Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 856 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment CXX

Chapter 856 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CXXⅥ

"I'm not here to listen to your nonsense Anderson, you figure it out."

Anderson stood in the president's office, and the secretary beside him was still looking at some of the situations currently being reported by the FB department.

Anderson lowered his head. The president in front of him was very angry. Anderson bowed again.

"I'm sorry that things are messed up. Mr. President, I hope you can negotiate with the chairman of the Science and Technology Seminar. If the situation continues to deteriorate, in the next few weeks, our department may suffer the most devastating blow in history. ."

The president calmed down a little. He clasped his hands and looked at the man in front of him. Although this man belonged to his own faction, he still had some resistance to his words.

The President asked him to delete Li Chu's information before, but Anderson did not do so. The President has told Dr.

The medicines provided by .

"Why won't you listen to me? Anderson."

The president asked, but Anderson still lowered his head. Bad news continued to come out one after another. Many people were already demonstrating on the streets. Regarding the issue of public information security, the country had always promised that there would be no problems.

But now even FB's personnel information has been released. This is the reason why most people are angry, because the construction of a quantum network is several times the cost of the original optical network.

Some factions took advantage of this incident to stir up trouble. The president sighed helplessly. In the end, he had no choice but to ask the secretary to contact X directly.

While waiting for more than ten minutes, Anderson's face remained bitter, because things were developing in a direction that was difficult to end.

"Good morning, Your Excellency, President."


X on the phone smiled helplessly.

"I have already contacted that kid, and he said he wanted revenge."

The president's face was full of anger, but X immediately changed his words.

"I will personally handle this matter. I hope you can handle it properly and delete all Li Chu's information as promised before. I also hope that the President can fulfill his promise."

The president immediately agreed, and after ending the call, he looked at Anderson.

"If this matter is not handled well"

"I will resign when I finish handling the matter."

The president nodded with satisfaction. Anderson bowed and turned around. His expression was full of sorrow. His career of power had come to an end. It would be impossible to continue to advance in the future. Such a serious problem had already put an end to His path is broken.

9:30 in the morning

X smiled happily and took a sip of tea. The noise ringing in his ears made him very comfortable. In front of X, Li Chu was eating, and the bruises on his face were still very obvious.

"I didn't expect you to support my approach, Chairman."

Li Chu said, and X laughed.

"Of course. After all, the guys at FB have interfered with technology seminars countless times over the years. We need to teach them a lesson."

"When will you stop?"

Li Chu asked, and X laughed after thinking for a moment.

"Wait until they are exhausted. After all, you have to be tortured in the past. Now you have to let them try it as a whole, right?"

Li Chu burst out laughing. This is a small town 10 kilometers away from the Trading City. In the town, X has arranged a clone army of 1,000 people to deal with the problems of the Trading City at any time.

What Li Chu is going to announce next is some secret things that some FB agents have done in other countries in recent years. Once such things are announced, the effect will be no less than what Li Chu announced before about FB spying on some countries. .

Li Chu was brought here by X's clone this morning. This is the safest place for Li Chu. The most important thing is that X brought the best equipment.

Everything is under control now. X only hopes to use this incident to give the FB department a head-on blow, so that his plans will go more smoothly in the next few years.

As for those guys from CA, they will never cause problems here.

X knows this very well. Once they cause problems here, everything they have spent more than ten years building here will be destroyed.

X came here not only to deal with Li Chu's problems, but also with other transactions, and what worried X the most was Witt's problem.

X planned to meet with Werther in the afternoon to find out what he was studying.

Because X learned something from some students who Werther went to country M. What Werther studied this time was not plants, but insects.

This made X feel abnormal. After all, X knew how powerful insects were.

Insect weapons have been successfully developed in science and technology seminars, and this kind of weapon can be used on some battlefields in the future.

"By the way, you have to develop AI properly after you go back. Mr. Li Chu, don't forget our agreement."

"I know, I will help you develop the AI ​​in the seminar to the extreme."

X nodded with satisfaction. This is a small trading market. The dragon and snakes are mixed, and they are managed by the tea and vegetables of the trading city.

X had arranged for the clones to arrive one after another as early as two months ago, as well as some weapons and equipment.

The deployment here has been completed, and X does not want to cause problems here. After all, this place needs to continue to shine in the next 20 years.

With Cha Cai's age, he can no longer last 20 years. There are several successors to Cha Cai. There may be extremely bloody disputes here in the future, but for now it is relatively peaceful.

"Okay, you continue to do your thing, I'm going out."

X said and got up and went downstairs. At this time, he noticed some faces, and soon X recognized the people who came over.

"What a surprise."

X did not go downstairs, but watched a car drive by, escorted by people who looked like tourists.

"I didn't expect that big country to get involved. What exactly are they trying to deal with? I really want to know."

X saw Gu Yi. Although he had gone through a disguise, X recognized him at a glance. It was indeed Gu Yi. X would often remember those talented people very clearly.

"I have to trouble you with a small matter, Mr. Li Chu."

X turned around and walked towards Li Chu.

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