Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 873 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment CLX

Chapter 873 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CLXⅢ

"Move quickly."

Smith kept urging, each soldier was undergoing preparation, and the 12 armed helicopters on the cruiser were undergoing debugging and preparation.

Having just obtained the latest intelligence, Smith immediately gathered all the more than 100 SA team members hiding in this seaport town. There was only one place they went to, a small county town more than 70 kilometers away from here.

Although I don’t know where I got the information from, what is certain is that this information is absolutely true and accurate. It was sent by the FB minister himself.

Smith naturally knows the reason. Their intelligence department previously intercepted some transaction communication records. Although there is no evidence, it can be guessed that the initial buyer was the CA department of country M.

But now the FB department has taken the initiative to provide them with information. It is impossible for the CA department not to know about this. What is certain is that their deal with the kidnappers was disrupted, and the person who disrupted the deal was from country D. Brigadier General Deguna.

Smith figured it out with his toes. Deguna must be dissatisfied with the last transaction, so she racked her brains to make a fuss about this matter. Smith couldn't know more about that woman's style. She is a cruel person. Cold woman.

There are rumors that she even ignored her family for her own status, which resulted in the death of her two daughters.

"Captain, please wait"

"Do those pigs from country D really think we are idiots? Once a firefight breaks out, don't hesitate. If you hesitate on the battlefield, you will die."

Smith had already figured out that the other party was the one who took action in this matter, and they couldn't blame them. He had already asked the general in charge of this matter for instructions, and the general's opinion was consistent with his own.

Since the country withdrew from the O Alliance more than 30 years ago, the relationship with country D has always been very tense. In addition, an extremely serious event occurred in the world at that time. A virus spread widely around the world. This caused The relationship between various countries began to deteriorate extremely.

The relationship with country D has been on fire and water in recent years. As the leader of the O Alliance, country D has always had constant friction with Smith's country on some trade and bilateral relations issues in recent years. In some cases, There have been many hidden confrontations on the battlefield.

It is no longer limited to behind-the-scenes arms transactions to supply the other side's enemies, but there have been several frictions between soldiers on both sides.

Country D has gradually begun to regain its former strength in recent years, especially in mechanical technology. Half of the world's mechanical technology suppliers are from country D. Now they actually want to get involved in the biogenetic technology that country Y has always controlled. .

The only thing Smith could think of was a rumor that seemed to be a rumor in country D many years ago. They wanted to combine biology and machinery to create biological machines.

Country D's ambitions have intensified over the years, and they have acted very strongly on the issue of trading in genetically modified humans countless times.

In particular, country D has become very close to the world powers on this land in recent years. The reason why their dragon lighthouse project was successfully launched was because of the technical support provided by country D.

And country D has further narrowed the distance with this big country through the asteroid landing plan launched by this science and technology seminar.

The top brass of Country Y have long been dissatisfied with Country D's approach. As the country's representative, the Queen has met with the Prime Minister of Country D many times, but she still has been unable to change the current situation.

Smith stepped onto an armed helicopter. These armed helicopters had just been taken out of the hangar. They were equipped with anti-reconnaissance AI weapons and could not be detected by electronic instruments. Moreover, they were all helicopters without any markings.

"Move quickly."

Smith said that he started the helicopter, and with the faint light flashing on the surface of the helicopter, the helicopters took off one after another on the deck of the cruiser.

Smith is determined to win this mission, which is related to the honor and disgrace of the entire country. This is very important to Smith.

Smith probably knew that the other party had two options. He could secretly send these scientists back to the country, arrange for them to be researched in a secret laboratory, and announce the news of their rescue to the world. In this way, Country Y would owe them a favor. After defeating country D once, country D can also be improved in terms of international reputation.

Now Smith can no longer execute the secret plan. If these scientists cannot be rescued, they will be destroyed directly. The initiative is in the hands of the other party, and the only way is to fight.

Smith couldn't bear this anymore. In the last kidnapping incident, Deguna came over to help arbitrarily. Although it seemed like mutual help between allies, it was just to improve the problem of genetic people. Get more chips.

"Captain, has the news revealed who is helping Deguna?"

Kelly asked and Smith laughed.

"Who else can you think of with your ass?"

Some soldiers behind her laughed, and Kelly seemed a little embarrassed. Although there was no direct evidence, it was certain that Deguna had received help from the superpower nearby this small country to be able to arrange everything accurately.

Kailin held the assault rifle in her hand, and she didn't have any good impressions of Kelly, the guys from country D. Once on a certain battlefield, the culprits who caused the failure of their operation were people from country D.

In recent years, there have always been frictions between Country Y and Country D in various aspects. Country F, as the mediator, is even more useless and wavering, preferring Country M across the ocean.

Although some countries within the O alliance that have other alliance agreements with country Y support country Y, their support is only superficial. Without genetic improvement technology, they might have openly sided with country D long ago.

The greatest demand for this technology is not only in some important fields and key positions in various countries, but also in the families of wealthy people. If they hope that the next generation of children will be stronger than most people, they will improve the innate genes of their children. .

Country Y has been relying on this genetic improvement technology to control other countries in continent O over the years, but now Country D's blatant actions are no longer just provocation.

Smith decided to give Deguna and his group a head-on blow this time. The angry Smith's eyes began to turn golden red. This is a phenomenon that occurs in genetically modified people. Under severe emotional fluctuations, the brain will run faster. .

"Listen clearly, the tactic this time is P38, repeat it again, P38 tactic."

As Smith spoke, everyone's expressions became serious.

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