Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 801 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment LX

Chapter 801 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment LXⅨ

"Where are you taking me?"

Melinda looked at the people from the National Security Agency next to her with some horror. She was taken into a car. The lights at night were familiar yet unfamiliar. She had been wandering outside for more than two years.

The people next to her didn't answer Melinda, but just sat silently on both sides. The car drove out a few times at high speed. It was already 10 o'clock in the evening. The plane landed at an airport for refueling and then flew here non-stop.

Melinda didn't know where she was going to be taken. After the plane landed, she was taken down by people from the National Security Agency, while the other hostages who were hijacked with her flew to another place.

In the past few years, I have been living in hesitation and fear. My husband passed away a few years ago. It is a rare genetic disease. However, the bad luck did not stop. My 8-year-old son was also diagnosed with the same disease. sick.

Melinda's life was about to collapse. At this time, a brand-new experimental technology was announced. The medical department of the Science and Technology Conference released some data. This rare genetic disease was included in the study of human genes.

Melinda took her son to a technology seminar, but there were countless people suffering from the same disease. If they wanted to get free experimental treatment, they had to wait, but her son was too young and couldn't wait. As a result, a sampling survey Yes, the experiment carries huge risks.

Just when Melinda was withdrawing, the chairman of the science and technology seminar found herself. As a surgeon, Melinda had superb medical skills, so X found herself.

After the conversation, Melinda agreed to X's request and asked her to go to Continent F to carry out a top-secret project. Melinda herself had experience in assisting international rescue organizations in providing medical assistance around the world.

When Melinda hesitated, she agreed to X's request because he promised to save his son.

Her son is Melinda's last hope in this world. Now things have turned around, and experimental genetically modified drugs are working.

Her mind was filled with everything she had done in Continent F. Countless people died due to new genetic drugs, but Melinda wrote down other diseases on the report.

Melinda needs to accept the condemnation of her conscience all day long. She doesn't know how to face the future, and the pain has begun to increase day by day.

Now, Melinda is even more afraid that what she has done has been exposed, so people from the National Security Agency will find her.

The car drove all the way into the city. Melinda looked at the pedestrians coming and going on the street and the flashing neon lights. Melinda suddenly took out a sharp scalpel from her pocket and suddenly The person on the right hooked her, and the scalpel pressed directly on her artery, causing blood to overflow from her skin.

"Just one more centimeter and his aorta would rupture, stop the car."


The car stopped and she looked at the gun pointed at her. The other member and the two people in the front row had already taken out their guns. Melinda knew that she must not be arrested now. Once she was arrested, maybe this I will never see my son again in my life.

"Miss, please calm down. We are not trying to arrest you. Dr. X from the Technology Seminar is waiting for you."

Melinda was doubtful, but the scalpel never moved away, so the car could only continue to start. The kidnapped man endured the pain, and the car drove faster on the street.

It wasn't until the car arrived at a quiet hotel parking lot that Melinda put down the scalpel the moment she saw X.

"Feel sorry!"

Melinda said, covering her cheeks. Sweat started to seep out from her forehead. .

After it was over, Melinda followed X into the high-rise room of the hotel.

"Have a drink, Dr. Melinda. Congratulations on successfully completing your mission."

For a moment, Melinda looked at X in shock. He poured a glass of wine with a smile and handed it over. Melinda drank it in one gulp, and her somewhat out-of-control emotions gradually calmed down.

X felt incredible when looking at this woman. Originally, he just wanted to wait for her to complete the task and let her disappear forever. As for her son, it didn't matter whether she could be saved or not.

Nowadays, F Continent has achieved amazing experimental results. In the past few years, with the joint efforts of the doctors they have placed in international relief organizations, they have obtained a large amount of reliable and reliable research data. These data ultimately lead to only A place where artificial genes are synthetically added.

As a clone, X has been able to work safely for a long time over the years. It is only because of this large amount of experimental data that he can continuously improve his cloned genes.

"Tomorrow you can arrange the transfer procedures for your son. I now formally invite you to join the science and technology seminar, Dr. Melinda. In the future, I hope you can join our medical department to conduct more research."

Melinda laughed bitterly, and then looked at X fiercely.

"A lot of people have died, are you happy?"

X shook his head.

"Those who have died will play an unparalleled role as the cornerstone of the future of human medical care. This is the way the world is. You must have seen a lot of things in Continent F. Why is that land so barren and why has it never been able to develop? "

Melinda held up the cup drunkenly. X poured the wine into the cup. Melinda drank it in one gulp. She smiled bitterly and pressed her forehead.

"Dr. Melinda doesn't need to feel guilty for her actions. If human medicine wants to continue to develop in the future, it will eventually reach this point. You should also know that in the past few decades, humans have abused antibiotics. Bad consequences."

Melinda didn't answer X. She didn't know how to answer.

"Don't worry, Dr. Melinda. I will provide you with favorable conditions. Our technology seminar will never be stingy with capable people."

X now feels that this woman is decisive and calm in doing things. She is indeed a rare talent. There will be many things in the future that will require this woman's help.

The woman who was supposed to be abandoned unexpectedly did a lot of things in just a few months, and no one is aware of it now.

The data obtained in Fzhou will be of great help to a variety of new drugs in the future.

"Just get some rest tonight, Dr. Melinda."

X said and opened the door to the room, and a guard next to him came over.

"We will make arrangements tomorrow to transfer her and her son to another hospital."

"are you sure?"

X hummed.

"Occasionally there are people like this who, in desperate situations, are forced to realize their potential."

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