Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 866 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment CXXX

Chapter 866 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CXXXⅥ

"What's the problem? Mr. Tony."

Deguna waved her hands, and the two men beside her were pressing their hands on their guns. Deguna smiled relaxedly, and the food on the table was still steaming.

There was a man standing in front of him, surrounded by more than 20 people inside and outside, all of whom were pierced by close-range laser weapons.

Deguna knew how powerful this thing was at close range. In this situation, it was most suitable. She and the two subordinates around her would be beaten into pieces in an instant.

"Ms. Deguna, I now suspect that you have direct contact with the international criminals we are looking for, so I hope you can go back with us for investigation."

Tony said as he took out his CA ID and placed it in front of Deguna. After picking up the ID, Deguna looked at it with a smile.

"Who gave you the right?"

Tony replied with a sneer.

"Although we have no law enforcement powers at home, it is different here, isn't it? Please come with us now."

Deguna took the spoon and continued to put a mouthful of soup into her mouth.

"We'd have to have evidence to arrest us in the first place, and that would cause problems between the Allies, wouldn't it?"

Tony shook his head.

"You will be released naturally after the investigation is clear."


Deguna broke the spoon, and the tense atmosphere in the room escalated again. She stood up, half a head taller than Tony, exuding a beast-like aura.

"I'll give you one minute to think about it. Leave here or die here."

Tony subconsciously took a step back, and he immediately began to think, Deguna said with a sneer.

"You were the one who showed your fangs first, so don't blame me for being heartless. As you said, it's different here, isn't it?"

Tony subconsciously pulled the trigger, click, but the gun did not release the high-energy laser beam as he expected.

Deguna suddenly moved forward, and the dagger in her hand quickly slashed across a man's neck. With a bang, the table was overturned by Deguna's two men.

Tony planned to step forward, but subconsciously he stopped. In just over ten seconds, Deguna had killed four people.

"How could it fail?"

Tony couldn't help but ask. The room was in chaos. At this time, the room and windows and doors were opened. Deguna's men had already moved in. In less than 2 minutes, Tony's men, who had also received strict training, They have no one left alive.

Deguna spat, pressed her mouth that was bleeding after being hit, and licked the blood that overflowed. With a whoosh, the tactical knife in her hand directly cut across Tony's cheek and nailed it into the wall behind Tony. A small gash appeared on Tony's cheek, and blood seeped out.

"Which country was this made in?"

Deguna asked with a smile. Tony glanced at the laser gun in his hand and swallowed.

"Although your intelligence network is strong, our intelligence network is not weak either. In the last 20 missions, you have used this weapon to kill targets. First of all, there will not be too much noise, and secondly, there will be no traces left. Things like bullet casings, no one even knows which country they were made in.”

Tony swallowed. These guys in front of him were not human beings at all. Their reaction speed had completely surpassed that of normal humans. Their physical fitness was much stronger than that of normal humans. Just now, his subordinates were unable to react. The next one was killed by the opponent in one direct blow.


A soldier handed over a bottle of spray. Deguna opened her mouth and sprayed the spray into her mouth. After a while, she spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Well, before you die, I can tell you that it was indeed us who robbed your goods."

Tony's eyes widened as he watched Deguna approach step by step. He immediately took a stance, feeling extremely angry in his heart.

"This will cause serious international problems for you"

Before Tony finished speaking, Deguna had already taken action. Tony blocked Deguna's fist, but in the next second he was kicked in the foot by a huge force. At the moment when his center of gravity was unstable, Already fell to the ground.

Tony painfully pressed the hand that was squeezing his neck, with bulging veins, and struggled hard until his throat was crushed and he could no longer make a sound. Then he suffocated a little bit, and blood flowed from his nostrils, mouth, and His eyes watered, and soon Tony was still.

Deguna stood up, took the towel handed by her subordinate, and wiped her hands.

"You can come over and take care of it, Mr. Cha Cai."

Deguna said, at the door of the room, Chacai smiled and nodded. Buakaw, a confidant on the side, was extremely shocked at this time. This woman who did not look too strong was too scary. These CA people usually train Yousu, but vulnerable in front of her, was killed like a baby.

Buakaw finally understood why the boss rushed over to give her gifts as soon as Deguna arrived.

"Your team will be responsible for handling this matter before returning to the team. The rest of the team can disband."

Deguna said and left the restaurant. When she came downstairs, she saw Tang Rao sitting in a convertible sports car on the street. She walked over with a smile, jumped in, sat on the passenger seat, and the sports car started.


Tang Rao nodded.

"5 million D has been received."

Deguna laughed.

"I really found the right person when I found you. Why are they so reluctant to think about it? There are obviously such good resources around me."

"Because those guys think they are invincible."

Tang Rao laughed, and the car passed through the downtown area, and soon came to a field with a faint light and people caring for it.

"This incident will be a trigger."

Tang Rao murmured, Deguna also knew that the other party would not give up, but this was what Deguna had always planned to do, and there are still troops from country M stationed in the country.

As a defeated country in the last century, the quality and quantity of Deguna's national army are very poor, but the genetically improved human plan started in their generation has been successful now.

"By the way, I have to remind you something. This matter ends here. You can leave."

Tang Rao hummed, knowing what Deguna meant.

"I will sweep away anyone who interferes, no matter who they are."

Deguna said with cold eyes, and Tang Rao snorted.

"Can't you sell me even one?"

Tang Rao spoke again, and Deguna shook her head.


Tang Rao waved his hands helplessly, then got off the car and stood on the edge of the field, pressing his hair against the wind. Deguna walked over behind him.

"They will be treated very well in our country's secret facilities. Don't worry, they will be the same as before."

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