Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 850 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment CXX

Chapter 850 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CXX

There was a somewhat dirty alley, with garbage and filth everywhere, and a lot of urine and feces. The whole alley exuded a foul smell.

Deguna covered her nose and slowly walked through the alley with more than a dozen people. In front of her eyes was a large planting field that was almost endless, and green plants could be seen all the way to the mountains in the distance.

Soon Deguna walked out of the alley, spitting, and the soldiers around her also felt a little uncomfortable. On Deguna's left hand side, there was a large factory building.

Deguna led the people along the field and looked at the plants that had just been planted inside. Deguna looked at them in trance for a while.

“When the harvest comes, it’s a lot of money again.”

Deguna muttered, and then continued walking. Just after taking a few steps, more than ten people with guns on their backs walked out of the factory and walked over quickly, but when they saw Deguna wearing After receiving a golden badge, he immediately lowered his guard.

"Guest, what do you want to see here today?"

"I just wanted to see Dr. Witte."

Deguna just learned the news yesterday that the biologist Witte was conducting research here. Deguna had heard a lot about him.


"There's nothing we can do. He and I know each other, and there's nothing we can do."

Deguna pointed to her badge, and the leading man nodded and led the way. Deguna looked at the goods being packed in the delivery room, where hundreds of workers were busy talking and laughing.

Soon after Deguna passed a row of factory buildings, she came to a fenced-in planting area of ​​about 1 square kilometer. Next to it was a small factory building with someone guarding the door.

Standing at the door of the factory, Deguna saw that the inside had been renovated and separated with pieces of metal plates. It was a small laboratory. Although it looked simple, the specific layout was relatively well-organized.

The leader walked in directly, and soon Witte came out. He looked at Deguna with a serious expression, wearing a white coat and a pair of rubber gloves.

"Ms. Deguna."

"Are you serious?"

Deguna walked over and asked. Vittor nodded. Deguna glanced at the resin door, pointed and asked.

"Can I visit?"

Werther shook his head.

"What's the matter, Ms. Deguna?"

Witte asked. He didn't know why this military scientist was here.

Deguna smiled.

"How about we talk?"

Soon the two came to the corner of the factory building, where there were some tables and some scattered papers. Witte immediately ordered the students to put away the papers. Deguna glanced casually and knew that Witte was not doing plant research. , rather like some kind of cell research.

Then Witte brought Deguna a cup of coffee, and Deguna smiled and said thank you.

"I just came here today hoping to talk to you about Dr. Witte. In the field of cell genetics, you are second to none. If you want to cooperate, we can provide comprehensive funds and talents."

Werther said seriously.


Deguna's country has talked to Witte before, hoping that Witte can go to their country D. After the biological genetic research in Country Y began in recent years, this technology has gradually been monopolized by Country Y. Currently, the country has Although there is research in this area, it requires the leadership of a mature cell genetic expert.

"Even if you really create something that can exterminate this harmful plant, the result will still be the same. Chemically synthesized items will replace it."

"But chemically synthesized things will cause irreversible damage to the human body in a short period of time. No fool would make fun of his own body. Even if there are, countless bloody examples can always serve as a reminder. "

Deguna laughed and took out a cigarette.

"What a naive idea."

Witte does not intend to continue chatting with Deguna. His research has already begun, and he will continue to conduct insect experiments as the plants grow.

"Okay, I'll come back in a few days. I'm here for vacation. I have plenty of time. I hope you can think about it carefully. After all, the gangs in your country really want your life. What people do here is It seems like a fantasy, but if you really succeed, gang members all over the world will not let you live, so change your career, Dr. Witte."

Deguna said, picking up the coffee at just the right temperature and drinking it in one gulp. Then she got up and walked. Werther did not say anything and entered the laboratory with a serious expression.

The inside has been divided into small independent laboratories. Each laboratory has dozens of cultivated insects and plants obtained from farmland.

Witte entered Laboratory No. 3. The situation here was the best. A green plant had been almost eaten by insects, but many of the insects had died.

Tanya is conducting microscopic retrospective analysis on the corpses of these bugs to find out what caused the death of these bugs.

"Teacher, I think this batch of bugs may be dead. It is already difficult to improve. Some bugs have died before they even hatch, and the hatched bugs are also very weak."

Witte hummed, glanced at the experimental data on the screen next to him, and then walked out of Laboratory No. 3.

After entering Laboratory No. 4, Witte saw some relatively large bugs. If you get closer, you can clearly see their shapes. Although they are only as big as the tip of a nose, these bugs have a strong reproductive ability. Witte added mosquito genes.

"How about it?"

"Teacher, although this batch of bugs has a strong reproductive capacity, there is a problem. If the temperature is too low, they will die. It is not good if the temperature is too high. The environmental adaptability needs to continue to be studied."

Witte hummed, and after walking out of the laboratory, Witte returned to his own laboratory, where many bugs were still being cultivated.

But at this time, Witte was a little worried about the safety of himself and the students. This gang was a relatively large local gang, with 3 million a month. Witte had already advanced the money for half a year, and the other party said that not even a mosquito could fly in. around them.

There are more than 200 people protecting them, and they will follow them wherever they go.

It's just that Deguna's words now make Witt a little upset. He doesn't know why Deguna appears here. The vacation is just a joke, but there will be a lot of technology transactions here in the near future, and Witt knows it.

Werther picked up a small jar and looked at it with sad eyes.

"Can I replace God to destroy all of this? Am I qualified?"

Werther smiled bitterly, put down the small jar, and then continued to study.

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