Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 807 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment LXX

Chapter 807 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment LXXⅤ

April 13, 2056


Tang Rao climbed up from the bed, immediately turned her head and retched, but there was nothing left in her stomach. She pressed the edge of the bed in pain. There was a strong smell of alcohol in the room. Directly opposite the bed was In the living room, there are several empty bottles on the table.

Bai Tou was lying on the sofa, still sleeping soundly. It seemed that he had drunk a lot of wine last night. Tang Rao got up with difficulty. Her limbs were sore and weak, and she fell to the ground as the world was spinning.

Bai Tou opened his eyes and looked much better. Tang Rao used a chair to support herself and sat up. She covered her mouth and retched again, and immediately took out another hangover pill. , swallowed it.

After Bai Tou got up from the sofa, he poured a glass of hot water for Tang Rao. She seemed to feel a lot better after drinking it, holding her stomach in pain.

"You bastard, you should have stopped me."

Bai Tou smiled and opened the window. The cool wind flowed into the room, and the smell of alcohol in the room dissipated.

After getting up, I washed myself casually and went out, because the bathroom was next to the living room and the door was broken.

"Really, you probably like men, you bastard."

Tang Rao threw down his clothes and started to take a shower.

Bai Tou knocked on the door of Weiner's house. As soon as he entered, he saw X sitting in the living room of Weiner's house. The two of them were talking about something. This guy would come almost every day or two.

"you're awake."

Bai Tou walked over and took some money from Weiner's hand.

"same as usual."

Gene made an OK gesture. It was already 11 o'clock in the morning. Bai Tou had to go out to eat something and then bring one back to Weiner. Weiner basically stayed at home every day and would only go to the rooftop in the morning. A little exercise, some sunshine, and pretty much a full day of computational research.

XZ has always been concerned about this young man, because just yesterday he had obtained all the information about this person named Li Ji'en when he was in elementary school. He was called a child prodigy when he was in elementary school, and he had a photographic memory of all his knowledge.

But every time he took the exam, Bai Tou did not get full marks, and the rumors of being a child prodigy only lasted for a short period of time and then stopped. X had read these simple test papers.

After some deliberation, it is certain that Bai Tou deliberately failed to get full marks. After in-depth investigation, X found that he has a very good relationship with the people around here, and everyone thinks that he is a good person.

Most of the gang members in the city knew him, which surprised X. However, when investigating the death of his mother and the restaurant owner Li Ji who adopted him, no one could tell clearly. .

X can be sure that no one knows the truth of the matter, because the collected rumors are all messy and are all rumors.

There is only one reason why X is curious about him. Wiener in front of him may have really told this young man everything about quantum propulsion technology, and this young man may have memorized everything.

This is the most intuitive thing that X has considered so far. Although he did not ask Weiner, he can feel it because Weiner is the same kind as himself.

Peering into the abyss of science, he wanted to pursue the ultimate in science. From what looked like graffiti, but was actually known only to himself, X could be sure that Wiener was still continuing to research quantum physics. What else? Repeated thinking and calculations are carried out on new arguments in order to arrive at results.

This is the result of Weiner's lifelong research. As a scientist who is still passionate today, his life is coming to an end. Once he dies, his life's hard work will disappear with him.

X, who is also a top scientist, can understand this pain, so he found a way to continue his scientific life in another way before his life was about to end.

The same goes for Weiner. He also wants to find a way to continue his scientific life, and Li Ji'en is the right candidate.

That young man was unassuming and gentle, and could always easily eliminate the temptation of the material world.

"He is your student, right?"

X put down the tea cup in his hand. The smile on Weiner's face, who was still talking about some things in the past, disappeared, and his expression became serious.

"That's half of it!"

The moment he heard the correct answer from Weiner, X felt goosebumps all over his body. Quantum propulsion has a future, and the future will have infinite possibilities. The anxiety in his heart was released at this moment. .

"Please continue everything, Dr. Wiener. As scientific workers, we are just slaves of science throughout our lives. And the life we ​​have paid as slaves, if we cannot go to the future, then our life as slaves will be It would be meaningless.”

Weiner didn't say anything to refute this time. These are what he has been thinking about these days. Starting from the foundation of quantum physics and the people who discovered quantum, this technology has been constantly evolving and continues to this day.

"We can help in any way we can."

X said with firm eyes, Weiner shook his head.

"You don't have to do anything. The right to choose is in the hands of this young man. I have decided that before I am buried, the only thing I can do is to teach this young man as much as possible."

X stood up and bowed in respect, then laughed happily.

"Your efforts will not be in vain, Dr. Weiner, but I hope you can leave here, given the current situation here."

Weiner shook his head.

"I was born here, and I hope to be here when I die. Life always has a starting point, and it's the same when it comes to an end."

X couldn't help but think of Wiener's speech at the World Expo. After that speech, he began to fade out of the scientific community.

"Do other life forms really exist?"

X asked, Weiner smiled and nodded affirmatively.

"The quantum world can touch the future, the definition of the macroscopic universe, the definition of the microscopic universe, but what about the quantum world? What exactly is it? Perhaps there is a fifth force in the universe that we have not seen yet."

X's expression was tight. He knew that Wina said was not a joke. This rumor has been in scientists for half a century. There are many hypothetical theories and verifications. There is no way to detect the existence of the fifth force.

At this moment,

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