Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 818 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment LXXX

Chapter 818 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment LXXXⅥ

"Lily, arrange a room for Colonel Leo."

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the secretary entered Deguna's office. Leo smiled and nodded, turned around and followed the secretary out.

The matter was basically settled. Looking at the 12 tubes of medicine in the suitcase, Deguna picked up one and weighed it. She looked at the tube of medicine which was only less than 10 centimeters but weighed close to 500 grams. .

Deguna put the suitcase in her safe and planned to send it directly to her husband's house after the few tasks at hand were completed.

The phone rang, Deguna glanced at the number and understood immediately.

"Mr. Prime Minister!"

After picking up the phone, Deguna's voice sounded a little embarrassed.

"Why did you let that guy into the base?"

Sure enough, the matter here could not be hidden even for a few minutes. Faced with the Prime Minister's question, Deguna thought for a moment and finally told the story about the medicine.

"They just want to take this opportunity to turn around, you should"

"Mr. Prime Minister, they won't make any waves, believe me, and if they enter the Space Academy, they can help us attract a certain degree of firepower, right?"

There was silence on the other side of the phone, Deguna was still waiting, and finally the Prime Minister's voice came again.

"This matter must be handled properly. I will have a meal with the people over there tonight. We must put aside some grudges now. After all, the things in front of us are more important."

After the call ended, Deguna relaxed a little. In a few days, Deguna plans to go to a small town where biologists are stationed in neighboring North O to conduct a new round of negotiations. A secret experimental base where the top biologists from neighboring countries are located.

The country's current genetic humans were purchased from that town. A new round of procurement is about to begin. Once the procurement is successful, this C66 will receive a new batch of genetically modified babies, and they will be cultivated into the country's genetically modified babies. Talent that will serve this country 20 years from now.

Excellent genes have been comprehensively researched and screened in the base. Next, as long as the genes are sent over, they will start to improve them and then cultivate the embryos.

Only a few Allied countries possess improved genetic humans, and Country Y, which owns the technology, serves as a supplier of genetic humans to the Allies.

These people will work for the country throughout their lives. Since childhood, their parents have only had the country, are absolutely loyal, and can carry out all orders of the country.

Education from childhood to adulthood will enable these people to have a high sense of national honor and not feel sad because they have no father or mother. They are chosen.

This plan has been in progress half a century ago. There was originally a branch of the plan, clone soldiers, but the effect was not ideal. The life cycle of clones was too short, and their bodies were too weak to carry out some high-intensity operations. Work, and it is too difficult to improve the genes of human clones, and the funds and time required are relatively long.

Therefore, this branch plan of clone soldiers was axed. Genetic soldiers began to shine on the battlefield 20 years ago. As the first generation of genetically improved products with parents, Deguna has been separated and only But she's still human.

But starting from the second generation, the parents were directly eliminated from the world of genetically modified people.

Deguna's contemporaries were basically at the upper echelons of the power world and at the top of many industries.

This plan was very successful, and because of this plan, Deguna's faction became completely dominant.

This plan was jointly promoted by the current prime minister and previous prime ministers, who took turns to stand on the highest peak of national power.

Deguna's parents are still alive, and she and her husband will go back to visit her parents from time to time. They are ordinary people, but they have excellent genes, so they were included in the national plan when they were young.

Couples who participate in this national program will be supported by the state throughout their lives.

Family affection among their generation of improved genetic people has been something that has been with them since they were young, and it is completely different from the second generation.

Now Deguna is thinking about a problem. The first generation of genetically modified people never had any problems, but the second generation is different. There have been many problems, so Deguna hopes that the above can restore the first generation. Methods to improve genetically modified humans from generation to generation, so that they can have parents and have a warm childhood.

Today's second generation only sees a cold metal ceiling when they open their eyes, and their activities are limited to this base. Although they are occasionally taken out by instructors, most of them look unhappy.

In order to completely control these modified genetic people, a special chip will even be implanted after they meet the conditions.

Deguna knows why the country is so anxious now. The domestic economy has been in a downturn for nearly five years, and now most battlefields have ceased fire, but the domestic production value has been declining because there are too many old people and too many young people. few.

Nowadays, we can only release some new technologies to remove some old products from the market, add some new things, and forcibly increase the flow of the economy. This approach will come to an end.


The office door opened and Lily walked in.

"Brigadier General, a room has been prepared for Colonel Leo. The Ministry of Science and Technology hopes that the Brigadier will leave tomorrow for the Mountain Range Factory."

Deguna exhaled a puff of smoke and smiled helplessly.

"Are you really in such a hurry? This time you come with me to Lily."

The secretary nodded and planned to go directly to prepare. Deguna called up a document. This time they needed more than 1,000 genetically modified people, but it was difficult to negotiate.

After all, everyone in the Allied Powers has a strong demand. There are still about 3,000 modified genetic people still being trained in C66. It seems that the country is determined to prepare for the world in 20 years.

The world 20 years from now is very far away for many people today, but it is not far away for the country. Once the plan to land on an asteroid succeeds 20 years from now, the world will undergo a new round of reshuffle.

After Deguna returned from the science and technology seminar, she agreed with most of the scientists in the Ministry of Science that the world would undergo drastic changes in 20 years.

It is correct to prepare in advance. If you lag behind others, you will have no future.

"Do you really want to go up?"

Deguna muttered. She was still a little hesitant about whether she should participate in the landing plan. After all, although this plan has a very high success rate as long as all preparations are made, it only takes one oversight and it will never happen again. No chance at all.

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