Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 831 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment XC

Chapter 831 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment XCⅨ

"Joseph, what do you mean?"

Many crew members surrounded Joseph, and even the captain was a little dissatisfied with Joseph's actions at this time. As a cargo inspector, he did not need to obey anyone's orders. He mainly submitted reports on each delivery mission of the International Rescue Team to the superiors.

Under the ship, there were more than 30 people waiting to board the ship. Joseph looked at the people with strange eyes in front of him and said with a smile.

"It's just a matter of letting them ride a certain distance, and we have money for it, right?"

The captain looked at Joseph dissatisfied. This was not a matter of money. The ship almost got everyone arrested for transporting refugees. Although Joseph spent money to settle the matter, their international rescue team's ship had been exposed. .

"No Joseph, these people can't get on the ship."

The captain looked at the people below with fierce eyes. Most of them had tattoos, but some of them looked different from this group of people, and they were not from this country. They looked like tourists.

"These people can't get on the ship anyway."

Joseph still kept smiling, but he was extremely angry inside. He turned around and glanced at the people below.

This group of people had already negotiated with themselves a year ago to come here to pick them up. Later, Joseph adjusted some transportation itineraries, so that for more than a year, the captain and others did not notice anything strange.

The captain said and handed him the 50,000 D that Joseph had just given him to distribute to everyone.

"I'll go down and talk to him first."

Joseph said as he walked off the boat and walked in front of Corey.

"The captain does not allow you to board the ship."

Corey looked at the 50,000 D in Joseph's hand.

"You're really Mr. Greedy."

Joseph smiled. From time to time, Joseph would take on some private transportation jobs. This time the client gave 1 million D, and Joseph only planned to give 5% to the people on the ship.

"Can't you give them more?"

Corey asked, he was very anxious now, because if he stayed here for one more minute, the danger would increase.

The special forces commander who heard the false news and arranged the defense was not a fool. The false news was just to allow them to board the international rescue team's ship smoothly and then leave the land of O continent smoothly.

As long as they leave continent O, they will be safe. They have many partners in other parts of the world.

"Then please increase the price, sir, 2 million D."

Corey's face became serious, and many of his subordinates around him were a little angry. Joseph knew very well that this group of people was not a kind person, but he was never afraid of trading with these people. Those who seemed poorer and weaker among them should be They kidnapped him, but it had nothing to do with Joseph.

That's the way the world is, and Corey finally nodded.

"Cash sir."

Corey then signaled to his men to come over with a bag of cash. Joseph immediately turned around and walked away after taking it in his hand.

After returning to the deck, the captain and other crew members looked in shock at the money bag Joseph threw on the ground, with stacks of banknotes spilling out.

"There is 1 million here. This is the price offered by the other party. One person can share tens of thousands of D, which is something that no one may earn in a year."

Joseph looked at the faces of these guys, and many of them could not help but smile.

"Captain, I don't think it's a big problem. We are originally an international rescue ship, and those refugees do need shelter. What we are doing is a good thing, we are just sending people away."

The captain nodded.

"That's right, I'm just sending people off and asking them to come up quickly. We'll set sail once the cargo is unloaded."

Joseph smiled and took out 5 stacks of banknotes. Many people looked at him.

"I negotiated this matter. I can't take 50,000 yuan too much, right?"

No one had any objections. Cook came over with a smile and put his arm around Joseph's shoulders.

"You really have your Joseph. You are on this boat. We all have meat to eat every day."

Joseph said jokingly.

"This is the best, isn't it? As long as everyone is happy."

Seeing the contact person on the opposite side waving, Corey relaxed a little. At first, Corey was looking for the most reputable and best delivery person. This crew member who appeared to be an international rescue member was actually the most reliable person in the world. A famous cargo courier.

At first Corey thought he would have to wait a few days to see them arrive, but who knew he saw the ship as soon as he arrived here, the time was just right.

Soon Corey and the others were arranged into a cargo storage cabin. The cargo inside had been emptied. Corey gave them some bedding, a heater inside, and some empty boxes for cargo, and they lived there for more than a week. No problem.

In principle, they do not interfere with each other's goods and will not ask about the other party's situation.

Joseph has told everyone not to have any contact with this group of people. Many people know very well that these guys are criminals, and they are not ordinary criminals. After all, they are worth 1 million D. For them, whose monthly salary is only about 1500 D, it is very Big gesture.

After Joseph brought a lot of useful things to them, he immediately closed the door of the warehouse. There was a bathroom inside. They could only eat and sleep in it, and they were absolutely not allowed to come out.

Joseph then ordered someone to block the entrance to the warehouse with some empty boxes. This somewhat secretive warehouse was used to transport living goods. The previous batch of women was also transported through this warehouse.

But in order to cover up others' eyes, Joseph could only find some refugees and let them mix among them. Later, they were almost arrested because of the problems of these refugees, but in this world, money can indeed solve most problems.

Next, I need to continue traveling around the world. While delivering some relief supplies, I also need to pick up some goods for delivery. I still have more than 20 orders of goods in my organization, which must be completed first.

Now there is only one thing Joseph is thinking about. How to complete his long-planned plan within one or two years. He must find someone who can help him.

Joseph has contacted many people so far, but he doesn't like them very much. If he wants to escape and complete his identity transformation, he must kill Reano and his group. Joseph will not wait for them to take action. Will strike first to gain the upper hand.

At this moment, there was a burst of rapid short-range radio contact.

"Please set sail immediately."

The client Corey's urgent voice sounded, and Joseph became confused. At this time, he saw military vehicles speeding towards this side on the road surrounding the mountains outside the town.

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