Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 859 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment CXX

Chapter 859 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CXXⅨ

"Move quickly."

On a rocky mountain, 10 people were walking. Audrey didn't know how long it would take before she could see the coast, but everyone could no longer hold on. For a week, they could only move in the mountains and forests.

In order to avoid the search, they entered the forest. After replenishing some supplies in a small town, they walked all the way.

The three people who were poisoned could only leave temporarily. No one knew what was waiting for them, but most people knew that they would have a chance as long as they saw the sea.

Luca has already contacted a ship that will dock at the nearby seaside. Wait for them for a few days. As long as they see the coastline and walk along the seaside, they can board the ship and head to the trading city.

As long as they arrive at the trading city and hand over Rose to the buyer, a brilliant future awaits them, and they no longer need to live such a life.

Luca walked at the end of the team, followed by Todd. He always looked a little uncomfortable these days. Not only Todd, but everyone else was the same. The original happy atmosphere had disappeared.

Originally, they were just a small gang that relied on the threat of kidnapping in exchange for ransom, but now they have become murderers.

“Do you really believe that money can change everything?”

Rose said coldly, she could no longer walk, her feet were covered in blisters, and her legs were swollen.

No one responded to Rose's words. Rose had also stopped everything in the past few days. The group was now exhausted.

Rose stared at them with serious eyes. Rose now only had one thought, to kill this group of people. However, along the way, this group of people were no longer as wary as they were at the beginning. They relied on poisonous plants to do so. It was impossible to order anything.

Especially Audrey, who threatened to kill her several times. Rose despised this kind of guy. This group of people must go to hell. They did something that Rose knew was absolutely unforgivable. .

The last scene before the death of the couple is still deeply imprinted in Rose's mind, especially the moment she saw the pregnant woman die, something in Rose's heart was touched.

In the past, Rose always lived in countless auras and was the center of the world's attention. She usually just looked on with a cold eye to many things. She always just watched silently towards those tragic people and things, but now something is different.

At this time, someone suddenly screamed.

"It's the smell of sea water. I smell the smell of sea water."

The excitedly shouting man ran in front of Audrey and reached the top. Several people around Rose also showed happy smiles. They cheered, and Rose showed a cruel smile.

Rose is very aware of this coast. There are natural killers hidden in the sea. A small poisonous jellyfish lives here, so this area close to the mountains and forests is closed.

Rose put her hand into her pocket and found some food packaging bags. Rose had cut these packaging bags into pieces in the past few days. She just needed to go to the beach to find this poisonous jellyfish when they weren't paying attention. Just bring it over and put it on these people.

A group of people stood quietly on the ridge. At this time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the coast not far away, there was no one. Luca also felt a little more relaxed. After taking a look at the compass, Just head to the right to find the boat coming to pick them up.

After a short rest, a group of people began to carefully go down the mountain. The rocky mountain was a bit steep, and they could only find a way down bit by bit.

After wandering around on the rocks for two hours, they finally stepped on the beach. Fortunately, the sky had been a little hazy these days and they didn't need to endure the strong sunshine.

At this time, Audrey looked at Rose walking towards the sea, walked over and hugged her.

"What do you want to do?"

"I haven't been to the beach for a long time, and my feet hurt badly. I went to soak in the water."

Audrey didn't pay attention. The people around her were still resting. Rose walked over with a gloomy expression. She took off her shoes and looked at her red and swollen feet. Soon Rose was carefully looking at the waves that hit her from time to time. I started looking for this kind of jellyfish that is only about the size of my thumb.

Under normal circumstances, if you encounter this kind of jellyfish, you will be fine as long as you don't pinch it with your hands. Its poisonous stings are on the floating tentacles, and not all tentacles are poisonous. However, this kind of jellyfish has strong protein toxins that can cause the body to Functional disorder.

These people have been traveling long distances for a long time. If there is any physical problem at this time, they will definitely die.

Just when Rose was about to go deeper, Audrey suddenly grabbed Rose from behind.

"Be careful, there are poisonous jellyfish in here. It won't be pleasant if you get stung."

Rose looked at Audrey with some confusion, and she looked at the sea with a calm expression.

"I used to live around here."

Rose said with a sneer.

"Why do you do this?"

Audrey shook her head.

"Little girl, there are many things in this world that are unclear. Not everyone is as smart as you and has such good luck."

The plan failed, and Rose was pulled back to the beach by Audrey. Then she took out the little fresh water that was left, cleaned Rose's injured foot, and began to apply medicine to her.

Rose didn't know why this woman's attitude towards her suddenly changed, but she was indeed in unbearable pain.

Then a group of people took turns carrying Rose on their backs and started walking on the coast. Luca had been holding a short-range radio for channel communication.

"We don't really want to do this."

When it was Todd's turn to carry Rose, he muttered something and Rose laughed.

"Don't blame your failed life on some external factors."

Rose looked at Todd with cold eyes, and he hummed. There was no way back for them who had done such a thing.

"This is HTT, please answer."

Luca kept calling. He had walked nearly 5 kilometers and still didn't see any boats. At this time, many people looked embarrassed, because if there were no boats, they would really be doomed.

On this desolate coastline, I don’t know how long it will take before I can meet anyone, and they should be wanted by now.

The three people who were left with physical problems should have been caught. Luca was getting more and more impatient, but the delivery person he found who could transport them to any place in the world was absolutely trustworthy because the price was very high. Gao, Luca has already paid 500,000 D in advance.

"This is HTT. Please continue walking in the established direction. We are at a promontory."

A man's rich voice came from the communicator, and Luka took a breath and smiled.

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