Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 864 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment CXXX

Chapter 864 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CXXXⅣ

"Hahaha, what's wrong? What's so shocking? As long as it's for profit, human beings can do anything. It's just the interests of countries. Mr. Thomas, you should know better than anyone else. Over the years, How many genetically modified humans with high intelligence have been born, and they control everything in various fields."

Thomas remained silent, and the others looked at Rose without saying a word.

At this time, Audrey also understood why this girl was so arrogant and treated everything with coldness, because her roots grew out of a cold machine.

"In your eyes, I am just a commodity. What is the difference between the current situation and the past? A valuable and creative commodity passes from one buyer to another. First, The first buyer was my parents, the second buyer was the company, and now it’s the third buyer’s turn. The result is still the same? Hell? If there really is a hell, I have been in it since I was born. It’s in hell, so Miss Nicole, what you just said is not valid!”

Corey didn't intend to continue listening. He turned around and walked away. Others dispersed one after another, but after knowing this, Corey felt a little desperate.

The reason why the O League takes this matter so seriously is because once this matter is exposed internationally, it will violate international conventions and laws.

Corey is very clear about this. There was once a craze for human cloning in the world, and improved humans were among them. This was taboo for humans, and research in this area was prohibited.

Looking back carefully in recent years, there have been many famous businessmen and powerful people in O, as well as some geniuses. Compared with the past century, this number is much more. Corey often sees similar news reports.

Ellie looked at Rose blankly. After she sat down comfortably, she looked at Thomas who was shrugging his head.

"If you want to improve human genes, you will inevitably need to conduct a large number of in vivo experiments. This is the only law of genetic science. You don't know that, right?"

Ellie did not answer Rose's question, but just looked at her silently.

The originally relaxed and cheerful atmosphere now became heavy. After Rose watched the smile on Ellie's cheek disappear, she felt a little happy inside. She was happy to see the process of others going from happiness to disappointment.

Rose found a corner to sit alone. She looked a little sad. Looking back on everything in the past, she had never let down her physical parents, never let down the teachers who taught her carefully, and never let her down. I have been disappointed by the companies that hired me.

Rose has never disappointed those outside who admire her genius. She has discovered and improved new energy technologies one after another. It seems that Rose has been working hard for all of this since she was born in this world. .

The reason why she wanted to give this innocent aunt a good blow was because she saw her eyes showing joy when she saw her, just like those who admired her.

Important achievements that are world-famous in the eyes of others are worthless in Rose's eyes.

The atmosphere in the room has fallen into a general dullness. No one is willing to speak anymore, and everyone is silent.

A smile appeared on Rose's face. Audrey noticed that this little girl had become the same as before. She liked to see others depressed and sad. In the past, in Audrey's eyes, she was just a freak. That's it, it's the same now.

At this time, Ellie stood up and walked towards Rose, and Rose's originally grinning mouth closed.

"What's wrong? Do you want to refute what I said?"

Ellie pursed her lips and shook her head with a smile. Seeing the smile on Ellie's face again, Rose became a little angry.

"You look a lot like a man I know."

Ellie said and Rose smiled.

"Don't you think it's cruel?"

"What can you do if you are cruel? If the original intention of the research at the beginning is good, then just continue the research. But if the original intention is used by people with ulterior motives and turns bad, just give up the research. From the next second Just start.”

Ellie said and looked at the room director. She had already decided to quit the research. No matter what, she did not want to conduct such inhumane research.

"It's impossible to quit."


Ellie asked back, and Rose looked at Ellie strangely.

"What you are facing is the world. In front of the power of the world, you are worse than an ant."

Ali laughed heartily.

"But a man I know is resisting the world all the time and watching the world vigilantly. Do you know that he once said that he will not live according to the rules of this world."

Rose laughed.

"Is that person a fool?"

Ellie shook her head.

"He is as smart as you, but there is one difference. You have already made a choice, perhaps passively, but he is different. He has not made any choice yet. If you have time, I think you should We can talk to each other, he is a very gentle person.”

Rose watched a trace of warmth appear on Ellie's face, and her cheeks were a little red.

"do you like him?"


Ellie didn't avoid it, and Rose's expression became more relaxed at this time. The woman around her gave Rose a strange feeling, and it was always easy to be around her.

"It's very painful. Over the years, apart from being recognized for my talents, other aspects of being a person have never been noticed, recognized or recognized."


Rose's originally calm heart began to beat faster, and Ellie put her arms around Rose's shoulders.

"We can't choose our origin, so even if there are problems caused by our origin, we can't change it, but..."

"We can choose the future, right, haha."

Ellie hummed, turned around and looked at Rose seriously.

"How about starting with small things first? A person's value is certainly important, but a person's character is also very important. You are only 16 years old. There is no need to rush to define your own life."

"I've seen a lot of these things, and"

Ellie pressed her hands against Rose's cheeks.

"Believe me, instead of defining your life too early, it's better to be more casual. You are still very young, terrifyingly young."

Ellie laughed playfully, and Rose pushed her hand away and scratched her head shyly.

"If anyone marries you in the future, you should be happy for the rest of your life."

Ellie laughed.

"I hope that guy can marry me."

"what is his name?"

Ellie raised her head and replied with joy in her eyes.


Rose was slightly interested. She seemed to have heard this name somewhere, but Rose immediately remembered it from memory.

"Lee Gene?"

Ellie hummed.

In her impression, Rose had only seen the man a few times at technology seminars. He was indeed very handsome, but at the same time he was quite unique.

"Okay, I'll talk to him when I get a chance!"

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