Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 81 Fierce fight! Strange Road (Part 1)

"I said Gene, what's the name of the song you always play?"

The young Ji Ming was holding a wine glass and leaning on the bar drunkenly in the joyful atmosphere of the bar. He looked at Jean who was whistling and drinking silently. The joyful atmosphere calmed down with this whistle song.

The slightly sad but soft melody that is suitable for dreaming made many people indulge in the pleasant sound, and Ji Mo was also listening infatuatedly.

Qu Guan

There was warm applause in the bar. Gene took a sip of the strong drink and said without changing his expression.

"In the past, when people could only live in underground mines, a woman would often play this tune to put her children to sleep."

"Jean, what era are you from? Haha, what are you talking about in your sleep?"

The memories so far in his mind appeared like a revolving lantern. Ji Mo took off his glasses slightly, pressed the middle of his nose, and said with a sad tone.

"Only by moving forward straight and showing fearless momentum can we break through all obstacles."

After Gene took a puff of his cigarette, he stood up, threw away the cigarette butt, and threw away the uniform he was wearing. The uniform fluttering in the wind fell softly to the ground. On his shoulder, there was an eye-catching pattern of swirling 13 with white letters and a red background.

"This road is blocked. You two are now under arrest for violating the city's endangerment crime. If you resist"

Jean's expression began to become extremely serious, his eyes were cold, and his smile became evil.

"I'll beat you half to death first."


Ji Mo lowered his head. C139 had raised his arms in a defensive posture, but he only saw a light blue light. The whole person had flown backwards and hit an underground car on the railroad tracks with a bang. On the subway, people and people flew out of the subway.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and C139 suffered an extremely violent impact. His eyes widened in agony and ferocity. All the plans flashed through his mind, and his head began to feel dizzy.


Gene dropped his left foot and stood on the same steps as Ji Mo, and tapped his right foot gently on the steps behind him. He moved gracefully, his body slightly bent, and his head reached to Ji Mo's ear, with one hand in his pocket.

"How many years since the season finale?"

"More than 30 years."

Gene grinned slightly.

"To be precise, it's 33 years, 4 months and 23 days. I don't want to hear your excuses. For some kind of justice or for the future of mankind, come back with me."

Ji Mo put his glasses in his pocket and smiled slightly, but at this time Ji Mo's smile was a little crazy.

"I don't want to defend anything, nor do I hope to get your relief or understanding. It's just that you once said that a man doesn't need a reason to do something, right?"

"You damn kid, I have to say this a few times before you understand. I finally got water from the aid station. If you're thirsty, just be patient and pass."

"Mom, just drink a little and you'll be fine."

"Just swallow some saliva and pass."

C139 woke up, feeling a stabbing pain in his back. His eyes widened. A piece of iron sheet pierced his abdomen, and the tip had already poked out of his belly. He grinned, his eyes widened, howled angrily, and opened his folder. Holding on to his metal car, he pulled the sharp objects out of his body bit by bit, and rolled down the subway that was crushed by the impact.


Blood dripped, C139 pressed his abdomen and back, tore off his clothes, and raised his head to tighten the bleeding area. His consciousness was still a little blurry, but what appeared in front of him was a golden throne on a step. He held up one hand.

"I must not fall down here. Even God cannot stop me."

While speaking, C139 pressed a hand on the ribs of his semi-mechanized body, and after pulling open the skin, a small red button was revealed. The moment he pressed it, his stiff body became able to move in just a few seconds, and it hurt. The feeling disappeared instantly, and he looked at the two people still on the stairs in a daze.

As long as Jean is held back and given the time to escape to the South District at the end of the season, and he can find a way to escape by himself, the plan can still be implemented.

C139 started running quickly, almost crazy. Semi-mechanical biochemical modifications like theirs can cut off pain nerves. This is an emergency method. Pain will make the body extremely inflexible. Now is the time to risk your life.

As a mutant with only B-level status, C139 underwent a cyborg transformation surgery 10 years ago, all in order to wait for this opportunity to ascend the throne.

"Lord Ji Mo, you go first. We must not fall here. Our subordinates will fulfill their duties faithfully."

A furious roar sounded, and along with the spurting flames, C139, already on fire, flew up to Gene.

Gene pinched C139's neck, making a sizzling sound, and the flames burned his clothes. Ji Mo next to him had already rushed up the stairs first, and Gene turned his head without looking at C139.

"Young man, get out of here."


There was a loud noise, the stone steps shattered, and C139 was smashed to the ground by Gene. He turned around and was about to rush over, but stopped at the moment.

"Who is the little guy?"

The flame on C139's body was extinguished. There was a small black hole at the fingertips of his raised hands. The sunlight shone slightly. In front of Jean, dazzling rays of light flashed across his eyes from time to time. One by one, they were already intertwined. The white silk thread at the entrance of the subway station.

"Who defines who is the king and who is the pawn?"

Jean tilted his head and looked sideways at C139. He was already scarred. Although he had caught the blow just now, he had been seriously injured.

"Do you want to die?"


As C139 crossed his arms, Gene quickly turned around, jumped into the air, flipped in the air, and landed under the stairs.

Pieces of cut stones fell from the wall. C139 turned around and looked at Gene excitedly. He only needed to persist for 10 minutes. Even ordinary people could reach the end of the season by running. In a neighborhood with people, all you need to do is run to the South District and you will be safe, and the people above should have already sent someone to respond.

"Give up resistance, you can't run away anymore."

C139 smiled really ferociously and kept shaking his head.

"You've never looked down at the ground, Gene."

A cigarette was lit, and Gene took a long drag, smiling slightly helplessly.

"Idiot, if you don't look at your feet, won't you be unable to walk steadily?"

With a burst of wild laughter, C139 jumped towards Jean, and the fingers of both hands were manipulating invisible threads, drawing towards Jean.

Ji Mo, who had already left the subway, did not run away. Instead, he looked at the subway exit in front of him, which was mostly blocked by collapsed rocks. The wild laughter of C139 came from inside. He was a little surprised, but he seemed to understand something. He smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"A cicada is a cicada after all. There is no way it can turn into a praying mantis, let alone an oriole, a little boy."

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