Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 793 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment LX

Chapter 793 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment LXⅠ

In the distance, several jeeps came out, bringing 21 hostages, all from this country. Then a group of special forces, followed by many people with camera equipment, began to enter the small city.

Ben sat on the chair, watching the performance, and couldn't help showing a look of disdain, but there was indeed a bitter smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, a leader took a suitcase from a man in black with a smile. After opening it, the armed forces cheered crazily.

The little boss put his cheek to the banknotes in the box and sniffed it, and someone immediately took the money counting machine.

Soon the little leader shook hands with the man in black, and the man in black followed the group towards the city.

There was a loud bang, and there was an explosion in the distant city. It was just a small explosion and a lot of intensive gunfire.

"Are they making a movie?"

A mercenary joked, and Ben exhaled a puff of smoke. He planned to continue waiting here, waiting for the reporter's final results.

What Pierre's outcome would be, Ben wanted to see for himself until he stopped breathing.

What Pierre did was the most correct thing for people, but it was extremely bad for the whole world.

One million per person can save the face of some countries and the impact they have suffered in this matter. It is too cost-effective.

“The practice of raising tigers to create trouble.”

I originally thought that the armies of various countries would be able to eradicate these armed forces if they took action. However, they only came to take their hostages home.

These armed forces don't care about the dirty water poured over them from all over the world, because they are inherently black and will be swallowed up no matter what color they are.

"It's really good money."

Ben muttered and made a casual estimate. If the amount is 1 million per person, this armed force will have more than 200 million funds in an instant. With these funds, they can renovate this small town and buy a large number of weapons, ammunition, and supplies.

Pierre didn't know who started this, but he was certain that everyone had reached a consensus. As the spokespersons of various countries said, troops had already been dispatched to resolve the matter, and the hostages would be rescued safe and sound.

Ben stood up and walked over with his weapon, and many people followed him.

"Where are you going, head?"

"I just went to see that innocent fool. The final outcome. It's okay. Nothing will happen."

Sure enough, it was exactly what Ben said. After he passed by, he got directly into the car of a small boss. He listened to the small boss talking excitedly about what happened this time. He was showing off how many people he had arrested and how much they were worth.

In just a few days, the organization has made thousands of times more money than they have made in looting and fighting all the way.

As soon as he entered the city, he saw those berets shooting at the deserted alleys. The gang members also actively cooperated and shot at random.

Another house was bombed, the local people cried and shouted, and the photographers were dedicated to filming the gang members' rough behavior.

The violent gang member seemed satisfied with his performance and smiled brightly.

The car drove all the way to the center of the city, and at this time, a gang member carrying a gun on a rooftop shouted excitedly. As soon as Pierre turned around, he saw fighter jets flying towards this direction.

"Is it over yet?"

After reading the flag logo on the fighter jet with an electronic telescope, Ben immediately understood that Pierre would die today.

1 p.m. sharp

Jerry and Tom quietly looked at the uniformed National Security Agency personnel in front of them. They had already confessed something, and now they would be detained because they were suspected of endangering national security.

Ghost is a hacker on the wanted list. The two contacted him and were classified as endangering national security. Now they don't even have the right to call a lawyer.

"Gentlemen, because of your actions, you will be sent to prison."

Jerry immediately wanted to get up angrily, but was pushed down by the person behind him. Tom just lowered his head, and then he immediately begged for mercy.

"Our grandma just had an operation and needs someone to take care of her."

"Sorry sir, my grandma also just had surgery, but I still have to investigate you two bastards."

The other party seemed very angry, and then the two of them were taken away.

The news has begun to report on a large scale that special forces have begun to raid the strongholds of the armed forces and have fierce exchanges of fire with the armed forces.

Some of the images and videos were taken an hour ago. Many people stopped to watch the scenes on the big screens on the street. Dust from the explosion was everywhere, the sound of gunfire was very intensive, and there were a lot of crying.

"Please believe us, please don't believe those rumors. The news we just received is that Pierre, who claimed to be a journalist who previously posted a live broadcast, has been investigated by his country. He is suspected of participating in many riots. This is completely untrue. A naked fraud."

Following the angry voice of the spokesperson, many people on the street who had donated money began to curse angrily.

People who had nowhere to vent their anger yelled. Jerry and Tom, who were sitting in the escort car, looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Above the window, you could just see the speaker's mouth on the big screen. Both of them saw that the corners of the speaker's mouth were raised, and he looked very happy.

"The facts are clearly in front of us, but why do people choose to believe those things?"

Jerry asked, and Tom next to him raised his head and was still crying. The two of them didn't know what to do.

They didn't know what was waiting for them in the future, and they didn't dare to think about it. They looked helplessly at the people on the street with angry faces.

2:03 p.m.

Bai Tou yawned and looked at the big screen in the distance. Next to him, Weiner looked angry.

"The tide of news reporting has completely changed, and that guy has become a liar."

Although it was just a short news item, it did not cause any waves in this place because no one donated money. After all, people here also need assistance.

"Is the world always like this? The world before, the world now."

Bai Tou said and Weiner nodded.

"The same is true in the future world. Whoever can control the terminal of information can control everything. This is the case with quantum mechanics!"

"Then what can be done?"

As Baitou said, Weiner looked at Pierre on the news, and then turned around helplessly.

"Have a drink with me."

"You haven't answered me yet!"

Bai Tou said and Weiner laughed.

"With a few more fools like this, the world might be a better place."

Bai Tou glanced back at the screen behind him, and saw the childish-looking man on it. Ellie came to mind, and he smiled helplessly.

"If someone can help such a fool, maybe the world will be saved!"

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