh?"

Nan De looked at family members.

This was a few years ago, X said, raising his hand.

"Okay Mr. Singer, the man in front of you is the murderer of your whole family. Although there is someone else behind the scenes, how do you need to fiddle with his memory."

Singer walked over with a grim expression. At this time, several other identical X's came in and began to operate on Nande with tools. They cut open the back of Nande's head. Nande was now groggy.

"Just follow the script you thought of before, Chairman X."

Singer said, X nodded.

“There’s going to be a wonderful event ahead.”

Soon the operation was over, and Singer began typing on the computer nearby. As some composite images appeared, some colorful liquids began to be injected into Nan De's brain from the hair-like connecting tubes.

The operation was completed soon, and then Singh looked at Nand with a cruel smile.

"The medicine only takes effect for 48 hours. After 48 hours, the person involved will remember everything."


X smiled and waved, and soon the two X's left with Nande. After a while, they took Nande to the hotel where he stayed before fleeing, dropped him off and left.

In the darkness, Nande felt thirsty. He stood up, panting, and his head was dizzy. Nande glanced at the time, and for a moment, he became angry. He smashed the mobile phone beside him angrily.

Soon Nande stood up and took out a mobile phone. After he connected it, a somewhat angry voice came.

"Mr. Nande, you got the wrong target and your plan failed."

"How did I know I was a substitute? You have to arrange for me to leave as soon as possible. This was agreed in advance."

After a while, Nan De glanced at 3 o'clock in the morning. There was a knock on the door. After Nan De opened the door, several agents came in. One of them had sharp eyes. After talking to them for a while, Nan De brought something with him. Planning to leave.

"We agreed that after this mission is over, I will officially become a member of your country and have a new identity."

"Of course, we will not break our promise, but Mr. Nande, you will have to help us a few more times in the future."

Soon Nan De got on a plane. He kept suppressing the anger in his heart. He knew what he was going to do. It was these guys who kept threatening him and using his wife and children to threaten him, which led to him now. We have to embark on a path of no return.

But not long ago, his wife and son died in an accident. Nan De later investigated and found that it was not an accident at all, but a deliberate act by this group of people, who just wanted to cut off all their own escape routes and use themselves as tools.

All plans have been prepared in his heart. Nande knows that he is just for revenge this time, so he has been helping them in the past few years.

A few hours later, the plane successfully landed at an international airport. Several agents immediately arranged for another plane. They had a rare rest, but they woke up because of a nightmare.

"Mr. Nande, you are in a bad state."

Rakan just smiled, and the plane quickly took Rawan to CI's headquarters, where Nande would enter all the identity information and officially become a member of this country.

After entering, Nande was immediately searched all over and his weapons were confiscated. However, following his memory, he rarely obtained weapons in a bathroom and several grenades under a table.

Rarely, after a series of recording work such as taking photos and body measurements, he was called into the office. After walking in, the man on the desk stood up with a smile.

"Congratulations Mr. Nande."

The person in front of him, Nande, couldn't be more familiar. His voice was very familiar. He looked very kind and friendly. Nande couldn't see any falsehood, but in his heart, the flame of hatred was spurting out little by little.

Suddenly, he took out a pocket pistol and pulled the trigger.


With the sound of a gunshot, although the man in front of him flashed, his chest was bright red. Suddenly, the alarm sounded, and Nande roared with all his strength.

"This is for my wife and children, go to hell."

There was chaos in the office. In an instant, several agents took out their guns. Nande grabbed the man's neck tightly and ran behind the desk. He gasped and looked at this square flat grenade that was easy to carry. Hold it in your hand and warn people outside not to act lightly.

Nande smiled excitedly. He felt extremely happy at this moment, because the man in front of him was the culprit who caused the death of his wife and children. Nande finally found the truth after many investigations.

"What on earth are you doing Nande!"

The man pressed his chest tightly, and Nande laughed ferociously.

"You ask me what I am doing? I want to avenge my wife and children now."

The man became confused, blood gushed out from his mouth, and he felt his consciousness getting blurry. Nande clenched the grenade in his hand, and he started crying.

"What on earth do you want to do, Mr. Nande? You don't have a wife or children at all."

Suddenly, Nande's consciousness became a little blurry. In a daze, Nande felt something unreal. Just as he hesitated, there was a bang, and snowflakes exploded on Nande's shoulders. The man who was strangled instantly used all his strength to scream. After holding down Nande's hand, people outside rushed over.

"No, I was taken advantage of. I was taken advantage of."

Nande shouted in horror, but his hand still subconsciously pressed the switch of the grenade. There was a loud bang, and blood and flesh flew everywhere in the office. Everything returned to calm. Nande quietly looked at his hand that fell aside. , his strength was losing little by little, and he recalled everything that happened in that room.

The streets were crowded with people. Reporters had already arrived at the scene and started reporting. The area around the building was cordoned off.

A press spokesman soon responded to some questions raised by reporters. The spokesman did not say that this was an attack and was caused by the explosion of a microwave oven.

However, many reporters still raised questions, because no matter how powerful the microwave oven is, it is impossible to explode the window with bulletproof glass. However, this issue was quickly dismissed by the spokesperson.

"Miss, if you don't believe it, you can go back and do experiments to see how powerful the destructive power of the microwave oven is."

At this time, inside the building, several agents who brought Nan De back are under investigation. They don't know why Nan De suddenly made such a move and where he obtained the weapons and bombs. This building People inside are investigating.

Several agents at the scene also said that Nan De seemed to be possessed and suddenly launched an attack. However, Nan De was already dead. There was no evidence of his death. There was no way to learn anything from him. The only way to do this was to conduct an autopsy investigation on the body. .

3:01 pm

X quietly looked at the news on the TV screen and showed a satisfied smile. This battle was very successful. Li Chu on the side was a little drunk. He smiled happily and there were sumptuous dishes on the table.

Li Chu had never been so happy. He didn't expect that his revenge would be avenged so soon. His efforts during this period were not in vain.

Li Chu did not tell the dead X about this top-secret plan to assassinate X, but told the next successor clone X. All this was to ensure that the dead X would not cause problems because he was worried that he was about to be assassinated.

Li Chu intercepted a message a month ago, and after using AI to assist in cracking it, he discovered that the CI people were secretly planning something, and the place was a science and technology seminar. Finally, after extensive investigation, he finally found Nan De.

After a month-long investigation, they finally determined the target of their big operation and the time of the operation, and the successor X established the next series of plans.

This memory potion successfully allowed someone working at the CI headquarters to bring a bomb and a pistol in and forget about it afterwards.

After making all preparations, the CI people took action. Just when Nan De thought it was successful, he was caught. The whole plan was successful in less than 48 hours.

All of this is very fortunate. Li Chu drank a lot today and he was very happy. At this time, X said.

"If you like that woman, you can pursue her. I will help you prepare a grand wedding, although the location will only be within the science seminar."

Li Chu laughed.

"You would be so kind?"

X shook his head.

"Remember Mr. Li Chu, we do things based on principles."

Li Chu waved his hand casually and said.

"I understand, why don't you bring Werther?"

What happened in MX a few days ago, it was clear that When people found out, the first rescue failed, but the second hard-line rescue was successful.

"No matter how strong a person is, he can never be stronger than a team."

Li Chu understood what

"Indeed, there is no need to bring him here rashly."

X stood up, picked up his coat, and was about to leave. Li Chu smiled happily.

"This is what you said, I will go to her place tonight."

"I wish you good luck Mr. Li Chu."

After X left the room, the corners of his mouth raised slightly. He raised his head and thought of his past self. In the past, he was completely restrained because of this.

If you want to control a person, you have to make him care and unable to give it a try. X knows very well that the future belongs to them, to the people born from their cloned future.

Li Chu, who was in the room at this time, was hesitating. He knew very clearly in his mind that now his grandma and sister were his only support, and it was also X's best way to threaten him. What would happen to him if he had another wife? But after Li Chu put down his wine glass, he made a decision that he would confess his love to that woman.

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