The second call rang, and Gene still didn't answer it, but the blackness in his eyes faded a little. The hand knife he held in his left hand was already attached to Ji Mo's neck. With just one blow, Ji Mo would never wake up again.

Please, Jean, please answer the phone. This is Le Xiao. Like Xiao Qing, I once lost my father. If I had not been a four-year-old child at the time, I would have grabbed my father and asked him why. , we parted in such an unclear way. To this day, I still want to see my bastard father. In the bottom of my heart, I still feel that my father is not a criminal.

A string of words appeared, and Jean looked at it in surprise. The blackness in his eyes faded little by little. He looked at the phone with moving eyes, and the phone was still ringing.

Little by little, Gene's fingers loosened their hold on Ji Mo's neck, and Ji Mo fell limply to the ground, looking at Gene and the words on the light and shadow screen in surprise.


Gene answered the phone.

"Where are you? Jean, have you found Xiaoqing's father? Although I don't know what happened, Jean, you must help Xiaoqing's father. There may be some misunderstanding, as long as"

"I'm with the end of the season."

Gene said in a slightly lower tone, and then slowly handed the phone to Ji Mo, but at this time Ji Mo was unable to raise his hand. He smiled bitterly and sniffed. Gene squatted down and put the phone down. Before the end of the season.

"Dad, what happened? Where are you?"

Ji Mo glanced at Gene, who stretched out his hand to help him wipe away his tears and overflowing nose.

After Ji Mo coughed twice, he adjusted and said.

"It's okay, Qingqing, I'm fine, very good. Jean and I will solve some problems together, and everything will be fine after a while."

As Ji Mo said this, he looked at Jean pleadingly, hoping that he would hang up the phone, but at this time Ji Qing on the phone had already begun to sob, and the sobs could be clearly heard through the phone.

"Dad, why is it okay? Such a big thing has happened. What exactly did you do? Tell Uncle Gene clearly. You said that the person you trust the most is Uncle Gene. You also warned him before leaving last night. If I have any questions, please go to Uncle Gene. He is a trustworthy person. Dad, I beg you, please give me everything."

"It's okay, Xiaoqing, don't get excited, it will be over soon."

Ji Mo said softly, his face turned ashen, and a sound of crying struck Jean's heart. The coldness on his face began to disappear, and the sun's light began to weaken.

"Uncle Jean, it's my birthday in a few days. You said you wanted to give me a special gift. I don't want it. I don't want anything. Uncle Jean, please, I just want my dad to be safe." alive."

Gene's hand holding the phone trembled slightly, and he gritted his teeth and looked sideways at the end of the season behind him.


Gene's hand holding the phone dropped. He took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a long drag. The solemn expression on his face suddenly relaxed.

"I understand. Xiaoqing is fine. You will be 18 in a few days and have grown up. Your father will be fine."

Gene's voice was low, and he hung up the phone. There seemed to be something suppressed in his body. His body was trembling slightly, his fingers were pressed on his forehead, and the cigarette he was holding was also trembling, as if he was struggling violently in his heart. Suffering in general.

"There's no need to tell Xiaoqing or anything, Jean, as long as"


A burst of angry roars sounded, and Ji Mo's eyes widened. A black mist-like thing instantly floated across the housing area in front of him, rumbling, and the houses collapsed instantly, as if there was an extremely powerful force that crushed the houses. Generally broken.

In less than a second, a large area in front of him had been leveled to the ground, leaving only crushed gravel.

Gene glanced at the helicopter approaching in the sky. He turned around and picked up Ji Mo. He then accelerated instantly and took Ji Mo towards the ravine in the west.

There was a banging sound, and Gene jumped quickly, reaching the limit of speed. Ji Mo gritted his teeth. Although his whole body had recovered a lot, he no longer had the strength to move.

A stream of stench drifted away in the wind, and Gene led Ji Mo to the edge of the ravine. This huge ravine was more than 2 kilometers long, and the edge was almost invisible at a glance.

Gene tore off the fabric of his pants and tied Ji Mo tightly around his back. His eyes widened, and light blue particles overflowed. In an instant, Gene jumped up, and a strong wind came on him. Gene slowly began to fall.


The moment Jean stared at his feet, the air exploded, and the violent airflow pushed the two people forward again. Jean repeatedly used telekinesis, constantly being impacted by the explosive air, and used the impact to bring them closer again and again. The distance of the barrier zone.

In just 5 minutes, Gene and the end of the season landed firmly on the hard and dry land in the barrier area. The light completely disappeared, the sky was gray and black, and there was only endless desolation in front of him.

"Why did you let me go, Jean?"

Jean remained silent without saying a word and continued to run wildly with Ji Mo. After a while, a large dilapidated urban area appeared in front of him, which was no longer inhabited. Jean found a dilapidated house sheltered from the wind and put Ji Mo down. , took out some water and food from the light and shadow storage bag, put them down, stood up, and turned around to leave.

"Say nothing? Maybe this is our last time."

"No matter what, I am always just a person. At the end of the season, don't step into Brilliant City again. Please clean your ears and listen clearly, and be grateful to your daughter from the bottom of my heart."

Jean took a step forward, and just as he was about to run away, a shiny object was thrown over. Jean caught it in his hand. It was a key with a large number of serrations, shiny and like crystal. It's heavy in the hand, about 1 kilogram, and very hard.

"Take it well, this is my gift to you, Jean, the key to the future of mankind."

Gene turned back in confusion, but he had already seen the helicopter disappearing in the sky in the distance, and it must have landed in a vacant housing area.

"Sure enough, from the first time I met you, I discovered that you are a gentle person at heart. Thank you, Mr. Jean."

With a whoosh, accompanied by a loud noise, Gene turned into a blue light and appeared in the distance. A gorgeous light blue light particle in the air was like a falling ribbon.

Ji Mo tilted his head with a bitter smile and closed his eyes peacefully. Although it was a bit cold here, it was very reassuring. Far away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the whirlpool of power. In this land, the strong are... king.

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