Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 862 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment CXXX

Chapter 862 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CXXXⅡ

"Long time no see, Corey."

Ben handed over a cigarette and closed his eyes silently. Only Corey came out and the door was closed. Sure enough, Deguna's sense of smell was very sensitive.

"Now I give you two choices, either put down your things and leave now, or choose a new transaction partner."

Corey sneered and lit the cigarette, keeping his hand on the gun.

"I didn't expect to see you here. The last time we met was on a battlefield in O Continent."

Ben nodded and smiled easily, knowing that this group of people could no longer run away.

"10 million, Ben, can you let us go?"

Ben shook his head.

"You know us. Once we agree to an employer, we won't change it easily. Although the money you gave us is much higher than the employer's, I'm sorry but we are still more trustworthy."

Corey didn't speak anymore, just looked at each other silently.

"How much does the new employer offer you?"


Corey was a little surprised that it was even higher than the previous asking price.

"Is what you said true?"

"Do you look like I'm joking?"

We had previously agreed with the other party that a scientist would be paid 20 million, for a total of 220 million D, but now it has increased five times in an instant.

"If I think about it well, I will tell my employer, and the ship can continue sailing, and the destination is also a trading city."

Corey held out his hand.

"make a deal."

Ben relaxed slightly and took Corey's hand.

“A pleasure to work with.”

Ben then turned around and said.

"Can we ride together?"

Ben asked and Joseph nodded.

"But I hope I can pay a little for the boat fare."

Ben made an OK gesture and soon returned to his ship. He directly used the satellite communication device and entered the communication code. After a while, the call was connected.

"It's settled."

"Thank you for your hard work, Ben. The agreed 5 million will be put into your account later."

Ben laughed.

"It's really profitable, Brigadier General Deguna. If you do this, you may offend some people."

"It doesn't matter. Those Y country guys don't want to pay, so naturally we are willing to take over."

Ben hummed.

"We will arrive in a week at most. You can arrange everything."

1:03 pm

Deguna hung up the phone, and a smile finally appeared on her face that had been gloomy for many days. Tang Rao beside her chuckled.

"If you do this, it's equivalent to"

"It doesn't matter. I'll leave the rest to you. When it's done, I'll give you the nationality of our country D. It's better to join forces with me than to wander alone, isn't it?"

Tang Rao stood up and put down his cup.

"Not necessarily. We are just cooperating with each other. Nationality doesn't matter to me. But since you gave me such important information, I will help you."

Tang Rao said and left the restaurant, but when he returned to the hotel, Tony was already waiting for Tang Rao with others.

"What exactly do you mean Miss Tang Rao?"

"The transaction was cancelled. It was canceled by the other party on its own initiative. It has nothing to do with me. I don't want to get involved in this matter anymore. I'm sorry. I have transferred the money back to your account intact, as well as the money in the contract. 1 million liquidated damages, a total of 16 million D.”

Tang Rao said and walked past Tony easily, when Tony stopped Tang Rao.

"I'm afraid that's not the case, Miss Tang Rao."

Tang Rao smiled.

"What's that like?"

Tony didn't say much. In the past few days, he had arranged for people to keep an eye on Tang Rao. She came into contact with Deguna three times.

"what to do?"

one of his subordinates asked, and Tony sneered.

"What else can we do? Take action before they arrive here and call DB."

Tony was about to explode. If this mission failed, he would have no place to stand after returning to China. The company entrusted him with such an important task, but it was not completed.

Tony will not let this happen. There is no other way now and must be dealt with. The previous assassination plan failed and Tony has no way out.

Tony once promised in front of the company's people that he would complete the task, but now he is about to face failure.

"Catch that woman back with the evidence collected previously."

There was ferocity in Tony's eyes, and his subordinates immediately scattered. He raised his head and looked at the city. It looked like it wouldn't last long.

“It’s really like a small gathering place from all over the world!”

All countries will make a big fuss here, which will make the already complicated situation here even more difficult.

Didi didi

A call came over, and as soon as Tony picked up the phone, he heard bursts of gunfire.

"What happened?"

"It was all wiped out just now."

Tony knew immediately that this special correspondent was stationed in a small country closest to here.

People from this small country sent an army of 5,000 people here, but the army was ambushed by unknown people halfway and was completely destroyed.

Tony was a little surprised, he didn't know who did it.

"Investigate immediately."

10 minutes ago

Accompanied by a violent burst of fire, an armored vehicle was completely shattered in the flames. Constant screams could be heard as people wearing metallic armor and holding heavy firepower weapons were slaughtering.

X stood quietly on the top of the mountain, with round machines next to him. The battle was one-sided from the beginning. With the assistance of high-tech weapons, the army of this small country was vulnerable. It had only started less than 10 minutes ago. , they were almost completely wiped out.

A large number of AI detectors in the sky are still searching for fish that have slipped through the net. X only brought 500 troops.

It dealt them a heavy blow from the beginning. X had already reminded their president through an agent in this small country, but this president wanted to get a piece of the pie in the name of the country. Who is manipulating.

"This battle was a success, wasn't it?"

X said with a smile, and the clone beside him nodded.

"The hit accuracy rate is as high as 99%. There are still 893 soldiers on the run, but according to calculations, they will all be wiped out within 20 minutes."

X nodded with satisfaction. This is the first large -scale combat of AI plus high -tech mechanical weapons. It is very successful, but the army of these small countries is too backward.

Their equipment was easily hacked and paralyzed, and the signal was directly blocked by floating satellites. No one would know what happened here.

"Okay, I'm going back. You will be responsible for this. If there is a problem there, just destroy it."

X knows very well that the trading city can't last long. All countries don't want the problem to be exposed, because if the problem is exposed, it will directly affect his future plans, and all countries will not make it public, which is a good thing for them.

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