Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 838 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment C

Chapter 838 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CVI

"This place has a name, the Trading City. Anything can be traded in it, and it does not belong to any country or region."

Gu Yi looked at the map blankly. Although Gu Yi had heard some older people mention this kind of thing before, he just listened to it. He didn't want to get involved.

"You all go and prepare yourself first. This matter cannot be delayed any longer."

Yuan Jun said, Gu Yi hummed, and Zhou Yang said with a smile.

"Just think of it as a vacation. Let's have a drink tonight."

Gu Yi smiled, and after the two of them left the office, they walked all the way to their residence two kilometers away.

"I know you are not convinced, but there is nothing you can do about it. This thing cannot be researched in a short time."

Gu Yi clenched his fists.

"Just give me some time. It only takes a few years, and I will definitely be able to find a breakthrough."

Gu Yi was very unhappy. For him as a physicist, this kind of thing was extremely dirty and had touched his dignity as a scientist.

Zhou Yang could see that Gu Yi was very angry now, but he didn't vent it out in front of Yuan Jun just because of his face.

Gu Yi angrily kicked up some dirt, and then continued to kick randomly in anger.

Zhou Yang just watched silently. He knew that Gu Yi was gentle on the surface but very hot inside. This kind of thing was difficult for Gu Yi to accept.

In Guyi's world, scientific research is a matter of faith to him. He conducts research day and night, just wanting to conquer and break through some scientific things. This kind of thing is a matter of faith to him. Happy and joyful.

Gu Yi squatted on the ground angrily, beat the soil with his fists, grabbed rocks and threw them into the distance, trying his best to vent his inner dissatisfaction.

This has touched his bottom line as a scientist, and is also a denial of his current research project.

Zhou Yang knew very well that no scientist wanted his research results to be denied. Most of them were often very paranoid, almost crazy. Although Zhou Yang felt a little uncomfortable, he was not like Like Gu Yi, he likes to get into trouble.

Zhou Yang would eventually give up on particularly difficult issues if he really couldn't move forward, but Gu Yi would not. He would not give up and move forward easily.

Gu Yi has been immersed in this crazy world for too long. Everything now seems to be a natural relief, but it is a great shame for Gu Yi.

After a while, Gu Yi gradually calmed down. Zhou Yang walked over, knelt down and patted his shoulder.

"How about you go and tell Teacher Yuan and let someone else do it for you."

Zhou Yang shook his head as soon as he finished speaking about Gu Yi. Zhou Yang also knew that it was impossible, because the two of them were outstanding people in high-energy photons, and only they could accurately determine the value of this technology transaction.

And the most important thing is that Yuan Jun wants Gu Yi to confirm it immediately, so that he, who is extremely sensitive to high-energy photons, can contact the other party's scientists immediately and make great progress, so that he can better understand it in the future. All about improving photonic science.

Yuan Jun's original intention was not harmful at all. From a national level, it was the cornerstone of this important strategic plan that would determine the future of the country, but he did not take into account the feelings of Gu Yi, a scientist.

Gu Yi has been conducting this research for more than 8 years. Zhou Yang has seen the ups and downs during this period. Sometimes he even falls asleep, but Gu Yi is still calculating. Zhou Yang has seen everything that has happened in the past eight years. See it in your eyes.

Yuan Jun just said it very simply. Maybe he has also considered these issues, but things have reached a point where he has to act as soon as possible because the threat has appeared.

"Let's go, look at what's broken on your hands."

Zhou Yang looked at Gu Yi's broken right fist and pulled him up from the ground. At this time, Gu Yi was dumbfounded.

Zhou Yang pulled Gu Yi and continued walking. This journey shouldn't be that difficult. Zhou Yang had heard people talk about that place before. It was indeed a completely different place from the bright world. They had to go to that kind of place. Be mentally prepared.

"I know you feel bad, but there is nothing you can do about it. It's not like you don't know the current international situation. Our country must take action. Otherwise, there will be more and more doubts, plus those countries wearing a pair of pants. , and he will do some little tricks secretly."

Gu Yi did not answer and remained silent. At this time, his expression was solemn and his brows were furrowed. He felt a hundred reluctances in his heart. This feeling was terrible. He was just as helpless as when his wife proposed a divorce to him.

"You should be able to do the identification alone."

Gu Yi suddenly said, Zhou Yang scratched the back of his head and smiled helplessly.

"Some shallow things are indeed possible, but for deep things, if you don't listen to the conclusions in detail, I really don't know what to say."

Gu Yi hummed and looked at Zhou Yang with a wry smile. The two of them were almost home. Gu Yi planned to go back to rest for a while, have lunch, and then attend the noon symposium.

Yuan Jun was sitting next to the leader in the office at this time.

"I can see that Xiao Gu seems to be quite repulsive."

"Yes Minister, he."

the minister said with a smile.

"They young people have a passion in their bones, but there is nothing you can do about it. You have to do a good job in this area."

Yuan Jun hummed, and then after the minister left, Yuan Jun sighed helplessly. He also knew that his temper as a student was too stubborn, but because of his stubbornness, some technologies in the country were able to be used. forming.

"I really have no choice but to go to his house to talk to him tonight."


Gu Yi returned home, and a fresh fragrance filled the house.

"Dad is back."

The daughter came over with a smile, and Gu Yi knelt down and picked her up.

"What's wrong, your face is tied up?"

Then Gu Yi let his daughter go outside to play. Facing his wife, Gu Yi cried unbearably. His wife looked at Gu Yi in panic. This was the first time she saw this man cry in so many years of marriage.

"What happened?"

Gu Yi was still crying. He didn't know why the tears were flowing out, because there was really no other way. If the transaction was made, his self-breakthrough research would be over.

"What would you do if you really didn't want to do something?"

Gu Yi asked, and his wife patted Gu Yi's back comfortingly and wiped the tears on his cheeks.

"Of course I won't do it."

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