Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 882 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment CLI

Chapter 882 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CLI

The sky was pale, and night was about to fall. Deguna leaned quietly at the entrance to the rooftop, quietly looking at some values ​​on the instrument. These values ​​were sent by the observer, and they were all a combination of numbers and characters.

The machinery used by the enemy to detect them is still shrinking. They have been completely surrounded. If it continues like this at night, it will be fatal for them. What Deguna is most angry about now is the leakage of intelligence. This kind of thing is for It was a fatal blow to them. Although they had a backup plan, there was still a problem with the backup plan.

Deguna thought about using hostages as threats, and threats can only work to a certain extent. At the current level, threats may not be effective. She took out a cigarette from her pocket, Deguna lit it and took a puff.

Now we can only wait for reinforcements, reinforcements that may come. After all, the CA group likes to take advantage of the situation. If they know what is happening here, they should come over, and once they come over, the battle will be disrupted. chaos.

The three-story building where Deguna is located is where Ellie and the others are imprisoned. At present, the special operations forces of country Y have not yet continued to recover, but because of the hostage situation, they dare not Use heavy fire weapons.

Deguna probably knows what that guy Smith wants to do. If it cannot be saved, this place will be razed to the ground by missiles from the cruiser, and the hostages will also be destroyed. They will not let these scientists fall into the hands of the enemy. .

This stalemate is meaningless. The other party may be waiting for an order in a few hours. Once the order comes, Deguna will be buried here.

There was a slight vibration. Deguna glanced at the intelligence sent, grabbed the sniper rifle at hand, and pointed it at the northern sky. Soon she saw a mechanical detector flying in the air, and she decisively pulled the trigger. .

With a bang, the machine floating in the air fell immediately after being hit, and exploded. Soon Deguna quickly went downstairs and changed positions. The place where she fired had been exposed. Sure enough, a series of intelligence messages were sent. Come over.

Deguna's position was exposed. The other party now just wanted to eat as many of them as possible, and then surrounded them, making Deguna compromise. Deguna smiled coldly and threw away the cigarette butt in her hand.

There is no compromise in Deguna's dictionary. With a boom, flames burst out from the roof dozens of meters away behind her. Deguna hid behind a hole in the wall and adjusted her breathing.

Being able to be with Zhou Xuan until now is all due to the complex structure of this village. The construction of houses has not been planned at all. There are many alleys and only a few streets, but most of them cannot be called streets.

Now we can only wait for the CI people to take action. As soon as they take action, Deguna will lead people to rush out and defeat them in one fell swoop. Years of combat experience have made Deguna well aware of this truth. When encountering such a situation, In a besieged situation, if you don't take the initiative, you can only sit back and wait for death.

Now Deguna is a little worried about the situation at the coast, after all, she entrusted them with it.

Just after 7 o'clock

Ben quietly held his hands and squatted on the ground. He was surrounded by Y Country soldiers holding weapons. They had been taken to the cruiser and were waiting for the captain to come over.

This is a small independent room. Ben and a few capable men were brought in, and the others were locked up in other places. When he got on the cruiser, Ben saw the weapons and firepower equipment on it. It is very sufficient, especially the long-range precision-guided artillery mounted on the cruiser. It only takes a few rounds to level a small city.

After a while, the captain came in, and some people from MI6 were present. Ben smiled helplessly.

"Mr. Ben, we meet again. You are everywhere."

Ben smiled awkwardly, and the man he was talking to was a man named Babos. Ben had taken over Babos' job before, and the two had worked together several times very happily.

"Get up, Mr. Ben."

Ben said immediately.

"Mr. Babos, I have already said everything I know. I am only responsible for picking up people and delivering goods. As for other disputes, I don't know."

Babos nodded and asked the soldiers to go out, and then Ben also asked his men to go out. Only Captain Babos and Ben were left in the room.

"I have a question I want to confirm with you, Mr. Ben. You should have been present at the massacre in F state."

Ben hummed. He had received a request from a certain country to rescue the hostages. However, Ben probably knew that the massacre at that time was caused by the epidemic.

"What exactly do you want to ask? Mr. Barbours."

"How did the dead reporter die?"

Ben waved his hands helplessly.

"I don't know about this."

Ben is very clear that the guys in country Y are best at concocting some inexplicable so-called evidence. In the past, they always liked to make some accidents, and then announced the so-called truth, and were ridiculed by countless people. Now they seem to have learned the lesson, and are planning to Have evidence.

This time, a scientist from country Y was kidnapped by people from country D. This matter has not yet been announced to the public, but those guys in country D are very smart, and if something happens, they will definitely blame the people who performed the mission.

According to some sources, the reporter who reported the kidnapping incident did not die of the epidemic normally, but was killed by someone. So Babos hopes that Ben can tell who killed him. Some clues came to mind.

Today's incident, whether it is killing the kidnappers from country D or capturing them, will be very beneficial to country Y. Public opinion around the world will be directed towards country Y.

"Mr. Ben, if you think clearly, I hope that we can be mutually beneficial. If you can provide some conclusive evidence, we can give you 1 million."

Ben laughed easily and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Babos. If I knew who killed the reporter and had evidence, I would have sold the information to Country M. After all, they can offer at least 5 million."

Babos was speechless for a moment and asked no more questions.

"According to international conventions and laws, I'm afraid, Mr., you will have to be temporarily detained by us for a period of time."

Ben made an OK gesture, indicating that there was no problem at all, it was just a detention. They did not do anything to threaten Country Y, they were just responsible for delivering goods. Moreover, Ben and the others would also need help with some matters in Country Y in the future.

"Okay, Mr. Ben, let's talk about another business. We need you to take action immediately."

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