Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 885 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment CLIV

Chapter 885 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CLIV

"I didn't expect you to be quite calm. I thought you would be uncomfortable in some way."

The voice of Not near the headquarters, but ran to a tree on the side of the headquarters.

This tree is very dense and cannot be found without heat detection equipment at such a night. Bai Tou didn't care about X. Bai Tou was not too entangled in killing people. He only needed to know his own Whatever the goal is.

"It seems like it's not the first time you've done this, so you have the courage to come here."

Bai Tou exhaled a puff of smoke and did not answer X's words, because there was no need at all. His only purpose was to save Ellie. As for the life and death of other people, it had nothing to do with him.

Bai Tou's eyes became colder and colder, as if he had thought of something.

"I once heard a strange thing. In that small city, all the members of a certain gang disappeared mysteriously, and that gang member had something to do with you."

Bai Tou didn't answer, so X smiled and continued.

"Because they killed your mother when you were 10 years old, so you did everything you could to kill them bit by bit, right?"

"So what?"

Bai Tou asked, and So check back.

After the soldier entered the room, he immediately looked around in confusion. There was no one in the headquarters. More than ten seconds later, he slapped his neck, but a few seconds later he pressed his chest and covered his neck, and fell to the ground dead.

Bai Tou quickly climbed down, then dragged the body of the dead soldier into the bushes, then quickly climbed back into the tree, holding the automatic rifle in his hand.

"It's not that good."

At this time, The code sent by the commander just now has been intercepted. Although I don't know what it means, there is no need to know it.

Bai Tou just needs to sit back and wait for the soldiers to come back, kill them with the nano-weapons in his hands, and then take away the people he wants.

X continued to look at the information on the side, these materials were provided by the acquaintance of a taver owner in the place where the place where the white -headed live. of.

Baitou's mother was a special service provider. Baitou was conceived by accident. He didn't know who his biological father was. He had only been accompanied by his mother since he was a child.

When Bai Tou was ten years old, Bai Tou's mother got into trouble with a local gang due to some problems. Finally, one night, the gang members locked the doors and windows to prevent the fire. Bai Tou's mother died in the fire.

Bai Tou was very lucky. Because of his petite stature, he crawled out of the ventilation duct that his mother broke open. The surviving Bai Tou was sent to a local welfare home.

After that, Baitou's personality began to change. He became violent and used his fists to do everything. He was famous for not being afraid of death. If anyone messed with him, he would either beat them to death or be beaten. To the point of death.

It wasn't until more than a year after he was sent in because of a serious violent incident that Bai Tou was adopted by a man named Li Ji, the owner of a tavern. Bai Tou's bleak life finally saw some light, but he was still the same as before. Often fights with others.

X is very aware of this kind of life, this kind of bleak days, he can understand it from the bottom of his heart, because he used to keep moving forward in the darkness, but unlike Bai Tou, he lived most of his life under control All his life, it was not until the appearance of his wife Aurora that X's gloomy life ushered in a glimmer of light.

Li Chu snorted coldly.

"There is no future for such a guy."

"Are you talking about yourself!"

X teased, and Li Chu smiled bitterly. Looking at Baitou's information, he couldn't help but think of the bleak days in the past, when he could only live in anxiety and fear every day.

The information was just obtained today. Early in the morning, X spent hundreds of thousands to a local guy and asked him to investigate all the information about Bai Tou. Now he can understand Bai Tou.

The reason why X did that was because Bai Tou was the only one who could pry open Weiner's brain, and also because Bai Tou was really smart. Such a genius would be a waste if not used in scientific research.

Bai Tou spent a relatively stable life, and the owner of the tavern took care of everything. Li Ji only helped Bai Tou because Bai Tou beat someone in the alley one day and he stopped him.

Afterwards, Li Ji found out that the two people who were beaten by Bai Tou had no grudges with him. They just worked together to do some very rough things to a waitress whom Bai Tou knew. The girl once gave Bai Tou some... Food, helped him.

If Li Ji hadn't taken action, Baek Tou would have beaten the two of them to death. Afterwards, the policeman who was the JC captain came over, but he didn't hold too much blame because he knew Baek Tou when he was a child.

The captain at that time lived next door to Bai Tou's house, and would lead Bai Tou to play when he had nothing to do. He always felt that this child was very capable. No matter what pain he encountered, he would always smile.

After that, he became the captain of JC, and he always wanted to help Baitou, but he refused. Baitou almost never smiled after his mother died. He seemed to be completely despairing of this damn world.

Until something happened when Bai Tou was 15 years old. Bai Tou provoked a local gang and had a conflict with the gang. Bai Tou won many times with his clever mind, and the people from that gang came to the rescue one night. Launch an attack.

That night, Baitou was asked by his boss to get a drink and was not present. When he came back, Li Ji had been shot and fell to the ground.

Baitou disappeared for three years after that, and the gang members who killed Li Ji were the same group that killed Baitou's mother, a large gang of nearly 400 people.

At this time, there was a piece of video data that the investigators finally obtained from the armed forces that were having friction nearby.

"This guy!"

Li Chu looked at the white head in the video with a serious expression. His young and immature face was cold, and his eyes were cruel as he looked at the soldiers holding weapons in front of him.

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