Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 811 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment LXX

Chapter 811 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment LXXⅨ

Ofra pressed the microphone and continued to elaborate on the attack on the small military base next to the airport by unknown armed forces.

Reporters kept asking questions, and Ofra answered them one by one. Soon the brief press conference ended. The identity of the attackers had been identified, and they were two notorious gangs in the country.

Back in the office at the back, Ofra sat down slightly tiredly. Fortunately, this time, Witte's scientific research team was not damaged.

The direct defeat of the regular army will inevitably cause waves in the world. The presidents of many countries have already called to express their greetings.

It's just that no one wants to pay attention to what's going on on this land. The weapons seized at the scene were not announced, including the large black metal balls that suddenly appeared in the air that a large number of soldiers had witnessed, and the deaths of armed gangs. Not announced.

Ofra looked at the time and it was already 4pm, just one hour after the attack.

Judging from the weapons and equipment, it was definitely produced by a large arms dealer in country M, but they would not admit it. There had been many such attacks before, and the weapons seized came from this arms dealer.

Although Ofra didn't know who came to the rescue, he did not intend to make it public. The intelligence department did discover that there was an unknown force operating in the country, but this force did not carry out any countermeasures. The harmful activities in this country have taken action during this crisis.

Ofra first planned to put this matter aside. He had urgently convened a cabinet meeting and planned to provide funds to Witte as soon as possible, as well as a place suitable for use as a laboratory.

Ofra plans to do everything possible to help Witte during his term. There are still two years left in his term, and he will not feel peaceful in these two years.

Ofra no longer wants to pay attention to those words from the outside world. This country has become so bad that it can no longer be bad, and it doesn't matter anymore.

Every president was full of enthusiasm when he came to power and wanted to rectify the country's evils. However, everything backfired. Previously, they relied on the shrewd and capable chief of staff to do it in one fell swoop.

The funds of these gang members can only flow domestically, and are completely frozen abroad. Therefore, nearly half of the gang members will flee abroad, and the vigorous reform has failed.

It is no longer possible to find a suitable leader.

Just when Ofra was thinking deeply, the door of the office was pushed open, and the cabinet members came. Ofra immediately asked the secretary to explain to everyone.

"President, if we do this, the situation will be worse, even your safety."

"Don't you even have an ounce of backbone anymore?"

Ofra became furious and looked at the pensive faces. No one supported it, everyone was opposed. Ofra knew exactly what they were planning.

The current situation has become such that it is irreversible. The best option is to cooperate with the gang members. As long as you promise not to argue with the gang members, you can get generous gifts.

The country has always been labeled as cowardly politics. This is the only chance, but everything is over.

At this time the secretary came over.

"Mr. President, the child who was brutally murdered by gang members a few days ago was not the mayor's child."

Ofra was a little excited for a moment, clenching her fists and shaking her hands. At this moment, Ofra was relieved. In order to strictly protect the mayor's child, Ofra had ordered that the child's profile be deleted. file.

The original plan was to wait until the plan was successful before restoring the child's files. After all, in the domestic power circles, gang members had too many minions.

Those gang members who have been engaged in criminal industry for decades have already become extremely wealthy. They control one-third of the world's black industry.

Looking at the cabinet who were still discussing the pros and cons, Ofra knew that the country was hopeless, and only by destroying everything could order be re-established.

"Okay, that's it for now. I hope you can handle the problem properly this time."

After the cabinet members left, Ofra sat on the chair with some disappointment. The secretary next to him had already begun to draft an agricultural document. He could only get some funds from the Ministry of Agriculture and planned it under the name of agriculture. To Werther.

After all, Ofra is from the Ministry of Agriculture, and any powerful person in this country is inseparable from gang members. Ofra has also received gifts from gang members.

It's just that Ofra has only come into contact with moderate gangs, and those younger radicals have begun to rise rapidly. Chaos in this country will come sooner or later, it is just a matter of time.

"Where are Werther and the others?"

"The arrangements have been made and we will be here soon."

Ofra hummed. He wanted to ask Werther in detail about what he said on the phone before returning to China.

Before the plan to exterminate the source of commodities, there was another plan to eliminate it, but this plan was too cruel. If it were really done, it would violate human moral conscience and even cause many problems and cause many people to be displaced.

Ofra is a little uneasy now. He doesn't know what Witt's plan is. This genius who won the biology prize at a young age is upright and kind. At the same time, he is a close friend of the mayor.

Ofra still remembers the first time she met him, when he was given a banquet by the then president after returning from winning the award. Werther was shrouded in countless halos, but was as shy as a big boy. Over the years, we have been committed to breakthroughs in biology, especially the improvement of crop genes, and we have developed a variety of high-yielding crops.

The country's agriculture has also experienced a qualitative leap due to the emergence of Witte, which once increased the total export value by many percentage points.

"Mr. President, Dr. Witte and the others are here."

Ofra stood up. Today's two meetings were one at a small military base next to the airport in the morning and the second at the presidential palace.


The door of the office was pushed open, and Witte walked in under the escort of guards. For a moment, Ofra put away his smile and his expression became serious.

The eyes of the man in front of him have completely changed. The sadness and hesitation in his eyes could be seen before, but now these things have disappeared.

With a pair of bright and unwavering eyes, Ofra said sorry, and Werther shook his head.

"There are still 13 students who are willing to continue to follow me. For the other students, I hope you can arrange for them to go abroad as soon as possible, preferably today."

Ofra nodded and took Witte's hand.

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